Mentor Application - HungerJames

Mentor Application - HungerJames

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Josie Clark | JO-S1

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I have been a mentor on Fulpstation for the last year and a half, and I find it enjoyable to answer questions and teach people new jobs/how to play the game. Fulp is a very new player-friendly server, so I am comfortable teaching the fundamentals of how to move, talk, use your hands, etc.

I have had the opportunity to teach several new marines and a couple of new sisters when there were no SEAs online, and I had a great time helping them! Applying to be a mentor seems like a good next step.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

Medical. I am strong in healing/revival, triage, chem, and surgery.

Research. I am strong in stim production, hydro, and making greenos/aboms.

Military Policing. I am strong in ML, SoP, CoC, how/when to use MP/riot gear, and handling appeals.

Engineering. I am strong in machine construction, hacking, building functionable FOBs, standard OT maxcaps/incens, setting/loading AA/OBs, and ship/colony power. I have a good understanding of cade theory.

Requisitions. I am strong in the req line, ASRS ordering, supply drops, maints looting, the black market, and groundside req.

Intel. I am strong in processing intel, fultons, and generally how to stay alive longer as intel.

JTAC. I am strong in CAS, transport, OBs, mortar, and forward observing.

Command. I am strong at reading/sending tac maps, tech tree, ARC, command and shipside announcements, squad/identity management consoles, overwatch terminals, and balancing/delegating shipside problems with groundside. I understand what to say in announcements/over comms and how to keep talking and not go silent.
I do not have that many hours as XO, but I have played more SO and been the aCO on low pop rounds as SO, CMP, and ASO. I am confident that I could assist someone learning to be the commander.

Xenos. I am strong with pheromones, tunnels, traps, resin fruits, and hive constructions. I understand tier one and two xenos, boiler, and building. I have a working understanding of prae, rav, crush, and queen; I know what all the abilities do and roughly how to use them effectively.

How often are to able to play CM?:

I usually play at least two games on weekdays, then more on weekends.

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Marine Hours (part 1):
Marine Hours (part 2):
Xeno Hours:,

Anything else you’d like to add?:

Merit Record:


After looking at your hours my biggest suggestion is play a lot more xeno but for now I remain neutral. As currently the Mentor team needs more people that know how to play xeno effectively

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Hello! glad to see you have applied, here is a few questions that you may experience as a Mentor.
Your Xeno hours do not worry me though as Lukas said, I would recommend getting those Xeno hours up, I would like to see some T3’s hours up(mostly Prae as that is the caste we get most Mhelps about) and Queen hours.
Your marine hours are fine I have no worries with them.

Finally can you please answer these questions, so myself and others can gauge how you may handle both Mhelps and actions as SEA.


“How do I repair the sensor tower? ”

“How do I reload the U7”

“why can’t I turn on comms, the APC says its fine and its repaired yet the APC is not giving out power?”


“What does the Warden strain do for prae?”

“What does directional attack do?”

“how do I set leaders as Queen?”

ICly/SEA Actions:

You are at the Chem line, you notice there is 3 nurses, 1 seems to be very new to the game and the other 2 have stable footing but ask more questions than the nurse who is really new to the game. How would you as the SEA handle the situation? What would be the methods of teaching you would employ? Who would you prioritize first and why?

There are no MP's awake nor CO, a marine has breached ML and needs to be arrested, the XO orders the arrest of the offending marine, will you deputize and why?

You notice that a Medic is under equipped and overwhelmed with bodies, You have medical gear on you and are fully able to treat bodies, Will you give advice after the bodies are reved, during the process or after and how will you reassure the medic to help them better cope with situations like this arising again?
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Glad to see you finally apply! Your marine hours are good and i’ve seen you a lot around in many different roles. I have no doubt you have the knowledge, specially as on the marine side. Like others already recommended you, i will also tell you to get more Xeno hours in different castes and perhaps get a bit more experience with them.

I will leave you some questions tho.

  1. I’m a runner and got 1000 acid, how do i explode succesfully? What’s the timer on it?

  2. I was told i can just click on the direction of the marine to slash them, but it doesn’t do anything when i do so, why?

  3. I’m a defender, and i keep getting knocked down, i’ve seen other defenders be hit by the same things or even get pb’d and they don’t get knocked down, why?

  4. I’m a carrier, if i throw a facehugger how long it takes for it to activate and hugg a marine?

  5. I took the eggsac strain, whenever i plant more eggs the other ones get destroyed, why?

  6. I’m trying to build as a Queen, but its not working, what am i doing wrong?

  7. It keeps saying the hive is ready for a new queen, but i can’t evolve, im at 0 evo points, how can i evolve into a Queen?

