Mentor Application - Takemi
Byond CKEY:
Discord ID:
Character Name(s):
Muhammad “Takemi” Lee
Why do you want to become a Mentor?:
As someone who goes in Byond/SS13/CM13 without a friend help directly, I was confused with some of the control that I found unituitive. Thankfully, on my first deployment there was a SEA that helped me learn. Over the course, from using mentorhelp, several members of the community teaching me the ropes, I learned to love the game. As someone who is helped alot, I would like to give and and in turn teach other newbie on playing and enjoying the game like I do.
What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:
I am well versed in marines sides of thing, I’ve played almost all role to a level of understanding and specialized in medical (Squad Medic & Doctor) and engineering (Comtech & MT). My favorite roles includes HM, Comtech, Doctor, PO, and IO.
My biggest weakness is xenos as I mainly focus on marines and only tried out some xenos gameplay.
How often are to able to play CM?:
2-3 times a week, about 3 hours each session but could be more on weekends.
A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:
Human (392.5 hr)
Squad Hospital Corpsman 55.1 hr
Doctor 48.1 hr
Pilot Officer 32.2 hr
Squad Combat Technician 27.6 hr
Intelligence Officer 27.3 hr
Squad Radio Telephone Operator 27.0 hr
Squad Rifleman 24.0 hr
Ordnance Technician 22.6 hr
Military Police 17.8 hr
Squad Smartgunner 16.2 hr
Cargo Technician 14.4 hr
Maintenance Technician 14.3 hr
Chief Medical Officer 12.0 hr
Staff Officer 11.0 hr
Chief MP 10.2 hr
Researcher 8.9 hr
Squad Weapons Specialist 5.7 hr
Military Warden 4.4 hr
Requisitions Officer 3.5 hr
Squad Leader 3.2 hr
Nurse 2.0 hr
Chief Engineer 1.4 hr
Dropship Crew Chief 1.3 hr
Executive Officer 0.9 hr
Corporate Liaison 0.9 hr
Survivor 0.5 hr
Mess Technician 0.4 hr
Riot Control 0.1 hr
Xeno (6.3 hr)
Spitter 1.3 hr
Runner 1.3 hr
Lurker 1.0 hr
Bloody Larva 0.7 hr
Sentinel 0.6 hr
Defender 0.5 hr
Facehugger 0.4 hr
Boiler 0.4 hr
Warrior 0.1 hr
Anything else you’d like to add?:
This is my application using the new format as the first one was apparently made in the old format. If there is anything you want to ask/clarify, please feel free to hit me up in the thread or directly on discord.
Fun fact: My IC name was taken from The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon tried to guess a name using the most common first and last name in the world to give him the highest chance of being correct mathematically.