Mentor Application - TheFlyingFlail

Mentor Application - TheFlyingFlail

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Pal Johnson

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

Re-Applying after taking a year long break from cm13

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

Strong on the human side of things not so much on the xeno but I do read the wiki and play xeno from time to time.

How often are to able to play CM?:


A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Survivor 366.5 hr
Rifleman 238.4 hr
Senior Enlisted Advisor 150.0 hr
Combat Technician 148.1 hr
Military Police 108.5 hr
Maintenance Technician 48.4 hr
Corporate Liaison 37.4 hr
Military Warden 21.8 hr
Hospital Corpsman 9.5 hr
Chief MP 7.1 hr
Squad Leader 6.9 hr
Smartgunner 6.6 hr
Staff Officer 5.9 hr
Ordnance Technician 4.2 hr
Cargo Technician 3.5 hr
Bunker Crew 3.0 hr
Executive Officer 2.4 hr
Chief Engineer 1.9 hr

Facehugger 6.0 hr
Runner 2.3 hr
Drone 1.5 hr
Lurker 0.8 hr
Bloody Larva 0.8 hr
Boiler 0.8 hr
Ravager 0.3 hr
Spitter 0.2 hr
Queen 0.2 hr
Sentinel 0.2 hr
Defender 0.2 hr
Hivelord 0.1 hr
Warrior 0.1 hr

Anything else you’d like to add?:

150hrs as SEA


Firstly I want to say sorry its taking anyone this long to get to this app. Had a few busy weekends at work and forgot all about this, so sorry!
Pal here a former mentor was one the mentors on the team when I joined. A solid SEA and mentor with no issues from what I can recall. Good at RPing and was pretty skillful in many different fields of the game. One of the best “survivor mains” we had he was active he also iirc had a PR or 2 that made good balance changes to that role as well.
I know he step down from mentor last year when he want to shift his attention to his studies and not have to worry about being active here on CM, totally fine life happens and he left on great terms. It great in the last few weeks to see him back here playing and wanting to join back! I can say I trust Pal here to join back the mentor team and be a positive member to it.
THE ONLY ISSUE is the lack of xeno hours. In the time Pal has been gone both marines and xenos have had their fair set of changes made. Gameplay is being expanded, etc, etc. Also given the mentor team is looking for more people to join us with more then a few xeno hours this is Pal’s only real drawback. That being said all I ask is that you @TheFlyingFlail play xeno a bit more when you have the time and get that knowledge first hand and the changes and effects they have had. That all being said I am still willing to give you a +1 here.
Again so sorry its taken me this long to get to this app! Its great to see you back here playing again! Best of luck and I hope to see you on the mentor team! If you need any help or have questions please DM me and we can chat!

Not seeing a ton of medical hours here. But I presume you have time sunk in as a Doctor-Qual’d Survivor. But lets just provide the evidence too.

So a couple of hypothetical questions:

A new doctor Mhelps for steps to do Larva Removal. What are the steps:
After (Insert time jump here) They Mhelp again asking how the other doctors are faster at getting the Larva out?
What steps are not needed? Which can be modified? And what status means you can skip a step?

Bonus points. They Mhelp again. A PFC annoyed the CMO and the CMO then told our doctor to fix the eyes the long surgical way. What are the steps? And can it be done faster? (No it’s not a trick question you don’t need to answer IA)

And lastly. A marine has told our by-now well informed doctor that they wish for a 6 part UNGA. This is a little subjective but lets assume at-least 4 of these parts have direct damage healing properties. What could the composition look like?

Bonus Bonus Points for how you would make them whilst making using of the Wey-Chem.

Hello player to remove the larva you must first place the human on the operating table preferably sedated as we don’t want people moving around.

1.) Remove their armor as it obstructs operating area
2.) Use scapel to remove skin around the area you need to operate on which is the chest
3.) Use the hemostat to clamp bleeders to prevent excessive bleeding
4.) Use retractor to open up the area
5.) Use the circular saw and retractor to open the ribcage
6.) Use the hemostat to pull out the alien
7.) Repair the ribcage by using the retractor to close it then use the bone healing gel
8.) Use the Cautery to close the operation. You don’t want to miss this step as the person will bleed endlessly

As for the 2nd question it boils down to skill issue. Some roles have higher medical / surgical skills to complete tasks quicker.

For eye surgery you will need to use items in this order. Scapel / Retractor / Hemostat / Cautery. Its relatively quickly when it comes to surgeries.

For unga mix, it is a combination of bicardine , kelotone, tramadol, and inaprovine.

For wey-chem it depends on what role you are. If you are shipside medical I would make the cryomix to heal people with the cryotubes which isn’t used that often. It heals most injuries all be it slower.

Okay. Hold tight for words. Lets go through it.

Edit: Oh yeah. Thank you for answering my questions. Uhh sorry about the following.
Edit 2: Put things in detail boxes so it’s not such a giant wall of text.

Larva Removal

Firstly. Point for a flavourful explanation on Larva removal.
You could have explained how to mechanically remove the armour. As it’s probably something a new doctor would need to know but wouldn’t know to ask but eh.

