Mentor Application - Westrover

Mentor Application - Westrover

Byond CKEY:


Discord ID:


Character Name(s):

Cynthia ‘Cyn’ Morrison

Why do you want to become a Mentor?:

I enjoy helping new players really, i like watching and teaching players both experienced and inexperienced the ropes of the game, from the basics like how to reload and more complex shit, like fixing IB’s chems, Apc’s etc

What gameplay areas do you know and which areas are you strong and weak in?:

-Marine roles
My strongest would be medical and engineering. I have memorized all standard chems, like MB KD ATD etc, and even more obscure chemicals like Fluorosurfactant. I have all surgeries memorized and I am quick to get marines up from death. As for engineering, i have strong footing on this too, I know good cade layouts, how to build, repair and troubleshoot APC’s for them to be repaired.

The weakest areas however in medical and engineering would be OT and Research, these areas i would have base knowlege in, just basics but i would not know more advanced strategies or methods of thinking.

Xeno roles
xeno would be my least played role, for the simple fact i dont have enjoyment in the role, this is not to say I can’t play xeno or don’t know how to
I simply just don’t enjoy the game loop of xeno and find it deeply boring. Xeno casts and xeno roles would be my weakest knowledge however i do know the functions of queen and casts

How often are to able to play CM?:

12-16 hours a week

A screenshot or transcript of your human and xeno playtimes:

Marine play times

Xeno playtimes,

Anything else you’d like to add?:

drink water and have a good day :3


This person, in general, I’ve had a lot of experience with both seeing them as they were newer and now that they’ve grasped what they’re doing. They’re genuinely kind and compassionate as a human being in most interactions. I give them an enthusiastic plus one for support. They got their head on straight and would be an incredible asset to our mentor team.


I generally try to keep my +1’s reserved and often say nothing but Cynthia is knowledgeable, friendly and overall just a great person to be with. It would be a crime for me not to +1 this. +1. I agree with Aces on this one!


I think Cynthia is up for the job. When I think of a good mentor… I think of someone who’s not only skilled knowledge-wise, but also someone who’s enjoyable to be around, someone who knows how to teach someone and not make them sleep half-way through. I also find that Cynthia is skilled enough in combat, medical and engineering enough to be able to teach newer players.



Despite Westrover not obtaining the Synthetic whitelist, I have noticed from the past two months of them eagerly showing interest in learning roles outside of unga bunga riflemen. Shipside or marine, I praise them for learning the game and how each role functions.

With their experience compared to maybe, late March? It has vastly improved and they’re an alright person, fun to be with. Would be cool to see them as a mentor :+1:


Solid dude not much to say that hasn’t been said already +1


Nothing wrong with finding xeno gameplay to be boring, I’m sure it is at times, though I still encourage playing it every now and again for the sake of obtaining knowledge and getting a better overall feel for them.

You’ll get plenty of questions related to xeno gameplay as a mentor that you should be prepared to have to answer if nobody else is able to take it; but that’s just my opinion.

I’ll remain neutral on this for the time being.

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i realized this myself, so i’ve started to play xeno more, and honest been enjoying some of it. Though i still overall prefer Marines

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I have seen you around as of late and not seen anything that would say you do dumb/greifing/ LRP stuff. You seem pretty nice and willing to help around when you can thats a good sign.

Overall your zeno hour could use work as there have been more zeno based mhelps coming in, and having more mentors that have good zeno knowledge pool. Beyond that also if you could get some more MP and command hour that would also be a good thing to do. For now I will hold off on giving a +1 or -1 here as I would like to watch you play some more. If you have any questions or wish to pick my brain feel free to DM me here or on Discord.

I wish ya the best of luck and look forward to seeing you on the team soon.

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haii so i’ve been putting more hours into MP and Command roles, while playing xenos when i get the chance to or when late joining etc etc, Sadly still not in a good spot with xenos, however ive been learning off all the casts abilities passives etc just to get a better grip on things overall

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After playing some rounds with you and watching how you interact with others I think you’d be a good addition to the mentor team, I can’t really complain and I wish you the best of luck +1.


Been a bit since i last updated my hours so here we are, I learned a lot for research and OT im still getting the ropes for, I have a stable footing and can say i can make decent explosives

not really any increase in xeno hours sadly, i just can never get into the mood to play xeno

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Hey hello! Don’t worry too much about your beno hours, you are expected to know a lot but not everything, little of us do. I do believe that you are very worthy of becoming a mentor, hopefully a great one!

Ps. +1


I highly +1 this, they’ve shown to be a nice person who enjoys teaching new players in an unofficial capacity. I haven’t seen them be embroiled in any sort of drama or bad sportsmanship, and I know them personally as a rather nice person. Highly recommended.


They’re already doing the job. May as well give’em the fancy title and some tools to do it better.


After watching you IC and playing with you a bit more I am more confident to vote +1 for you now. I have seen you behave in good RP manner and show knowledge in game. Best of luck and I hope to see you on the team.

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I’ve interacted with their marine enough to say they do a good job of interacting with other marines on a RP standpoint, along with willingly helping other players. They have also been a good community member from what I’ve seen. I support this with a +1

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Not much to be said that hasn’t already been said. I haven’t had many OOC interactions with you to gauge you as a person, but you’re a solid player, good roleplayer, and can generally be relied on. I’m sure you’re already gonna be accepted based on what is being said about you and by whom, but I’ll just add to the pile.


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I suppose your recent LRP notes are a bit odd but otherwise fine. Just don’t keep it up. Application accepted.