Most common marine deaths and how to avoid them.

The Classic: Being Alone

This one takes the cake, as it’s both the most common and most preventable death.
Xenos thrive on isolated marines. Runners and lurkers will absolutely eviscerate you if they even think that they can get a few slashes off on you. If there are no fellow marines within your view range, then assume they won’t be able to help you in time if you get attacked.
Always walk in groups of at least two, depending on the time of day I’d say even 3-4, as during highpop hours the backline is so infested with Lurkers and Runners that they will easily destroy even a pair of marines.


This one takes second place, as it’s really just a more advanced form of being alone. You’re still technically with your squad… until you’re not. Don’t be the guy that rushes into a resin door hoping to kill the retreating defender low on health. Any xeno standing behind that door will instantly rush to help defend their retreating comrade and completely obliterate you in the process. Even your fellow marines standing 7 tiles away won’t be able to help you as the warriors fling you around like a football.

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel vision is one of the sneakiest ways to get yourself killed. You get so focused on shooting a Xeno or finishing off a retreating enemy that you completely lose awareness of your surroundings. Meanwhile, Runners, Lurkers, or even a Warrior are circling around you, waiting for their moment to strike.

The classic example? You’re firing down a hallway, laser-focused on one Spitter, and don’t notice the Lurker coming up behind you until it’s too late.

Not Following Retreats

When the squad pulls back, you pull back too. Don’t be the guy standing their ground thinking you’re holding the line when everyone else has already fallen back to regroup. What usually happens? You get left alone, and Xenos pounce the moment they realize you’ve overcommitted.

Marines that don’t retreat when the squad does tend to die in embarrassing ways. If you hear a retreat called, stop what you’re doing and MOVE.

The Lone Hero

This is a death trap born of overconfidence. You think you can be the one to heroically kill the Xeno holding a choke point or save a pinned squadmate without backup. Except, you can’t. Xenos thrive on Marines who act alone, and being a “hero” just makes you a high-value target.

Even if you’re trying to rescue someone, call for help and wait for backup. Running in solo turns two dead Marines into three. There’s no glory in dying because you thought you could take on a Crusher by yourself.


(some of) These deaths aren’t a mistake though, in my opinion, oftentimes they can simply be taking a chance to achieve something others might be too afraid to achieve. Overextending might and probably will end up killing you, but if you finally kill that Prime Ravager that was too confident because nobody was hellpushing, it’ll be worth it.

Of course, these things get a lot easier if you factor in ‘not being alone’, but that generally relies on having a trusted (generally meta) friend to stick by you. Other times when it’s not so crucial, I could not agree more about not going alone in the backline, especially on certain maps with wider and more difficult to navigate backlines, i.e. Trijent.


All of these death sources are outshone by the TRUE killer of marines- Other marines.

Unironically, at least one third of all marine casualties are directly the result of friendly fire…


Why are you personally attacking me?

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the opposite of this also holds true, many times i’ve seen prime warriors and queens crit 3 tiles out of view range with a low hp xeno near them, while the marine refuses to push forward because they’re scared of getting warrior lunged.

Gambling your life as a marine on a decent chance to finish off a crit prime warrior is almost always worth it, IMO. Of course there will be times where you see the xeno crit, and then get lunged or pounced or neurospit and die/get capped, but there will also be times where you successfully trade your life for a prime warrior/rav/crusher’s.


Well said, do not fear death. That is the Delta in me.


What I see is a recipe for a fragger playstyle… weird.


Overextending might and probably will end up killing you, but if you finally kill that Prime Ravager that was too confident because nobody was hellpushing, it’ll be worth it.

Spit. Spit. Spit King! What a weaker marine may call “going in too deep and feeding xenos a cap,” we enlightened few understand to simply be “getting active.”


Cowboy up.