Mentor Application - Denco0p
Byond CKEY:
Discord ID:
Character Name(s):
Vladimir ‘Black’ Morozov
Why do you want to become a Mentor?:
When I first stumbled upon CM (and SS13 in general) on my own, I was really excited but also lost because I didn’t know the rules or basics. Despite that, I decided to stick with it and figure things out on my own. I know that it can be tough for new players who are just starting out without assistance. I believe that I have enough patience and experience to support others. That’s the main reason why I want to be a Mentor.
What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:
OT - only know basics
CAS - specifically bad with FM and unfamiliar with arsenal. Familiar with equipment and upgrades.
Food and drinks
How often are to able to play CM?:
Monday - Friday (GMT+5)
A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:
Imgur: The magic of the Internet,
Anything else you’d like to add?:
Whenever I have doubts, I can quickly access a local server to double check information, ensuring I don’t make mistakes and misinform new players.
I’ve seen this guy around a lot, and spent a decent amount of time with him here and there. I think he’s got what it takes to be a mentor. +1
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I have seen Morozov do consistently well in marine roles, and they are an asset to any round!
I have some sample Mhelps and SEA action questions for you:
Sample Mhelps
- people told me to directionally slash, what even is that?
- Please help i am new how do i use my smart scope i dont want to shoot allies
- Why cant I talk as a lesser drone? Others can talk what gives
- why cant I move when I pounce people is it my ping?
- Someone has a red heart by their head and I cant defib them, why wont it work I am using epi
- What are ubs and eb and everything else people keep asking for, how am I supposed to know what these mean?
- How can I get facehuggers for traps quicker?
SEA Actions
- You are in the CIC, and the captain says, “SEA, dial that OB.” What do you do?
- A new nurse standing in medbay lobby. They don’t have a headset or medical hud. What are the first things you teach/show them?
- A SO asks you what they are supposed to do. How do you explain the duties of an SO to them?
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Thank you for your feeback!
As for the questions:
Sample Mhelps
Directional slash is a setting which allows to slash target rather than sprite-clicking them. You have to click behind your target for attacks to land. You can enable it by writing “Toggle-Directional-Attacks” in console or by going into top right tab → Preferences → Edit characters → Settings → Toggle Directional Assist.
To attach attachments to your weapon you have to click on a gun while holding smart scope in your active hand. You also don’t need to stay scoped in to avoid hitting your allies. But keep in mind that the smart scope deals less damage and is compatible with only a few weapons like M4RA and M44. Anything else I can help you with?
Lesser drones can only communicate after three minutes of being alive. This is a game mechanic designed to prevent unwanted metagaming.
In fact, it’s not your ping! It’s more of design feature that prevents runners or lurkers from moving for a short period after pouncing on a marine.
The red heart indicates that their heart is broken and they need a doctor for immediate organ surgery! Otherwise, they could be permanently deceased.
UBS stands for under barrel shotgun and EB stands for extended barrel. For more slang terms you can check out this wiki page Slang - CM-SS13 - Wiki
You can fix your chat by selecting OOC in the top right tab and clicking “fix chat.”(I doubt they would be able to read my reply. In that case, I would try to explain them using Imaginary friend
You can directly place queen’s eggs into an egg morpher to instantly receive facehuggers. (I assume they already know how to plant eggs/digest bodies)
SEA Actions
If I was ordered to dial OB I would inform XO that I cannot follow an illegal order. SEA is meant to act as an enlisted
First, I would explain types of damage brute/burn/tox/oxy/organ Then I would introduce them to their equipment and machines in medbay (headset, med hud too) and how to actually deal with these types of damage. When I make sure they keep up with information I would show them how to treat Internal Bleedings and only then teach how to handle chemline.
I would explain that their main responsibilities are to follow orders of ASO, XO, CO. Besides that they have to monitor marines, using supply drop pods, provide them with information and organizing them. I would also mention that good SO is never a silent SO.
Phenomenal answers! You have a big plus one from me
Seen Vladimir a bit in medical roles, where he’s clearly knowledgeable and skilled. OOC, he’s a great guy and would do well as a mentor. +1
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