So a few things that I observed that I think are worth bringing up.
There should be some kind of soft protection against accidently shoving your fellow teammates off roofs and down a Z level. I don’t think anyone has done it on purpose, but I can definitely envision issues where new players are accidently shoving people off of roofs when they’re reduced to smaller pathways. So maybe having a system that prevents it wouldn’t be bad.
I read the part you wrote about Multi-Z sniping and hardpoints (“…or setting up sniper nests in the FOB for multi-layer defense stacking”). I think rather than mechanically discouraging marines from setting up fields of fire from higher Z levels, it might be a good idea to focus on teamwork aspects to counter it. If a location is setup as a hardpoint, there could be some good counterplay in the Queen organizing a multi-level push to assure you don’t leave the team up there providing fire support or organizing large scale flanks that use their climbing ability to the advantage.
I know during the tests there was a concern about players being unable to tell when they were being flanked from above. Maybe having a system that tells you that you can hear light, medium or heavy footsteps about you would be interesting. Could create some very soul moments where you mistake a marine for a drone while also providing some decent warning for the players below without having to have someone use the look up verb constantly.