MP guide

Gets popcorn Watches the MP infighting.

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taser misses all shots and hits the marines to the side


here’s my MP guide:
don’t play MP lol


The OT Nade in his back pocket: Dropped int he middle of briefing

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when are we getting this guide btw

you’d probably be the highest hour CMP to make one on these forums since I doubt the few above you ever will


I’ll start this weekend, I want it to be like the comprehensive corpsman guide good


your call has been answered

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As I said in your thread, it’s a collection of tips on how to behave as MP, not a complete MP guide.


Wonder if I should make a guide.
Entitle it “Everything is a crime. A primer on weaponizing Marine Law”

Lesson 1: dont play CMP. You want to maximize your arrests and antimarine play… but dont want to be held responsible for the complaints against the department or other paperwork bullshit. You might even get called to be aCO and then not be able to arrest anyone… a fate worse than death. At most play warden.


Me as SEA walking into brig to see MPs fighting over the charges for dude they holding, just to see the dude ghost, cause its been 20 minutes of that.


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Ah yes “the classic stall”

Thats a common tactic when we know your charges are bullshit.

The end goal is to make command so frustrated and you so pissed that when the appeal shows up you start yelling and get instant denied. (If you are even still around)

In the mpcord we already agreed on your charges and the argument is a facade.


yeah, there is really no training officers willing to train MP… but hey if you think i’m a fuck up… maybe hold a training For MPs run

But your not in the MP cord.
Also in a situation like that if that shit is not ahelped then shitty/bad MPs wont be dealt with.

Remember to take as long as possible to bring the arrestee into the brig(like not fireman carrying them), as it adds more time to their sentence.

A good SEA trains everyone a bad one neglects to learn his departmental jobs and do them.

Cough cough kutznetzov cough

yeah i had no SEA trainer and i had fiqure shit out on my own… for the most part i play warden and CMP only when we have 5 MP and no CMP or Warden on crew.

Basically just remember to read the wiki when consulting crimes, dont push your luck, and don’t be an asshole otherwise you will get all of the crew interfering and beating you up.

Mentor help is also an option, they may even join the round as SEA to help you out

well seing the latest round the mp i think they are good[ a guy named “Filho da puta junior” killed 2 marines and almost the mp] seems fine