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Hello! Thank you for the questions I will work on getting more T3 and Queen xeno hours in this week. Then on your questions:

Marine Mentor Helps:

  1. To repair the sensor tower you need to use a welder (make sure to use eye protection), wirecutters, and then a wrench
  1. To reload the U7 underbarrel shotgun you need to select the U7 as your active attachment while holding the weapon in hand. You can then load buckshot (it must be buckshot) into the U7 the same way you reload an M37 shotgun
  1. Use a screwdriver on the APC and then wirecutters to make sure the “Main Power” wire is intact. Re-screw the panel once you are finished and ensure APC is turned on

Xeno Mentor Helps:

  1. The Warden strain turns prae into a healer. You trade your acid spit, acid ball, and dash for the ability to heal xenomorphs, emit strong pheromones, and pull wounded xenos to you. More information can be found on the wiki here: Praetorian - CM-SS13 - Wiki
  1. Diectional attacks let you click in the direction you want to slash a marine rather than sprite-clicking your target. For this to work you must click on a tile that is in the direction you want to attack but that is NOT adjacent to you. Try to click on one tile behind your target
  1. To set a leader the queen must be on ovipositor and then overwatch the xeno you want to make a leader, in the upper part of your screen you will have the ability to set this xeno as a leader, it looks like a drone’s head with a star over it

SEA/ICly Actions:

  1. Assuming this is after first drop or other personnel are making chems for the line of corpsmen, then I would start by making sure that the new nurse knows how to speak, use their hands, move around, etc. If the new nurse knew these basics then I would start by inviting the other two nurses to join in a IC “review lesson” and implore them to ask any questions as they come up. I would start the lesson by explaining what the different standard drugs do and the other basic medical knowledge.
  • The new nurse is in the most need of assistance because being completely confused during a round makes you want to leave and never come back. I would ask the other two nurses to listen to the basics one more time may answer some of their questions or lead them to have new ones to let them be included if they want. From your prompt the other two nurses have questions, so when the new nurse is engaged in a task (i.e. making MB for the first time, reading the chem wiki, reading the surgery wiki) I would work on answering the questions of the other nurses to make sure every player is receiving help. I would also use LOOC to remind the other two nurses that they can mentorhelp if they want a more direct answer to any of their questions
  1. Only a whitelisted Commanding Officer can deputize select personnel and the SEA cannot be deputized, if I was ordered to become a deputy I would inform the XO that I cannot follow an illegal order. SEAs are allowed to detain personnel in cases of emergency when no MPs are awake, but most breaches of ML do not qualify as this. If the marine breached ML in LRP or in a way that disrupts the round start (i.e. major briefing shenanigans) I would recommend that the XO ahelps the issue. I would attempt to issue the marine a NJP if they committed a major or a minor crime in bad faith
  • I would not deputize; I think one of the only times a SEA should brig someone is if a CLF survs surrenders and there are no personnel to process and brig them in perma. I think either the NJP and roleplay or a admin help from the XO would solve most possible situations like this
  1. I would advise the medic to focus on reviving medical personnel first. Depending on the amount of dead I would work on reviving medical personnel myself, but once an adequate amount of medics are alive (or I believe that no one will perma) I would focus on only CPRing, stripping armor, and kitting/graphing/lining. I would encourage the medic by saying, “that’s it!,” “keep it up you are doing grand!,” “that makes another life you saved, let’s save another!,” etc.
  • If the medic was not using epi while defib spamming or something similar then I would advise them in the moment, else I would wait until the triage was over to give any advice unless they ask for help. It is very challenging and stressful to manage a triage scenario for the first time; I do not want to overwhelm them when they are already knee-deep in bodies; however, if the medic appears very new or needs help with revivals then I would advise them as needed using IC and LOOC. Once triage was over, I would tell the medic that they did a great job and that this is the best way to learn what you need to be prepared as a corpsman. I would reassure them that next time it will be easier and encourage them to keep playing corpsman

(edited to add in quotes for better readability)


Interacted with and seen Josie Clark helping out in multiple roles that require mechanical/server knowledge. They always had good role play, have a helpful/caring attitude and I believe they can be a great mentor to the server. Gonna throw some potential mentor help questions at you:

  • This disposals bin is in the way at the FOB and I want to move it but don’t know how, help please.

  • uhhh the XO just asked me to set AA to CIC but the AA cannon doesn’t have that option? wtf?

  • Hello I’ve never played prea before but I’ve seen them throw out a hook or something? I wanna do that but don’t have that ability though???

  • i am drone and people are yelling at me to build a “pylon” at comms but it’s not letting me help plz

  • Hi I am the CL and I want to write some text in a different color and attach a photo to my fax, how do I do that?

