Mentor Application - szymonalex1231

Mentor Application - szymonalex1231

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Randy ‘Contraband’ Pratt for human, every role

GB-XXX for xeno (all though I rarely play xeno now)

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I’ve seen alot of new players lately, atleast sometimes, let that be CTs, riflemen, nurses, doctors that make UNGA wrong, and I’m unable to be able to help them, let that be because I’m dead, observing or playing as surv/SL. Another reason is the RP and getting known in the playerbase as a good player.

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

Most strongest - Squad leading (not sure if this counts), chemistry, medical, surgery, engineering and research

Average - Stim making, military policing, xenomorph, requisition

Least strongest - Ordnance, CAS (Yet I do know how to call it in)

How often are to able to play CM?:

Every day

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Squad Leader 73.6 hr
Corporate Liaison 69.2 hr
Chief Engineer 61.0 hr
Survivor 56.6 hr
Hospital Corpsman 56.3 hr
Chief MP 55.8 hr
Doctor 44.3 hr
Researcher 36.9 hr
Maintenance Technician 32.3 hr
Chief Medical Officer 30.7 hr
Fireteam Leader 28.4 hr
Weapons Specialist 27.7 hr
Executive Officer 24.1 hr
Gunship Pilot 22.7 hr
Rifleman 20.0 hr
Military Police 14.6 hr
Mess Technician 13.2 hr
Staff Officer 12.4 hr
Smartgunner 11.3 hr
Combat Technician 11.2 hr
Cargo Technician 10.0 hr
Military Warden 7.0 hr
Auxiliary Support Officer 6.1 hr
Intelligence Officer 5.5 hr
Dropship Pilot 3.7 hr
Combat Correspondent 2.4 hr
Quartermaster 1.9 hr
Nurse 1.9 hr
Bunker Crew Logistics 1.8 hr
Corporate Executive Specialist 1.5 hr
PMC Medical Investigator 1.0 hr
PMC Support Weapons Specialist 0.9 hr
Ordnance Technician 0.8 hr
CMB Marshal 0.8 hr
Interstellar Commerce Commission Corporate Liaison 0.6 hr
Riot Control 0.6 hr
Combat Reporter 0.3 hr
PMC Corporate Medic 0.3 hr
PMC Corporate Technician 0.2 hr

Lurker 35.1 hr
Facehugger 30.3 hr
Runner 18.7 hr
Queen 15.1 hr
Bloody Larva 10.5 hr
Spitter 9.7 hr
Drone 8.6 hr
Sentinel 5.8 hr
Carrier 5.7 hr
Warrior 5.3 hr
Praetorian 4.9 hr
Burrower 4.7 hr
Ravager 4.3 hr
Defender 3.2 hr
Boiler 2.4 hr
Lesser Drone 0.3 hr

Anything else you’d like to add?:

I might have a rather concerning note history, but I’m working on improving, and becoming mentor is one way of me trying to show that I’m working on myself.

First mentor app is here - Mentor Application - szymonalex1231 (Withdrawn) - #16


updated hours

Squad Leader 83.1 hr
Corporate Liaison 69.2 hr
Chief Engineer 62.1 hr
Survivor 57.8 hr
Hospital Corpsman 56.3 hr
Chief MP 55.8 hr
Doctor 44.3 hr
Researcher 36.9 hr
Maintenance Technician 32.3 hr
Chief Medical Officer 31.8 hr
Weapons Specialist 28.6 hr
Fireteam Leader 28.4 hr
Executive Officer 24.1 hr
Gunship Pilot 22.7 hr
Rifleman 20.0 hr
Military Police 14.6 hr
Mess Technician 13.2 hr
Staff Officer 12.4 hr
Smartgunner 11.3 hr
Combat Technician 11.2 hr
Cargo Technician 10.0 hr
Military Warden 7.0 hr
Auxiliary Support Officer 6.1 hr
Intelligence Officer 5.5 hr
Dropship Pilot 3.7 hr
Combat Correspondent 2.4 hr
Quartermaster 1.9 hr
Nurse 1.9 hr
Bunker Crew Logistics 1.8 hr
Corporate Executive Specialist 1.5 hr
PMC Medical Investigator 1.0 hr
PMC Support Weapons Specialist 0.9 hr
Ordnance Technician 0.8 hr
CMB Marshal 0.8 hr
Interstellar Commerce Commission Corporate Liaison 0.6 hr
Riot Control 0.6 hr
PMC Leader 0.4 hr
Combat Reporter 0.3 hr
PMC Corporate Medic 0.3 hr
PMC Corporate Technician 0.2 hr

