Monke Whitelist Template - APPLY HERE

Monke Application - (YOUR ID HERE)

What is your BYOND key?

What is your Discord ID?

What is your timezone in UTC?

Player Name You Use Most?

What would your monkey name be?

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?

If so, why?


How familiar are you with monkey like roles (Ex: Marines)

Hours in CMP:

Hours in Marine PFC:

Character Information:

How did your monkey end up in the almayer

How did your character attain the position of Ship Monkey?

Provide a 30 page story of your Monkey.

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to hurt the humans ?

When is it okay for Monke to play with reactors untill they explode mid-mission ?

When do you believe it’s appropriate to steal banan :banana:

Give some examples of when you would or would not throw the CACA (poopoo) at humans


based WL, monke WL where you try and evade the xenos roundstart and then evade marines upon landing and make it to the CLs containment chamber where you can live happily ever after.


Can I still apply if I’m job banned on all role’s including observer?


+1 for you in that case




p.s rate my monke


What is your BYOND key?

incoherent screeching

What is your Discord ID?

incoherent screeching

What is your timezone in UTC?

incoherent screeching

Player Name You Use Most?

incoherent screeching

What would your monkey name be?

incoherent screeching

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:

incoherent screeching

Have you been banned in the last 3 months?

incoherent screeching

If so, why?

incoherent screeching


How familiar are you with monkey like roles (Ex: Marines)

incoherent screeching

Hours in CMP:

incoherent screeching

Hours in Marine PFC:

incoherent screeching

Character Information:

How did your monkey end up in the almayer

incoherent screeching

How did your character attain the position of Ship Monkey?

incoherent screeching

Provide a 30 page story of your Monkey.

incoherent screeching

Command Actions:

When do you believe it’s appropriate to hurt the humans ?

incoherent screeching

When is it okay for Monke to play with reactors untill they explode mid-mission ?

incoherent screeching

When do you believe it’s appropriate to steal banan :banana:

incoherent screeching

Give some examples of when you would or would not throw the CACA (poopoo) at humans

incoherent screeching


Yikes ! How can the council unpack this ?

Your backstory is a little disappointing, why would the cl want a monkey with him ??? It would get in the way of his frequent company communication, it would also smell, its just not very convincing.

Also, which CO liked him ? why did the CO like him ?
I just feel like you did not put in the tought for this whitelist privilege

Ugh sighs the council wants to give you another chance, but this is an easy -1 from me so far, here are a few questions that may change our ever right minds

-On the banana stealing question, if your monkey is NOT hungry at all, would he still do it ?

-You fling caca trying to hit a Marine, but end up hitting a provost marshall instead, he wants you killed but the marines take up in arms to defend you, do you tell them to stand down to avoid needless death, or try to use them to save yourself ?

-You get your hands on the CO’s mateba, wich you too can use, and the CMP walks up and demands it from you, what do you do ?


Solid, but i dont feel we are buddies enough OOC, so -1


Fake:No section about hours as delta/MT


Best WL.