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Hello! Yes I will be working on playing more xeno hours in this and the coming week! For your questions:

Mentor Helps:

  1. Once you start the “For the Hive” ability you will have a 20-second timer until you explode, the timer is in the status panel between your evo points and pheromones. To explode successfully you must be alive when the 20 seconds run out (you can be in critical), coordinate this ability with your queen for maximum effect
  1. To use a directional attack you must click at least one tile behind the marine you want to slash. Directional attacks only work on slashing enemies, you must still sprite click to break lights, windows, etc.
  1. When defenders lower their crests they have much more resistance to stuns and knock downs. This slows you down but makes you tankier. To lower your crest, use the “toggle crest defense” ability on the top of your screen, it looks like three arrows hitting a defender’s head
  1. It takes about 10 seconds for a thrown facehugger to activate, the air sacks on their sprite will start to pulsate when it is ready to hug a host. The facehugger will die around 10 seconds after activating unless it is picked up
  1. In the status panel eggsac carrier will have an “Eggs sustained:” section, if you plant more “fragile eggs” (the ones you can produce) than you can sustain then the oldest egg will break. The fragile eggs will also break after 5 minutes if you remain on the same screen as them or 1 minute if you leave this area
  1. To build as queen, select what type of resin you want to build by clicking on the button on the top of your screen that looks like a resin wall. Next, click on the button that has a hammer and a wrench on it, now you will build with middle mouse button. To build when on ovi you must be in the Queen’s Eye form
  1. To evolve into a queen you must be a full health drone and then click “evolve” in the alien panel. You can evolve from drone to queen with zero evo points if the hive is ready for a new queen
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Hello! Thank you for the questions here are my answers:

  1. To remove a disposal bin: 1. Disengage the pump on the bin by clicking on it with an open hand 2. Crowbar off the floor tile under the bin 3. Unscrew the panel on the bin 4. Weld the bin 5. Unwrench the bin 6. You can now drag and move the bin out of the way
  1. Set the AA to Upper Foreship to cover Brig and CIC
  1. To use the hook ability or “abduct,” you need to specialize into the Oppressor strain. You can do this by using “purchase strain” in the Alien panel
  1. To build a pylon at comms you need to create a hive cluster near the relay using the Order Construction ability. Once it is ordered you can fill the cluster by clicking on it in help intent. If you cannot place another cluster because “the hive cannot support anymore” then use the hivemind to ask someone to destroy an old cluster so you can build a new one at comms. The cluster will automatically transform into a pylon once the Round Time passes 1 hour
  1. You can use the CL’s Automated Storage Briefcase to print pens with different colored ink. To attach a photo to a fax hold the photo in your active hand and place the fax paper in your other, then click on the fax with the photo to attach it behind the fax

i’ve seen you about in round and most recognizably as an HM or spec (delta forever); you’re good-spirited and participatory in the flow of things even when i haven’t had the chance to work with you 1-on-1; you demonstrate your game knowledge every time you play, handling messy triage and casualties, securing Big Kills as spec.

If the medic was not using epi while defib spamming or something similar then I would advise them in the moment, else I would wait until the triage was over to give any advice unless they ask for help. It is very challenging and stressful to manage a triage scenario for the first time; I do not want to overwhelm them when they are already knee-deep in bodies; however, if the medic appears very new or needs help with revivals then I would advise them as needed using IC and LOOC. Once triage was over, I would tell the medic that they did a great job and that this is the best way to learn what you need to be prepared as a corpsman. I would reassure them that next time it will be easier and encourage them to keep playing corpsman

i probably can’t give a bigger +1 for this approach, though, and it’s, i believe, sincere and authentic to how you are when you play in-round too. i’ve seen you mentoring. the spirit of mentor is embodied in direct mentoring and mentor-by-model and you excel at both, giving hands-on instruction and much needed encouragement, especially to future medical masters. i want all new players to be able to have some of their first interactions with someone as considerate as you.


These all satisfy me



I’m satisfied with how you’ve answered the majority of questions thrown at you and believe you have the right mentality/personality to be a great mentor. Best of luck +1


+1 And good luck in your app


I have been sitting on this one for some time and personally I will remain neutral till I see more xenos hours

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Hello @Lukas292001 (I messed up trying to reply to your post)! I only had time for 2/3 rounds a day this week, but I queened for two and have been playing more prae as suggested by @WestRover and you! I should have more free time this weekend.

Here are my updated xeno hours:

Xeno: 90.2 → 105.5 hr
Prae: 3.5 → 6.8 hr
Queen: 1.3 → 5.5 hr


Here are my updated xeno hours!


ez +1.

Good player, good teacher (I am a witness). Even if their xeno hours are somewhat low (still more than me :patrice:) they have showed good knowledge on it and most importantly proved that they want to and are willing to learn more about the topic to help others better, even got me motivated to go back to xeno gameplay. With nothing else to say I wish you luck :saluting_face:.


Here are my most up to date xeno hours! I had the honor of being voted king, and I had a hoot’n half with it!


+1 had the pleasure of working with them in various capacities and they are solid, reliable and great in the many human roles they play


Wow. Clearly high effort, given the literal xeno hour grinding. You’re a regular player, so I recognise you, and you’re obviously knowledgable enough. Goodluck with the application!
