Mentor Application - Schwimmbadpommes
Byond CKEY:
Discord ID:
Character Name(s):
Elisa Solis
Why do you want to become a Mentor?:
I always liked and enjoyed helping others. I played CMO alot as I enjoyed teaching young nurses alot of good and important knowledge that youll mostly gain through experience. But as I moved on of playing CMO, I lost the time and opportunity to teach newer players about things theyll need. I still help out new corpsmen as a medic myself.
I just really want to help new players learn and enjoy the game.
What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:
My strongest department and knowledge is medical. I know all essential corpsman chemicals by heart aswell as all the surgery steps you encounter as Doctor.I played CMO aswell for 39 hours, so I understand the medical quite well to feel confident enough to teach new medical players. It also includes knowing the basics of the research department. I understand the basics and how to craft stims aswell as white fire, for example.
My next strongest suit is engineering; I know the basics of CT. So repairing an APC, setting up comms, and building cades for defenses.
Requisitions coms right after. I know how to give the marines their desired equipment, aswell as how to operate and communicate with CIC and the marines groundside for front supply drops and FOB supply drops.
Command one of my weaker links, as I just only really started playing SO.I know how top send OBs, send front supply drops and communicate with marines effectively.
Before that, I had to help out as CMO in CIC as only command staff but never took the helm myself.
I dont have alot of hours as GP, but I know how to operate, rearm and do Medeevacs/fultons without breaking much of a sweat.
Intel is my weakest part, as iam easily spooked by things in the dark so naturaly, I evaded Intel.
Ive been playing much Xeno lately and I tested out nearly all casts and their respective strains. But only the Preatorian stuck to me. I have the most fun as Preatorian and enjoy getting better with it.
How often are to able to play CM?:
Around 20 Hours a week.
A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:
Marine Hours (494hr)
Hospital Corpsman 164.0 hr
Doctor 79.7 hr
Rifleman 45.2 hr
Chief Medical Officer 39.0 hr
Combat Technician 27.2 hr
Ordnance Technician 24.5 hr
Researcher 17.8 hr
Fireteam Leader 16.4 hr
Smartgunner 15.6 hr
Weapons Specialist 14.3 hr
Dropship Crew Chief 10.6 hr
Gunship Pilot 9.6 hr
Nurse 6.2 hr
Staff Officer 5.7 hr
Cargo Technician 5.5 hr
Intelligence Officer 5.3 hr
Maintenance Technician 5.2 hr
Squad Leader 1.7 hr
Field Doctor 1.0 hr
UPP Ryadovoy 0.7 hr
Survivor 0.3 hr
Xeno Hours (170hr)
Praetorian 40.0 hr
Facehugger 18.9 hr
Drone 14.7 hr
Carrier 11.5 hr
Spitter 10.9 hr
Warrior 10.4 hr
Larva 9.4 hr
Defender 9.4 hr
Sentinel 9.3 hr
Hivelord 8.1 hr
Runner 6.8 hr
Lurker 6.5 hr
Queen 5.2 hr
Ravager 4.0 hr
Boiler 3.6 hr
Crusher 1.2 hr
Burrower 0.3 hr
Lesser Drone 0.2 hr