Lurker 35.6 hr
Facehugger 31.3 hr
Runner 19.2 hr
Queen 15.1 hr
Bloody Larva 10.7 hr
||Spitter|9.9 hr
||Drone|8.8 hr|
||Carrier|6.6 hr|
||Sentinel|5.9 hr|
||Warrior|5.3 hr|
||Praetorian|4.9 hr|
||Burrower|4.7 hr|
||Ravager|4.3 hr|
||Defender|3.3 hr|
||Boiler|2.4 hr|
||Predalien|0.9 hr|
||Lesser Drone|0.3 hr|


Thought I’d go ahead and start replying to some of these.

I’ve seen you around a bit, and it’s good you have a lot of time in some of the roles that will likely get you more questions (Xeno, Chem/Med/Research). Your reasoning for wanting to become a Mentor is respectable, and I personally think you could be good at it. Good luck, Lad.



+1 I have seen Randy play survivor a lot and hes a nice guy to be around hes also good at the roles he play and got a lot of knowledge in the game


Yet another set of updated hours, not gonna paste the whole thing since…not much changed.

Squad Leader 88.7 hr
Corporate Liaison 73.4 hr
Chief Engineer 71.6 hr
Survivor 63.6 hr
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Good survivor player, knowledgeable at Marine Law, good spread of hours and knowledge on many key roles, medical/engineering/research etc. Good interactions and RP always with them, never had an issue with. Improved his Xeno hours aswell spread in most castes, and also has some experience as Queen wich is sometimes rare +1


You are showing an active effort to improve yourself gameplay wise, and I appreciate that fully. I will ask you some gameplay questions when I have the time to, but for now I am positive towards this application due to your positive attributes while playing.

  • I’m trying to make a new camera network system, how can I do that? Can I install cameras on the colony and connect them to the ship??
  • Why do I glow different colors as a ravager sometimes?
  • I’m playing corpsman, is there no faster way to fix IB? Do I have to carry this kit with me all the time?
  • I’m really confused on how to make some greenos.

You can set a camera network while constructing the security camera, when you do the final step to complete the assembly, you get the choice to set the camera to a network aswell as give the camera itself a name, as from what I’ve seen, you can set a camera groundside, but they don’t have night vision, so your camera would end up like all the other colony-side camera’s, blind. Aditionally, if you want to set the network on the Television Set itself, you’ll need to deconstruct it partially to get the circuit board, unlock it with your ID (You’ll need engineering access for this) And then multitool it (Simpler name for the Security Access Tuner), then add the network you want to, it comes with the CC live network by default, so just add it on and set it back up, and there you have it, the network is on that one TV set.

You’re possibly describing the base ravagers ability called “Empower”, first activation gives you 75 shield points, on second activation, every enemy in your line of sight, which is up to 5 enemies, and within a 3-tile range, you extra 80 shield points, if you empowered from 3 enemies or more, you become super empowered for ~5 seconds, which strenghtens the effects for the two other abilities the base ravager gets. This will result in the ravager glowing.

Unfortunately the only treatment for internal bleeding is through surgery, you could OD on bicaridine to fix it, but thats not possible anymore, you can dump the kit and use your boot knife to cut open and retract the wound, and your surgical line to fix the IB and suture the incision which is what most corpsman mains do.

You need the following materials/chemicals.

  1. Level 5X clearance
  2. Scan Royal Plasma, or if you already have it scanned, re-scan it.
  3. You’ll need to relate with a randomized chemical one unique property of the Royal Plasma using the synthesis simulator, which is Ciphering, you’ll need level 2, which is the corrupt hive, the only hive which has the choice to be friendly, be warned though, its not guaranteed and it depends on the queen, they can betray you at any moment.
  4. Connect the monkey to a blood IV, it’ll lose blood while the larva is gestating, the gestation will take a while, too.
  5. Infect the monkey, either with an egg or egg plasma
  6. Inject 5 units of the chemical containing Ciphering 2 before the larva hatches so it actually corrupts instead of hatching into a normal larva.
  7. A hint, please, be patient, you can’t speed up the process, you might ruin the entire project
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Good enough.

You forgot the strains, the hedgehog and berserker will also glow depending on their sharpnel / rage. Otherwise good.


I would also want to explain how “relating” works as they might not know, otherwise good.

Overall I believe you can be fit to become a mentor, good luck! +1




Added mentor:approved and removed mentor:waiting