Mentor Application - gl0ck

Mentor Application - gl0ck

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Randy ‘Mimir’ Earl

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I have helped a handful (mostly new MPs) of new Marines in their roles get settled in, as well as getting some help in my own roles myself. I basically want to help other players understand the game from a more official level, so that I may reciprocate my knowledge easier.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

My strongest area is easily MP/Marine Law, with Medical and Engineering right behind it

My weakest area is probably Research, with Overwatch and CAS next to it. Xeno too, I know the general roles/playstyles and mechanics of the castes, just perhaps not the more hyper-specific caste mechanics.

How often are to able to play CM?:

20-ish hours a week

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Human Hours: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Xeno Hours: Imgur: The magic of the Internet,

Anything else you’d like to add?:

Nothing much, but I would love to take this opportunity to allow myself, and others to grow as players.

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Not going to lie your hours look pretty horrific, as a Mentor you will basically never answer an MP related question because that’s usually the realm of staff members and for your medical hours it’s one of the roles that will be doing the least aka no surgery and usually on the Almayer if not maybe in the FOB. For your engineering times you have about 10 hours combined and that’s IF you’re doing something on MT instead of just fucking around on the Almayer which equals out about to 8-10 rounds of experience in these roles.

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apart from Xeno, (because I know my hours are low there but i’ve been playing alot more recently) what would you suggest I have hours wise

additionally, unless this is traditionally delegated to CMO or something, Medical isn’t really as much about you doing surgery yourself as it is teaching the plethora of new Nurses/Doctors how to not kill their patients/work chem line/etc.

I mean when I first joined, my first role was Nurse and I had NO IDEA what I was doing (granted this was before the age of convenient bottle vendors) so I had someone try and teach me for like 20 minutes just how to manually make a tank of UNGA

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Basically any role but MP related roles and Liaison. If you believe your time in Nurse has given you a wealth of knowledge on treatment, surgery, and chem feel free to list me a few things you think the average player might not know about them, and a few questions you imagine you’d be asked about medical roles.

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The average player may not know things like ghetto surgery or that you can in fact speed up larva surgery by using your hands (although it deals a mild amount of burn damage). That or the intricacies of why some things just are the way they are.

People are telling me my UNGA Mix is bad because it has Dex+ in it, I thought oxy healing was good?

While normally oxygen healing is good in a controlled environment, (like an Operating Room with minimal risk) most people that will be taking it are people that need fast healing, Groundside Marines. The Dexalin+ in this mixture will, at best just dilute your brute and burn healing and make it slightly slower for marines to recover. At worst this can cause a marine to become capped, as it will negate any oxy damage that may be caused from being in a critical state after being injured.

I am fixing a fracture on a marine’s chest and the sleep gas is not working on them, what do I do?

Chances are if you are fixing a fracture, then it at one point was un-splinted and caused some internal organ damage. If it caused damage to the lungs, then your patient will not be able to intake the sleeping gas. Your other option for being able to safely do surgery is injecting Oxycodone into the patient.

I left UNGA pill bottles for the marines in Medical/Alamo but nobody seems to want them. I thought pill bottles held alot of reagents, why is this?

While pill bottles do generally hold alot more reagents then other options, most Marines will prefer that you put it in a tank for 2 main reasons. Basic Marines cannot open pill bottles as they lack the medical skill to do so and usually opt to put it in canteens. Corpmen usually don’t take them as they are generally hard to dose compared to if they put it in a reagent pouch or bottles with a hypospray.

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my understanding was this wasnt true anymore, but I may be mistaken.

Here’s some mechanics that I had trouble with and had to have explained to me, or commonly get asked for help with at different points learning jobs in CM, I am not a mentor, feel free to disregard these.

  • I signed up as nurse and am being asked for “IA”, what is that and where do I get it?
  • People keep shouting at me for unga juice! what does it mean?
  • This person wants me to fix their broken robot foot, but the scanner just says “nonfunctional” what do I do?
  • What does this flashing heart icon mean? is this guy perma?
  • People are asking me to put a TV in the medbay. How do I do that?
  • I’ve been told to fix comms, how do I do that?
  • I spawned as cameraman, where do I get my camera?
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looking at the current code, using tools is about 1.5x longer than using your hands from what I can tell


A few questions for you:

Q: MHELP: I’m a cargo technician and people keep asking me for delta keys. Where do I get those?

