“Chemical Weapons smock”
New armor type that does very little brute damage protection but makes you almost immune to acid damage, so you can build cades whilst being acided. Lock to Combat Technicians only.
Upgrade folding barricades.
Use the nailgun and metal to turn a “folding barricade” into a regular barricade, so you can quickly lay down a wall, then make it more permanent.
Rapid Deployment Construction pouch
A pouch like the construction pouch but it holds empty, and full sandbags, barbed wire, and folding barricades so front line combat technicians can setup barricades faster and make more use of folding barricades without sacrificing their backpack.
Construction Backpack
A backpack that costs points and is limited to 1 per com tech that is a backpack in carry capacity that instantly opens like a satchel and has welding fuel in it.
Combat Engineer Webbing
A points webbing that takes the “webbing” slot that can carry the breaching shotgun, and some spare breaching shotgun ammo.
Most of these don’t align with the maintainers’ vision for CM, as they’re kinda “inventory” creep. My point isn’t necessarily these specific things in this way, I think the combat technician is “too important” and too frustrating to play.
I think combat technicians are the most important role and no one wants to play it, or it’s too easy to mess up.
why do you not play combat technician?
In addition to having to build FOB, or being “stuck at comms” if your squad does comms and fixes the APC.