Mentor Application - NovaCypher

Mentor Application - NovaCypher

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Jake “Crash” Blackburn

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I’ve always been big into helping people and after having played CM13 for a while I feel that I’ve learned enough of how most of the roles work that I could be helpful with a majority of the issues new and old players might face.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

I know how to run most of the ship and I’m pretty strong in Command and Medical roles. I know a lot about how CAS works and can effectively run Requisitions. Played a lot of Engineering so I’m pretty confident there. I haven’t played too much as a xenomorph but I know most of how everything works there. My only weak areas would have to be OT and Research, I’m pretty unknowledgeable when it comes to those two areas, but I can always look things up.

How often are to able to play CM?:

5-6 hours a day depending on class schedules

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Rifleman 179.6 hr
Survivor 97.3 hr
Weapons Specialist 95.2 hr
Smartgunner 76.2 hr
Gunship Pilot 70.1 hr
Auxiliary Support Officer 67.6 hr
Squad Leader 45.8 hr
Doctor 40.6 hr
Staff Officer 35.9 hr
Chief Engineer 35.7 hr
Fireteam Leader 29.8 hr
Dropship Crew Chief 20.0 hr
Combat Technician 18.7 hr
Cargo Technician 17.7 hr
Combat Correspondent 16.5 hr
Hospital Corpsman 16.3 hr
Military Police 10.9 hr
Executive Officer 10.9 hr
Nurse 9.4 hr
Maintenance Technician 8.9 hr
Chief Medical Officer 4.0 hr
Quartermaster 4.0 hr
Intelligence Officer 3.4 hr
Tank Crew 3.0 hr
CMB Deputy 2.7 hr
PMC Security Enforcer 1.7 hr
Honor Guard 1.7 hr
Mess Technician 1.4 hr
Corporate Liaison 1.1 hr
Veteran Honor Guard 1.0 hr
UPP Politsiya 0.7 hr
Marine Raider 0.6 hr
PMC Weapons Specialist 0.6 hr
PMC Leader 0.5 hr
PMC Corporate Medic 0.5 hr
CMB Marshal 0.3 hr
PMC Operator 0.2 hr
PMC Medical Investigator 0.2 hr

Facehugger 14.3 hr
Crusher 6.4 hr
Spitter 6.3 hr
Boiler 5.5 hr
Runner 5.1 hr
Warrior 4.9 hr
Defender 4.9 hr
Sentinel 4.3 hr
Drone 3.5 hr
Lesser Drone 2.9 hr
Carrier 2.2 hr
Lurker 1.0 hr
Ravager 0.1 hr

Anything else you’d like to add?:

I know my xeno hours are low but if I don’t know something, I will look it up and find the answer.


+1. This man can RP & knows his stuff. Do the Corps Proud.

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+1 I have played a lot of survivor with this guy and hes pretty decent.


+1 I’ve played quite a few rounds with this guy, and I trust heavily not only in his ability to RP but his knowledge of the game across multiple roles.


Hi there. I’m glad to see someone with so many gunship pilot hours in particular applying. We are sorely lacking in that department. I’ll provide you with a few theoreticals to answer. :slight_smile:

  1. You are the SEA, and a new nurse has connected. What do you teach them first?
  2. It is lowpop, and you are playing SEA. There are no MP’s on, but there is someone who needs to be arrested. What do you do?

And now some theoretical mentorhelps.

  1. How do I fireman carry?
  2. do weapon targeting systems/the same engine upgrades stack on my dropship?
  3. How do I build as a drone?
  4. How do I fix IB?
  5. How do I make the UI darkmode?
  6. How do I charge my NVG’s

SEA Questions:

  1. The first thing I would do if a new nurse joined would be to show them where their gear vendor is located. This would allow me to help them get geared up and also build a rapport with them by showing them what each item in their vendor does and how it would help them best. As for teaching, the first thing I’d teach them would be the basics of CMs medical system, such as the different damage types and how to heal them and which types of medicine to use. From there I’d show them around medbay and explain all of the different areas and the machines within them, such as medvendors.

  2. Normally, SEAs are not allowed to arrest people unless absolutely necessary, and in this case, if an NJP was not possible, It would be within my abilities to arrest this Marine put them in the Brig. I’d watch them until either their timer ended or an MP joined the round.

Mentor Help Questions:

  1. To fireman carry, first you need to have at least one level in the fireman carry skill. If you do, you can grab them with the grab intent, or yellow intent, Press Z to grab them aggressively, and then, with either hand selected, drag their sprite onto your sprite. This should then load them onto your back.