Q: MHELP: I’m new to Staff Officer and nobody is listening to me when I tell them to go to a location over the radio! What do I do?

Q: MHELP: HI, I’m a drone, how do I make a resin pylon?

Q: MEHLP: Hey I keep mixing my ANFO just as the ratio is described but it keeps igniting me. What am I doing wrong?

Q: MHELP: How do I process Intel?

Q: MHELP: Where is the engineering decks on the Colony? (Map is Sorokyne Strata)

Q: MHELP: As Xeno, I keep seeing people swap through their abilities really quickly. How do I do that?

Q: MHELP Hey am I allowed to kill [name] because they stripped me naked and looted me?

Q: MHELP: This person asked me to make “bonemender” pills, how do I do that?

Q: MHELP: I keep trying to make barricades at the front but the Marines are telling me to make folding Cades. Why?? I thought they are weaker??

Q: MHELP: Hey, how do I fix power? I have been sitting on comms but it keeps dying

Q: As SEA, you find a brand new private in prep. Their character name is “Abcdefgh”, what do you do?

Q: MHELP: HI I’m new to carrier and I don’t know what is this ability resin hole?

Q: As SEA, a Minor Event is being ran and hostile CLF are boarding the Almayer. There are no MPs. What do you do?

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There should be a small room in the bottom left of the Requisitions Department, in there there is a vendor on the left side of the wall, below the autolathe called the “ColMarTech Surplus Uniform Vendor” that can dispense almost any encryption key Marines may need.

It’s helpful to know that while you may issue orders to marines, they are also players just like you and either have a mind of their own, or simply see something that you do not groundside. Try calling the SL (or an FTL god forbid the SL didn’t take a radio backpack) you are watching to rally their men and move them where they are needed.

You should have an ability at the top left of your screen that looks like a green pool with resin around it, if you click that and middle click somewhere, you can build anything from a core (if there is none) to a pylon or even egg morpher. These construction nodes however usually need about a 3x3 empty space to place them.

ANFO is a volatile chemical that can catch fire if you do not mix it at the right ratio. You should mix it in batches of 60 at most, which would mean 60u Ammonium Nitrate and then 30u of Welding Fuel per pour and NO MORE.

There are different items of intel that behave differently. Paper/Progress Reports can be read freely and will give you information on how to read certain folders, and occasionally disks. Folders can only be read if you already have the aforementioned knowledge of how to read the specific ones. Folders can give you intel on things from disks to manuals. Disks are a bit more tricky as you need to have their encryption code to process them, you can do this by checking all your known Intel by going to your IC tab at the top of your screen, then finding a button that says “View Intel Objectives”. This will show you all folders, disks, manuals, etc. known to you. If you click the tab that should say “Disks”, it will show all known disks and their encryption codes, at this point you grab a disk, hit the disk reader (green computer looking thing) with it and paste in your key. After about a minute or so, the computer will spit the disk out and the name of it will update to reflect it. Manuals are a bit more simpler, you read them and you can gain knowledge of items groundside that you are meant to retrieve, from health scanners to autopsy scanners. These are marked by serial numbers and will be automatically processed when they are on the ship and known about.

Depending on which LZ you are at, you could be closer or farther away to it. If you are at LZ1 - Mining Aerodrome, then you only need to go directly east from your LZ. If you are at LZ 2 - Ice Fields, you will have to travel a bit farther North East. Once you are in the actual main outpost building, if you see bright yellow markings on the floor, you are in the right area. Just go to the north eastern section of the yellow area until you see SMESs and Reactors, then you are in Colony Engineering.

Most players are usually using what are known as “macros” or simply just custom keybindings. I would highly recommend giving a read to Macros and Hotkeys - CM-SS13 - Wiki as they will tell you just about everything you need to know about macros and/or keybindings.