Well unfortunately you have missed the step using the PICT To cut the larva’s weird tubes that connect it to all the inside-y bits. This comes after opening up the rib-cage with the retractor and before you can pull out the larva with the hemostat.
So this isn’t a skippable step.

Larva Removal Part 2

Mmmm yes it could be skill issue. But there are some steps that we can skip and some we can modify to make the surgery faster.

Mechanically though the only one with a higher surgical skill than anyone else is Synthetics. CMO/Docs/Surg-capable ERTs all get the same.

What steps are not needed? Which can be modified? And what status means you can skip a step?

I put this here to guide you towards what I was hoping you’d answer with.

So lets start by first saying The initial incision does not need it it’s bleeder to be clamped. This saves a little time and is useful when you’re going through 5+ Hugged. Or have impatient patients.

And next we can intentionally break the ribs to get to opening the rib-cage faster. This is done by using disarm intent, instead of help intent. This means it’s done instantly rather than a wind up. Further speeding the process along. This does mean that extra bone gel will be used to heal the fracture we just made. But we get to pulling the larva out quicker. Which is useful for late-stage hugged.

All in all our new Faster Surgical steps look like this

Scalpel → Retractor → Circular Saw (on dis-arm intent) → Retractor → PICT-> Hemostat → Retractor → Bone Gel → Bone Gel → Bone Setter → Cautery

The trick that I hoped you’d point out is that the time you save breaking the ribs is nearly all spent fixing the ribs by adding And extra bone gel step and a bone setter step.

So the the over-all fastest method is normally cutting the ribs And skipping the first hemostat.

Scalpel → Retractor → Circular Saw → Retractor → PICT-> Hemostat → Retractor → Bone Gel → Cautery

But that’s moot if their ribs are already broken!

If the ribs are already broken, we don’t need to break them again we can just open the rib cage from the get go. So we can skip the Circular Saw step. But we still need to fix their fracture afterwards of course.

Scalpel → Retractor → Retractor → PICT-> Hemostat → Retractor → Bone Gel → one Gel → Bone Setter → Cautery

So Ideally we don’t want to break the ribs but maybe we have a lot of hugged and it needs to be done in the interest of having no bursts. Or maybe we totally have plenty of time. But the marines ribs are already broken anyway. There’s a little nuance here but if you don’t want to worry about them bursting getting to the larva quicker is the better default option

Side note whilst the Hemostat step is skippable it has the very minor affect of making the marine bleed. It’s not enough to be worried about and AFIAK the surgery tables also slow down bleeding. Might be wrong on that count, cause I haven’t bothered to measure the blood-loss.

Eye Surgery

Yep this is correct. You do acquire a bonus point. But the second part I was looking for here is that no you can’t skip any steps in this one. Nor can you modify them… I mean technically you can purposely fail the steps with disarm intent, but it doesn’t actually advance the surgery in this case… It’s just torture?

Chem Questions

Oooookay moving on to the Chem questions.

Firstly uh I did specify what I wanted here.

A marine has told our by-now well informed doctor that they wish for a 6 part UNGA. This is a little subjective but lets assume at-least 4 of these parts have direct damage healing properties.

6 Parts.
4 Of them that do direct healing.

You named two that do direct healing, Kelotane and Bicaridine. Everyone forgets the extra I.
Also Inaprovaline. But I get what you meant. Though I did not get why you added it to the UNGA mix.
So uh I’m gonna need a little more here.

What I intended you to answer is how you would utilize what the WeyChem provides. Please note that the Chem Dispenser, The ChemMaster and the Wey-Chem are 3 different machines found in chemistry.

But I’ll give you an example. To make the Common Combo of I.A. Instead of mixing Dylovene manually you can dispense a Dylovene Bottle from the Wey-Chem And pour it in to your Bluespace beaker, and then click on the Wey-Chem with the Dylovene Bottle to refill it and pour it in again. And then continue to mix IA.

So what I would have liked is basically how you would use the Wey-Chem and the Chem Dispenser to make UNGA.

You also didn’t explain what Cryo mix is or how to make it. But yes CryoMix is a nice thing to have around. As BONUS FACT it instantly fixes Internal Bleeding.

I’ll note that I was probably unfair in targeting what seems to be a weakness here. And I’ll say that for the most part. As the Medical Department and Corpsman are rife with New comers it’s good to be knowledgable in the field.

So I hope you’ve learned a couple of things here.

I will say though that you’re previous Mentor. And you’ve put in a good chunk of SEA hours. I don’t think anyone could find any fault with having you back.


Alrighty so you were a long time mentor that’s for certain and you’ve been away for quite awhile. I’m interested in how you’ve been spreading your time since you’ve been back to get a feeling of the current state of the game. Also, I will be holding you to the current standard of wanting to accept mentors who have experience with xeno as well. I’ll ask the same of you of the last person who had a lot of marine time but not a lot of xeno: Tell me a bit about how all the current castes play and a question and answer you might expect to receive commonly about the castes.

I’ve been playing roles here and there every now and then.

