Mentor Application - Revencort
Byond CKEY:
Discord ID:
Character Name(s):
Vivien Shricker
Why do you want to become a Mentor?:
I am a big fan of the Aliens universe and by good extension, the experience CM13 brings forward, it goes in relative substance and explores some of the great characteristics the setting has with good gameplay that encompasses several aspects not seen very much in other games such as logistics and medical. In my time here I took a liking to the workings of the rounds, what makes a nice experience and what is good to know, how to build barricades, outposts, repair communications, treat overdoses, build fortifications and Hives as a Drone, lead marines as a squad leader, manage operations as an ASO, juggle APCs and handling one too many solo FOB constructions as a ComTech, make chemicals and surgeries as a Doctor, work for capture stuns as a Sentinel… and so many other roles and tid bits that I have garnered and can pass forward.
I also had my chance teaching a few privates in how to get the hang of the game through roleplay and in universe methods when possible, a few times resorting to LOOC when they were really lost and had UI help. It is with pride that I can say I have patience and feel good about teaching others of things, it comes naturally as a thing I do in real life as well.
Ultimately, I desire to contribute back to the community with teaching and knowledge and being a mentor expands the possibility of that.
What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:
My strongest areas are as field support roles, be it Hospital Corpsman, Combat Technician or as a Doctor, be it on the field, or shipside dealing with chemistry orders, medbay setups and medvac surgeries. Coming after those are command and CIC roles such as SL and ASO, leading squads, assigning and delegating fireteams to certain tasks, making use of the SLs skills for engineering and such, as an ASO, making sure the operations departments of the Almayer work fine, beholding a particular great knowledge towards logistics.
Regarding xenos I also spent most of my time playing as either a Drone or as a Spitter and Sentinel when not a support focused Praetorian which is what interested me more. Building hives, being a healer drone occasionally, helping with captures and stuns as a Sentinel, grinding down marines as a Spitter and as a Praetorian. Though is the side I have lower hours and would say have a slightly weaker knowledge but yet I have full knowledge of the xenomorph gameplay cycle and how all castes and strains work and how they fit in.
How often are to able to play CM?:
10-20 hours per week, give or take.
A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:
Hospital Corpsman 34.7 hr
Combat Technician 27.2 hr
Doctor 25.9 hr
Squad Leader 16.9 hr
Auxiliary Support Officer 10.6 hr
Cargo Technician 10.1 hr
Dropship Crew Chief 5.1 hr
Staff Officer 4.0 hr
Rifleman 2.0 hr
Ordnance Technician 1.8 hr
Maintenance Technician 1.7 hr
Nurse 1.6 hr
Smartgunner 0.9 hr
Marine Raider 0.8 hr
UPP MSzht Engineer 0.8 hr
Fireteam Leader 0.4 hr
Drone 7.5 hr
Spitter 4.5 hr
Larva 2.7 hr
Sentinel 2.7 hr
Praetorian 2.3 hr
Defender 0.6 hr
Boiler 0.4 hr
Lesser Drone 0.2 hr
Runner 0.1 hr
Anything else you’d like to add?:
Particularly regarding Xenos, as I got lower hours but can ensure on my word that I behold knowledge of it, feel free to ask me whatever in depth question it comes to mind, I’ll gladly answer them to prove my understanding.