According to server rules, killing other marines without proper escalation (punching against punching, guns against guns, etc.) is not allowed. You may however try and ahelp by using the F1 key or through the Admin Tab.

You can do this by using the synthesis simulator. You generally first need to scan a chemical that already has the Bonemending Property in the XRF Scanner, you get these by people bringing you groundside vials or upgrading your clearance level. After that you can open the simulator and click CREATE, then BNM. If you want a higher level then you may click Set LEVEL. Once you are ready, you create a name for it then click SIMULATE.

Marines may usually prefer folding barricades in a location because if there are none, then if they need to push up, then they need to dismantle the barricade, wasting time. Folding Barricades allow easy access for only Marines in and out of the line.

If you are certain it has power and the cell is charged, use a screwdriver on the APC and mend the power wire if it is cut using wirecutters.

Inform Admins to reset their name, and ask them if they need any help getting set up and learning mechanics.

Resin Hole is an ability Carriers can use to place a hole that you can hide huggers inside of, boilers may also spray acid into the hole so that any Marine that steps on it gets hugged/burnt. You can hide these holes under just about anything on the ground from corpses to crates and metal, get creative!

SEAs are allowed to take up arms to defend their ship, assuming there are absolutely no MPs and we win the fight, I would ask whomever the aCO is to deputize someone to manage the new inmates.

This is a good answer, but I was hoping you’d say something about the Overwatch Console and its message function, or something along the lines of “Communicate to the XO that you’re having a hard time and they might need to make a command announcement”. This answer is otherwise fine and good advice.

Resin Pylons cannot be built directly, and are built when a hive cluster is built near a comms tower after an hour of round time has passed. This answer shows them how to use the Order Construction, but doesn’t actually answer their question.

Generally speaking, it’s better to give players the ability to get knowledge on their own, rather than spoonfeeding everything to them. Trying to guide a player through the map isn’t really a good idea, rather, you should show them how to access the wiki maps, check the TACMAP, ask their SO, et-cetera. As they say, give a person a fish, they’re fed for a day. Teach a person to fish, and they’re fed for a lifetime.
Teach players to fish.

For rule-related questions, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS tell the player to Adminhelp, with the only real exception being “How do I RP/Is this an RP server” type of question. Not only does it cover your own ass, but it teaches the players where to go for accurate, up-to-date answers.

This is a good answer, but it leaves alot of bases uncovered. For example, if it was a Doctor asking how to make a chem that research created, they might be confused by this answer. For a new researcher, they might end up making a chemical with bonemender but ignore a lethal/problematic property or an OD limit.
It’s very hard to give comprehensive answers to research questions sometimes, and you did a good job of explaining the direct, most basic process of acquiring the property, but as said previously, better to explain why you do certain things and explain functions/direct them to the wiki to learn more. Anyone can follow an instruction manual as you’ve given them, but it’s better to explain the underlying principles and the how/why.

This is a good answer, though I do feel like it could’ve been worded better/the importance of them explained in a more digestible way - but that might just be me. I personally would say “Marines need to be able to engage/disengage xenos at will, and a solid line of barricades prevents that. This can also lead to Marines not being able to secure kills, or cause fleeing marines to be trapped on the other side and cornered/killed.” or something along those lines.

This answer only covers one of the many potential scenarios for why something might not be powered. I recommend asking the Marine what the issue is and helping them identify it - a cut power wire is only one of the many causes. It could be a dead cell and colony power not restored, it could be that colony SMES were configured poorly, it could be that the areas are wack (see Ice Classic comms), etc.

Good answer, though I think you should include something along the lines of “Hey, this is an RP server, make sure you read the rules/CMSS13 is a Roleplaying Game. Do you know what that means?”

The rest of your answers were otherwise good or acceptable, but the hours spread is still very concerning.

Here’s a bonus question:

MHELP: I’m a new researcher and the other researcher told me to cut up these xeno bodies. How do I do that?

Okay, that’s enough from me for now. Other mentors should have the chance to speak here.

