Mentor Application - I Hate Geese

Mentor Application - I Hate Geese

Byond CKEY:

I Hate Geese

Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Chris Mclean, DN-U

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

Im back from my CM hiatus, after resolving personal issues I would like to come back to the mentorship community and continue to teach the PVT’s of the world how to reload their gun and not blow themselves up.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

The strongest aspect of my knowledge is command. From SL to XO, I am well-versed and knowledgeable. I would consider myself an expert in all squad roles, including IO. Additionally, I see myself as a competent doctor; I can handle 99% of the issues that an average shipside doctor would encounter. While my knowledge of marine law isn’t perfect, I believe I can navigate it without issue. I’ve dabbled in research, though I’m not a ‘good’ researcher; I can assist others if more experienced researchers are unavailable. My xeno knowledge isn’t that of the average prime xeno main, but I understand the workings of all castes and how the hive operates. My biggest weakness in knowledge lies in my lack of experience with shipside engineering departments and my unfamiliarity with MP player details

How often are to able to play CM?:

at least 2 rounds a day, but I leave the game open to respond to mhelps.

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Anything else you’d like to add?:

I’ve tried to expand my knowledge into regions that I didn’t with my last application, I’m ultimately here to learn everything there is to know about this game in order to help people understand its workings more.


+1 this man was a respected mentor before.

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Hi, I have seen you around and although I can’t remember any interactions between us (This is probably on me because I am very distracted), I have not had or heard of any bad interactions with you and you seem like a good player, so take this as an initial +1.

I guess your hours have been whipped since you were a mentor before and I see you don’t have any SEA time so you probably know more than just the hours show, but I will still leave you some questions to get the ball rolling.


I am the current XO and someone is telling me to disable maintenance access, but I can’t find any button on the consoles to do this. Please help me.


Hi, what are some of the main differences between the Heavy sniper and the normal sniper?


(More of a open question)
Hi, is the gardener strain of the drone any good?


I was wandering around doing the usual things as a hivelord and now I have a little yellow star next to me. What does this mean?

Imaginary friend!

Lastly one Imaginary friend question: while you are ghosted a player sends a Mhelp saying that “Marines are telling me that my cade positioning is horrible. Could you please help me?” You decide to imaginary friend them and see these cades. How can the ComTech better them?

If any of the questions are not clear please let me know. Good luck :saluting_face:!

Thank you for the questions!
1: Near the entrance to CIC outside the armories, use the keycard authenticator with another command ID to disable maint access.

2: AMR fires slower and has less ammo, but does more damage and does a small stun and knockback on xenos. The regular sniper however fires faster, has more ammo, and you can select between the 3 ammo types to suit the situation.

3: The gardener strain is beneficial to support the more offensive Xenos. The healing capacity of the greater resin fruit is no joke, and the other buffs provided by the fruits can help T2 and 3s massively with their abilities and combat potency.

4: The star means you are a hive leader, you will emit the same pheromones as the queen and will have a big voice in hivemind comms. Xenos can also track you by alt-clicking the queen tracker, and you can place resin marks to rally Xenos.

5: I would advise them to line up all the folding cades on the right side, pull the first and last cadeline back and remove the middle one as if a boiler was there it would just melt them both, instead use the metal to upgrade the cades or build another cadeline farther south.

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Great answers, nothing to say. +1

Howdy so your hours are pretty decent, I recall you as a mentor. There’s of course the mention of your activity so after your application you continued to play a bit but it’s fallen off this month any particular reason?

Last time I got mentor by the time I was done with the processed I was pretty burnt out and didn’t really want to play that frequently, and to avoid this i’m taking a brief hiatus so I can come back fresh.

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So this is another checkup about your interest/activity basically. I don’t expect mentors to be on every day such, but your hiatus has continued awhile so are you still interested and if I were to accept you do you plan to play more often?

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Added mentor:denied and removed mentor:waiting