In terms of xeno casts they very depending on evolution tier and purpose. The game aside from a few changes still remains somewhat the same.

Xenomorph classes differ in role depending upon the evolution tier. For the most part xenomorphs either fall in the Support or Offensive category.

  • Drone: Is your standard evolution from T1 that is an all-around support. It can build, heal, and in a pinch attack human hosts if absolutely necessary. Your role as the drone is to follow orders from the queen build structures and assist your sisters as best you can. You may see lesser drone on the field but they are inferior to you. You are the peak evolutionary biomechanism.
  • Runner: You are a scout plain and simple. Your fast speed and sight allow you to cover vast land areas to relay information to the hivemind. Your attacking abilities are formidable and can prove to be a pain in the but to the marines as you slowly capture people one after another. With your strain upgrade you can inflict acid damage at the cost of some of your scouting abilities.
  • Defender: A blockhead of sorts when it comes to the T1 casts. You have abilities that make you particularly hard to kill when stationary to all but the toughest of human firepower. You, as the name implies, defend your fellow hive members by being a virtual bullet sponge or attack with your tailswipe to knockdown unsuspecting people.
  • Sentinel: You are a range class that inflicts acid damage to tall host. Depending on the host armor you may even be able to perma-stun individuals punishing them for not covering up. You can spray, spit, and layer acid onto people and object weakening them over time.
  • Burrower: You make tunnels and lay traps for your hivemind. Your ability to make tunnels is a powerful tool for your hivemind to quickly travel the map undetected and in vast quantities at a time. Your traps allow you to either do acid damage or infect unsuspecting tall hosts.
  • Carrier: You carry facehuggers on you and make quick work of hugger traps and infecting marines who are pinned to the ground. You can place egg traps around corners that will leap at marines automatically. You may not be a capable fighter but serve as a great support xeno. Perhaps even a moral booster if you hug people effectively.
  • Hivelord: You are essentially a Drone++. You are stronger (though not as fast) and can build quite quickly. Unlike the drone your building structures can be upgraded to be a nuisance for anyone attempting to break through the great wall of resin. You emit pheromones to support your fellow sisters.
  • Warrior: You lose some of your defensive capabilities for more frontline power. You can lunge, stun, and fling tall host into oblivion with the right timing and support from your sisters. You can even decapitate people who are sufficiently stunned although this takes a considerable amount of time.
  • Spitter: You are sentinel ++. You are tougher and can spit more potent acid to people far more accurately.
  • Lurker: You lose a bit of your speed for stealth. You are an effectively solo killer of tall host and your invisibility allows you to hide in plain sight. An effective use of your abilities will you see being personally hunted down by particularly upset individuals.
  • Crusher: You are defender +++. You are not only tough as hell but can deal out a considerable amount of damage. You are a bit slow but with the right strain can make you plow through tall host like bowling pins. You stomp people to death and provide a conveniently durable scapegoat for people to focus their attention on while your more agile peers do the damage.
  • Praetorian: Plays like a hybrid of warrior and spitter. You have several strains that let them become an effective fighter utilizing their tails, spits, and strike to quickly incapacitate tall hosts.
  • Boiler: Is a big girl. You can spit acid like your inferior sisters but can also spew gas at range. You can disrupt fortifications by making them indefensible with your gas. You cant quite fight people off 1v1 but your role is to be the ranged sister that makes tall host dance around gas. You can be an effective area denial tool on the frontline.
  • Ravager: You are the perfect killing machine. You are tanky and can deal a significant amount of damage in quick order. Your abilities make you formidable in a group and a deadly foe solo. You are nearly as fast as your lurker counter part but who needs stealth when you can kill things.
  • Queen: You are the glue that keeps the alien hivemind together. Despite xenomorphs being controlled by a single entity (you) you will find that they don’t tend to follow orders well much like their tall host. You will be the backbone of the hive by building defenses, helping sisters who got in trouble and want to bail out of a situation of their own doing, and periodically upgrading the hive through various evolutionary points. You need to be a proactive person as this role is quite demanding and can easily be the cause of a round ending quickly. Regardless of your performance, you will be blamed for the failing of the hive so don’t take it personally. You can enforce order by banishing individuals or de-evolving people remotely. Be sure to assign leaders of the hive and support people to the best of your abilities. If you are ever in need of help go and pray to the queen mother of the stars and await a response. Unlike faxes you will most likely receive help.

*Why can I not be a larva? You may have your preferences disabled for joining xenos as a larva. You can only join as a hugger or lesser drone at this time

*How can I purchase a strain: Go to the xeno tab there you can select to become a strain of choice depending on your xeno tier.

*Why can I not evolve? You may be a lesser drone or have not received enough evolutionary points to evolve higher. Try resting on weeds for a bit and periodically check the evolution tag which will tell you how much points you have and how much you will need.

*Why can I not hug people? You need to be a hugger or need a hugger in hand to place on a tall host.

*How can I drag people? Ctrl+Mouse 1. To eat someone drag their sprite to you once you are pulling them. You only have a short period of time to have them inside of you so make haste to the hive. Tall host may fight back while inside so hurry.

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