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misread this as if they wanted to build a NORMAL cluster, that’s mb

I did specify that “if you know it is powered and cell is charged”. I answered this from the standpoint that since they said it KEEPS dying, they had it powered somehow at one point. Though I understand it would be better to clarify :+1:

This is a tricky one and probably one of the few, along with maybe Intel and OT where using the Imaginary Friend feature would be a livesaver. It’s tricky to cover most of a department in the span of one mhelp, and if we are being honest the wiki can sometimes be overbearing/confusing or even lack information for new players. :+1:

They likely mean that they want you to extract xeno organs and/or extract xeno blood. For blood, you only need to place an empty IV Bag into an IV stand, right click it and it should say “The IV Drip is now taking blood”. To extract the blood after the xeno is drained, use a syringe on the IV Bag itself. If you need the organ from the xenos, you first need to grab a bio suit from the orange lockers and some surgery tools (these are in the small containment cell on the south side of that area that can be opened using the nearby computer next to it outside) on the right side of your RnD area past the doors near the cryo cell. Once you have everything AND you are wearing the bio suit (this is important, as if you don’t have it on, you will be splashed with acid and could likely die), you may start the surgery. You start with a Circular Saw, then Retractor to open the carapace followed by a Scalpel, after this you may click on the Xeno with an empty hand, where the organ will appear under the xeno.

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updated times, basically just more Doctor playtime

Post your more updated hours since.

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I’m still fairly uncertain about this app, mostly just waiting on other mentors to throw some questions at you.

Given that you seem to play alot of shipside roles, you might want to try out Doctor or shipside engineering/command roles to round out your hours.

Out of curiosity, is there any particular reason for you playing mostly CMP and not other roles? You have nearly the same amount of hours on CMP as all other roles combined.

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I would work on getting more zeno hours for sure if I were you.

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I cannot in good faith +1 a mentor application of someone who has 11 cumulative hours in Engineering roles. Your answers to engineering questions were not satisfactory either, in my opinion.


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I also noted that you don’t have many engineering hours, and Mhelps regarding construction and engineering can come up a lot, so I’ve got a couple questions here for you.

Answer these all as if you answering them as an Mhelp:

1: Hey! Everyone’s asking me to fix the APC, where even is that, how do I fix it?!
2: I’ve repaired the generators but the people on comms duty keep saying they’re running out of power, help!
3: I can’t crowbar this door, and cutting the ID scanner doesn’t do anything! Am I missing something?
4: Is there a way to downgrade cades? I don’t want to have to decon an entire cadeline to change them into burn cades.
5: How do I move an APC?
6: The MP’s shipside asked me to repair some windows, how do I fix the glass?

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still working on getting a spread of xeno role hours, but it’s getting there :+1:

The APC is usually found in the same room (or general area if you happen to be outside), indicated by a grey looking rectangle on the wall. Detailed instructions to fix it in whatever state it may be in can be found on Guide to Engineering - CM-SS13 - Wiki !

Usually this can be caused by an improperly set SMES. Near the generators are usually big white cylinder machines. If you click those, you can set their power input and output, just make sure to set them off “Off” and onto “Auto” or else the power will not pass through them!

If you absolutely need access to the area, try first by cutting both power wires. If that still does not work, the door is likely bolted and you will either have to power the area by fixing the APC THEN unbolting it by pulsing the respective wire or destroying the door outright.

You can use a Security Access Tuner to remove any upgrades from a barricade!

You can find instructions to deconstruct an APC at Guide to Engineering - CM-SS13 - Wiki . Though if your APC is still intact, you will have to unlock it with your ID, unlock the cover then crowbar it open first before you do the other steps. To build a new one, you can start from Step 7 of “Blown up or destroyed”, or refer to Guide to Construction - CM-SS13 - Wiki !

You can insert either glass or reinforced glass (which can be obtained from steel and glass in an autolathe) into a normal window frame and it will pop in like normal. If the window frame itself is gone you will need steel to build a new one in it’s place.

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A little bit earlier than I tend to close them up but I don’t wanna lead you on too much. I appreciate you have been trying other things and gaining more experience but I think for the time this is gonna be a denial. Keep expanding your knowledge and playing other roles and I’m sure there’s a chance I’ll be accepting your next application.