I love this kind of nitpicks, it rounds up my knowledge. Like they say in F1, to win you have to chase that last 0.1s or 0.01s.
As someone who aspire to be mentor and have would be subjected to higher roleplay standard I would like to quote the rule (mentor code of conduct) to show that I have read it.
So the answer is no a SEA is not allowed to overwatch as a squad. My understanding of the rule is that there are duties SEA can do when its 1. round critical; 2. no other person from related department can do it. But, as overwatch is listed in things SEA may not perform then its a hard no.
I would like to use this opportunity to highlight that I like CM rule & law its like watching a mini-court and I like to read and understand the rules, that I lurk in the forum to read things like player report etc, and I also read other mentor application, like other app where you asked if SEA are allowed to load OB, and my answer would be:
Quoting and deriving from the rule, as long as there is no one in engineering & CIC (as usually CIC member have powerloader skill) are able to do it in time critical manner than SEA is allowed to load the OB.
I would like to quote this rule in the mentor of code and conduct:
First I will stay calm as ice, I would ask them to stop the behaviour I consider as harassment. If it persist I will refer this issue to another staff member who may have higher power or knowledge to help me, either the mentor overseer or moderator to close the case.
I took a long time to write this not much came out, hopefully this is what you expect but as always I’m open to learn new things, please guide me if I have answered anything wrong.
So excited to answer this question. First I would try IC way, I would tell you general idea about MP role and rules like have to follow ML, SOP, etc. Then, I would give you a copy of ML book and tell you to read it first to familiarize with ML. After they get a more general idea of ML & MP role I would tell them to ask/clarify anything with me, and if I have the capacity I will patrol Almayer together to guide them on arrest. I did this once as CMP teaching new MP.
But if they dont respond well ICly, I would open LOOC to give them links and talk in a more OOC way to make it easier for them to understand.
Edit: To clarify on my “guide them on arrest” I have to clarify as SEA cant be deputized for an arrest, that this is only guiding, not directly involved, so they will become an MP who follow proper arrest procedure
Edit2: Forgot to answer one question
Organ damage: nanopaste to bodypart, its in surgery tray but if you are not doctor with access to one I would look around the synth inventory hoping they have one handy
Decap: Its a level 2 surgery (doctor+ only) its retractor → attach head → fix o’ vein → cautery → revive with defib when damage <200