Mentor Application - bostonthebear

Mentor Application - bostonthebear

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Allie ‘Son’ Trovato, Chlorine Mallery, NZ-XXX

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

Becoming a mentor is something I’ve wanted to do since around 6 months ago, where I had asked Stalkerino if it was possible to become a mentor. The role is something I am genuinely interested in, and I feel confident in my abilities to teach new players, as its something I’ve done before. I would also like to be seen in the community as a mentor, as I normally love answering questions on the discord and in game, and becoming a mentor would allow me to do this more efficiently. Also I cannot lie by saying that roleplaying as an SEA wouldn’t be like a dream come true, and anyone would agree that it is something I am capable of doing. CMB’s are my favorite role to play because of the amount of things you can do with it, and I do think there’s a big correlation between the two. When it comes to roleplay itself, I am able to seamlessly swap between roleplay and seriousness in game if the situation requires it.
Finally, on my staff application, a lot of people told me I would be better as a mentor instead of an admin, and I wholeheartedly agree. Although not being my main reasoning, I do hope that by being a good mentor, I would able to build trust with the moderators and staff team. I want to reiterate that I understand being a mentor is not as much as a stepping stone to admin, and hopefully the above will let me prove this.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

My knowledge is very much marine sided, which I know is very abundant in mentors, but I feel like I’m able to bring unique knowledge to the table. For instance, my highest playtimes are Mortar, CAS and Smartgunners, which may help with the fire support skill issues that are going around lately. Not only this, but I am pretty proficient in code diving, so any gaps in my knowledge can easily be replaced with a little bit of digging.

I have a rather intermediate understanding on most other things. I’ve dabbled in queen, xenos, and others. Additionally, although my medical hours seem quite low, I played a lot of medical on TG servers, which although it doesn’t carry over fully, I’m still able to have a pretty in depth understanding on things.

My weak points would have to be OT and MPs. Looking at my playtimes, it would be safe to assume that my knowledge on marine law is low, however I have recently been beginning to learn it, and I feel confident in law.

How often are to able to play CM?:

Around 14-20 hours.

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:




Anything else you’d like to add?:


Admin notes:

I’m diagnosed with ADHD, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Also, since my xeno hours are lacking, I would totally understand if people wanted me to focus xeno for a bit and come back in a time, but I’ve been told it shouldn’t matter that much. Any questions that aren’t knowledge tests, please DM me! Thanks all.


I’ve known Boston for about 3 or 4 years and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that he’d be a great mentor. Every time we talk about this game it’s like he has the wiki memorized or something because as far as I can remember he’s never not known the answer to a question of mine and I have A LOT of questions, I suck at this game. He’s also just a really nice guy and I know for certain he would take any role with even a crumb of responsibility with the upmost of professionalism. He’s also just a really good member of the community : )

Decent xeno hours, good spread. Nice marine hours, although a little low on medical and engineering playtimes. Maybe someone can ask some questions or provide scenario mhelps relating to these, or something.
Veteran player who RPs well, plus the application is great this time around! Good work, +1

+1 so awesome!!! endearing!

Approved. Sorry I thought I had actually already handled this one.

Added mentor:approved and removed mentor:waiting