Mentor Application - Nivrak

Mentor Application - Nivrak

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Michelle Richter \ Y

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I like helping new players, however it can be difficult at times (for example they don’t notice OOC), I would like to become a mentor to be able to help new (and experienced players) better.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

Everything xeno related
Research, Medical, Chemistry & Surgery

OT \ Engineering - Have done them before but not the most refreshed for example the exact order you need to mix OT chems to make the right ones or how to fix a fully broken APC without a glance at the wiki

Command - Probably my least played role however I can still walk them through operating the overwatch console, modfying IDs or using the tech tree
CAS - Never touched it \ Don’t remember how to operate it with new changes

How often are to able to play CM?:

I play daily \ multiple times a week

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Anything else you’d like to add?:

Don’t know if it is relevant but I was a mentor a couple years ago and I am aware of the restrictions and guidelines


So… yea it’s Y, +1.
More serious note, they have more than solid xeno experience which most mentors kinda meh, also they can frag.

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+1 we need more good xeno mentors

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+1 i was just talking about this the other day, we have very few xeno mentors and xeno mhelps go unanswered a lot

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I have a vague memory of Michelle Richter, seen them around but haven’t interacted with them a ton so not much I can say there. However almost everyone knows who “Y” is, legendary xeno warrior. The play times speak for themselves and I’m sure the mentor team would be happy to have more xeno mains helping the newer players out. +1

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His hours alone are a +1 from me. I asked around a bit about you and only heard good things. Best of luck, hope to see you on the team!

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Natural +1

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+1 knowledgeable and a good person
its nice to see you back

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y is scary +1

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