I approached the marine who was chatting with the predator (there’s 2 predator), and I told one marine ‘What a bunch of weebs’ following ‘with mask’. And suddenly Hau’thei Nhon just fireman carry me (I think he felt insulted, I don’t know) before he banished to darkness and killed me with plasma gun. It’s clearly breaking Honor Code. I didn’t fight with him before, and if he think what I do is LRP, so he can pull plasma gun, I think it just over reacting, I’ve seen marine pissed near the hunter before, and what I do just telling the marine they are a bunch of weebs (not direct insult).
why they need to get mad about that? people have preferences on how they called pred, like jamaican, dreadlock, and I called them weebs, how that insulting?, are they even know what anime is like a human?, damn weebs.
my point is if he feels insulted then fight according to the rules, not using a plasma gun because he thinks what I did was LRP even though it wasn’t at all, he has never met a marine who did—me “wet farts”—or spamming me “farts”—or even funnier, the marine who kicked the hunter in the groin before shouting, my leg hurts
I was the Marine talking to the predators, you just showed up randomly and called them weebs and walked away with no prior interaction or roleplay, from my point of view it was clearly LRP. I was trying to interact with them in a meaningful way and you just barged in and said some stupid shit. It was totally out of the blue and uncalled for, how is going up to a 7ft tall alien you haven’t interacted with and just calling them weebs not a LRP insult? Next time I suggest you put the bare minimum effort into rp before interacting with preds.
so should I say ‘greetings my fellow humanoid’, 7ft tall alien doesnt make marine need to interact properly, like whenever we see a RAV or King, most of the time marine we will yell ‘Fucking Red Bulbasaur’ or a term that doesn’t make sense. Not all first interaction need to be meaningful, because they are unknown entity. We don’t even know if they can understand our language or not. In the Predator (1987) even the first encounter is when SG say ‘come on in you fucker’ or the black guy that just straight up blind shooting when they see invisible pred.