  2. No, dropship hardpoints don’t stack, Doesn’t matter if you have one cooling system or two, it’ll still be a 50 second flight time if you’re a Pilot or the ASO. The same thing applies to the fuel enhancer and Weapon Targeting System.

  3. First you gotta open up the “Choose Resin Structure” menu at the top of your screen, to the right of “Plant Weeds.” From there, you can select different structures to build and can build them by using the “Secrete Resin” option, allowing you to build structures in tiles adjacent to you by pressing MMB.

  4. To fix an IB, first you have to make the patient lie down on a roller bed, then give them a shot of Oxycodone to numb them up for the surgery. Next, use a scalpel or knife on their limb with IB to cut it open. Then use a knife again or retractor to open the wound more. From there, use surgical line, FixOVein or cable coil to do IB surgery on them. Once its fixed, suture them up with either of those 3 items, but surgical line is the quickest.

  5. Press the gear icon above your chat box and change the theme from “light” to “dark”

  6. Use a screwdriver on your helmet to pop out the NVG optic, and then put it into a recharger, which can normally be found in Medbay. The recharger will flash once its done charging, signaling that you can take it out.

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Excellent answers to everything! That’s a big +1 from me. I believe you would make a great Mentor! Good luck. :slight_smile:


Taught me very obscure mechanics of modified tuner spawns.


Seen and interacted with Jake “Crash” Blackburn and they had good roleplay. Seen them helping others and take interest in supportive roles but I’ll ask some questions.

1.I evolved into a gardener strain as a drone but I don’t like this and want to go back to regular drone please help
2. A lurker slashed some of the Alamo seats, how do I repair them?
3. When I first spawned as a larva all the other larva were making some sort of loud screeching reee noise, how do I do that?
4. I keep seeing command talk about a Port-Aft fuel pump hold? I don’t know what that means or where to go.
5. Hi I’m playing runner for the first time, how do I capture things
6. How do I rename a tunnel?


Hey Nate, thanks for the questions!

  1. Normally you can’t deselect a strain once you pick it, but in this case since you are a T1 drone, you can simply go to the “Alien” tab on the top right side of your screen, press “De-Evolve,” which will make you a larva again. From there you can evolve back into a normal drone.

  2. If the seat is not fully broken, as in there is still some of it left. You can use a welder to repair it, just remember your eye protection.

  3. To screech as a larva, you can do any type of emote and it will make a screeching sound. For example, if you press T and type in “warcry” and press enter, you’ll make a screeching sound.

  4. So to premise this, the Almayer has 4 fuel pumps on its upper deck that fuel the escape pods and life boats. On the ship, people tend to use Naval directions like “Port and Starboard” instead of West and east. In this case, the Port side of the ship is to the south, or below you, and the Starboard side is to your North, or above you. Aft is the rear of the ship, to your East (right), and Fore is to your West(left). So basically, Command is giving orders to hold the South-Eastern Fuel pump. You can get there by traveling up the Medbay ladders and taking the South hallway to the East until you get to a T-junction with some glass windows on either side of it, from there, head south and you’ll be at the Port-Aft fuel pump.

  5. The base runner strain has an ability called “Pounce” that allows you to jump onto humanoid mobs and knock them over. You can use this ability by clicking MMB on a Marine. Once you’re on the marine, switch the “Disarm” intent by pressing 2 and start trying to tackle the marine. Your chances of successfully tackling a marine increase the more you click on the marine. More often than not they will get up and shoot you before you can tackle them, so its best to work with another xeno like a lurker to cap a marine. Once the marine or small is tackled to the ground, press Ctrl+LMB to grab them and then click on your body. This will start to devour them so you can bring them to the hive. While you are devouring them switch to your other hand and tackle them repeatedly so they stay on the ground until you devour them. From there, bring them to the hive so they can be nested.

  6. You can rename a tunnel as any caste. To do this, you simply right-click on the tunnel and choose the “Rename Tunnel” option and then pick whatever name you want it to be.

  1. Not every caste can rename tunnels. Drone, Burrower, Hivelord, Queen. If you tried to rename it as a runner for example it will not give you the option to do so.

But overall I’m satisfied with how you’ve answered all questions asked of you and I’m sure you will put effort into teaching others and ensuring the server is a better place. +1


Damn I didn’t know that. I only tested it as a Drone and Burrower and assumed the rest were the same.

