MP play styles and how they Can effect a game

i have been mostly Playing CM as a CMP, and i have found that there are 2 or 3 major play styles of MP and each one has an effect of the gameplay on the marine side

1: low pop town sheriff, this play style is great for low pop game and can be done with 2 to 4 MPs. doles out NJPs for most thing if the don’t hurt Any of the crew and seems to be the most respected and marines seldom gives them a hard time ether due to the Casual mindset of low pop or the MPs know that if all boots are not on the ground the OP will get hardswaked

2: Average MPs, this one is basic MP gameplay… low crime but when it gets going it’s gets going hard. Marine law is important here and most game with the Average MP rarely goes bad… some good spots some iffy but all in all middle of the road. the number MPs for this style of is 4 to 5

3: I AM THE LAW, MPs number over 5 are when this play style show up and then… well… you start having issues around trying to keep order as you have marines rioting and breaking out the Prisoners. the enforcement of the Law as the only thing that matters and ZERO NJP if there is even a small amount of FtFP. no de-escalation what so ever. and if you do anything more while in the Perma brig… the CMP can get an Authorization to Execute you by asking the aCO, this is also where you get the MOST RIOTS…if the op goes Bad.
if the op goes good… well you still have Marines upset at you and will coldcock in the head.

these play styles are the one that are most common and wonder if there could be way to fuse all three in droder to make CM fun for old and New player alike


You are the law. Full the cells.


The cells hunger.

Number 3 is the only way to play. Anything else is you aiding and abedding crime under the guise of mercy.

If marines didnt act like animals. Then we wouldnt have to keep them in cages.


funny, because animals get shot for trophies - just like MPs


If only we could make old age a crime. Until then we will just have to keep having you involuntarily committed and declared insane when you “have a moment”.

*Sneers while turning away a doctor who ‘has his meds’

“Visitation denied”.


i could use a reason to shoot MPs that wouldnt get me immediately slept


CMP’s wiki entry:


Nobody cares about any of those styles. The only time I care is when MP brigs someone who isn’t PFC and especially care when it is a spec.

You can be lawfull good MP, you can be chaotic evil MP, nobody cares. You have to respond to a more serious crime and ruin marine chances to win. You can’t turn a blind eye for that. All you can do is to maybe slap NJP on a minor crime, how benevolent.

You literally cannot act otherwise, because it is you who risk jobban/note/ban.
The only impact MP’s have on a average round is removing some marine from the force from few minutes to entire OP.

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“I would rather get jbanned than do my job”


You won’t go to jail. You will be noted/jobbanned/banned for that. You literally can’t do it. Some admeme might be kind enough to make a mini event out of this once, but generaly MP’s are not allowed to break Marine Law.

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Morale of the story your bound to make people angry since you basically made them sit in a cell and do nothing. Solution? Don’t go MP.:+1:

Also Acid goop?


Correct take

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Shitpost gone wrong, I thought this was acid goop I got 130 hours in MP and understand how it works. But ultimately the main point that I’m trying to get across is that as MP you as a MP have the ability to take people out of rounds and it doesn’t feel great, sometimes you get malicious ordered arrests sometimes it is reasonable. A lot of newer MPs don’t understand that Officer issued arrests are mandatory and get arrested for neglect of duty for failing to uphold those orders, which will ultimately end up in a jban or note. I wish there was more interaction with provost in regard to marine law, not just in the aspect of “Oh someone fucked up bad” but it being used as a roleplay tool as well. I think the reason why marines hate MPs so hard is because they don’t understand that its hard coded to do their job, because they are the ones who have to keep the shit from turning into mayhem. If you just let a marine go for breaking into req or hacking into CIC they will just think it’s okay and continue doing so. Then at the end of the day every marine is breaking minor crimes because they know they can get away with it and it just causes issues for the op. I do think that having more dialogue and roleplay between the arresting officer and the detainee would help alleviate that hate, instead of just instantly flashing/tazing then arresting which leaves a sour interaction. But I guess you cant really force people to roleplay.



I miss her bros…


Nobody cares about that. You can simply choose not to be MP, there is no hardcode forcing you to be one.

MPs aren’t much different from standard SS13 security. But SS13 security has a real job and benefits every non-antag in the round, they fight and protect the crew from dangers.
The only thing MPs contribute to the round is maybe stop a small brawl becoming a squad vs squad chair fight. Literally the only thing they do beneficial to marines.

Even mess tech has bigger beneficial impact as he can make milkshakes mixed with ice and hand it out to pyros, so they can sip some after being flamed.


Ah yes, the whole “specs can do anything they want because they’re important to the operation” thing. The classic.

(Believe it or not, how someone is treated should depend on their behavior and not how important their role is to an operation)


Generally yes, but specs are super important and this isn’t vanilla RP SS13 server, it is a combat server.

Imagine a situation where T3 is radomly taken captive by predators, because he called them “stinky”. They stun it and put him into a cell in their ship, without giving his slot back to the hive.

Believe it or not, some people can have more leeway because they are important and it happens constantly in a real world and I assume military is no different. You know something that would be RP and fit in a lore in believable way, all to excuse spec from getting arrested? “You will be court-martialed after the OP”.
Doing it the other way is just straight up grieffing the marine force.

Why Xenos don’t have something like that? T3 behaves poorly, he gets banished, T3 slot and larvae immediately back for the Hive after he is killed.

This is a combat server, you can do stuff that harms you like not wearing helmet, something that has no benefits and only drawbacks, so it is objectively harming your combat capability, but doing that to others is a strict no-no. Unless it is a MP arresting Spec, or the only medic on squad, then it is all fine and dandy.
Any CO worth a damn should hand out pardons like a candy, unless it is a soft-griefer split drop type.

Behave as spec if you don’t want to be arrested? People won’t care that much if the spec suicide charges into the enemy lines five minutes post drop leading to him getting capped, effectively removing himself from the round and griefing the marine force, but if he decides to remove himself from the round by breaking every window in briefing, calling the MPs various slurs and starting a firefight while resisting, the MPs are at fault and do nothing but grief the entire marine force


I don’t play spec, I also don’t get arrested, but I play to have enjoyable combat and spec has too much power to be actively removed from the OP.

Sure, I don’t care if that spec suicide charges into the enemy lines five minutes post drop, because that is a skill issue, and if he does that repeteadly then it is a grief and if noticed, he will be banned.

Those two situations are completly different. You can control MPs arresting important people, you can’t control how people play and just wasting an important role deliberately is not easly recognisable. Staff won’t ban people, because they are unrobust, otherwise every single pred would be.

And even in your hypotetical example, starting a firefight while resisting arrest is against the rules, not just Marine Law. It is not up to MPs to deal with a guy, it is up to admemes.