need help for playing surv from veterans

Hello, recently ive been really into playing as a survivor, specifically a civ survivor, i feel like the fact that you have barely any skills and no shit at the start makes it more challenging thus more fun.

But i usually(always) end up dying, so instead of firstly checking the cool maps for loot and places in which you can cade up ive decided to first ask the veteran survs.

I just want to know if there is any map in which you can survive as a civ survivor, even on lowpop, kinda like a small quick guide on what to do,grab and all that stuff.

Ill be very thankful if somebody responds!!!

Edit: Dont include and suggest any kind of hiding, be it locker hiding, thermal traps, bushes,etc. I will find you and you will pay for it

Alot of surv gameplay is knowing the maps, and loot spawns, depending on map you can get some really good shit if you rush it early, but you only have those few minutes to move out before you are noticed and get rushed yourself in a bad position.
Some variables exist, lowpop, synth spawn, etc.

Really though you should expect to die, currently survivor gameplay is not about actually surviving, but getting as many kills on xenos early as possible, its a very low-soul way to play the game IMO, and doesnt really interact at all, if you get a really good game you can get some wipes, leave on the DS for the almayer, then just come back and fight again most likely.

Kinda a rant on survivor state at the minute, i would go into it with the mindset that you are going to inflict as much damage to xenos as possible, and therefore learn all the meta loot spawns/holds, also get ready to be really robust, surv gameplay is wildly different from the regular game, you will need alot broader skillsets, better knowledge in every field and i have seen surv mains being pretty salty if you arent following expected meta or dying, but that might be personal.


If you want an easy survivor experience, then New Varadero is probably your best bet. The Island NE of LZ1 is considered a very good, almost broken hold spot. All you really need is a gun, ammo and at least a stack of metal.

Xenos won’t be too keen to try and push you across the water considering they can’t place weeds and they’ll get flung all over the place.


find a thermal tarp and a bush

bonus points if you ahelp someone who ghosts to find you :3


kutjevo is extraordinarily easy to survive on, thanks to the large amount of metal, guns and ammo you can find, as long as you have a competent engi survivor it should be very easy to survive until you’re revivable by marines

however, it’s virtually impossible to survive alone as a civ survivor as you can’t build cades of any sort (unless you have construction 1 as a civ, which i don’t think you do)


As mentioned every map plays differently, has different loot tables, and some have nightmares and nightmare inserts. A lot of it is just learning where to go first, what to grab, and coordinating with the other survivors to go find a spot to hold.

Survivor composition can dramatically increase (or decrease) your chance of survival. Engineer survs are almost required on certain maps/pop to have even a shred of hope.

Marine deployment time heavily effects how likely you are to survive. 21min holds are pretty simple given proper setup, 31min holds are not.

LV - multiple hold locations (engi, corp, NW jungle, etc) that are all decently viable, good loot table with scattered loot locations and nightmares to vary up loot and expectation. CLF insert is arguably the hardest surv insert/gameplay in CM currently. The most nightmare variation of any map in CM currently as well as the only map to feature multiple inserts.

Shivas - limited loot, only a few viable holds but said holds are fairly strong (funny cave). No Nightmare (I do not count the ‘everyone is the exact same but spawn in the same spot’ as a nightmare). One of the better ‘roaming’ surv maps because snow slowdown hits benos too.

Solaris - CM’s arguably most balanced map. Only really two ‘viable’ hold locations; garage and north marshal caves. Loot table is decent, but getting the good stuff is a challenge/rush. Survival here can heavily depend on which LZ marines end up choosing as its not uncommon for you to die to T3s in the final push. Molotovs are almost required to surv here. Nightmares are here and some are nice small changes that give you extra access or mobility. PMC insert is one of the strongest survivor inserts, but your limited ammo and central location can make looting the map assets a bit harder.

Fiorina - Has some of the most fun surv loot in the game (Mar-50 LMG my beloved) with decent difficulty in retrieving some of it (sentries), prior to LZ gas removal had only a handful of viable holds now has some of the most disgustingly survivor oriented holds in the game outside of NV. Really the challenge here is leading people to the new (better) hold spots rather than them trying to stay at wardens. No nightmares or inserts on this map. EDIT: I forgot about the security team insert. Its minor, but everyone starting as combat or combat adjacent and together is a minor nightmare.

Trijent Dam is a large sprawling map that will also feel very small and cramped given as survivor most of your time will be spent in 1/3rd to 1/4th of it. Loot table is relatively poor but getting a security lock powered with sentries can make or break your surv chances. Elevator holds are still viable. Another map where marine LZ will heavily impact your survival chance. UPP Insert has strong but limited gear. Akin to PMC insert but with more challenge both in retrieving gear and what they come with (PMC has armor not all UPP do).

Soro - Very strong surv loot table, decent hold locations if somewhat limited by LZ gas removal ironically, Thermals exist on this map, no nightmares no inserts. Standard survivor play, learn the routes, grab the metal and guns, hold up with friends.

Kutjevo - Handful of holds depending on pop, outside of the Mar-40s scattered literally everywhere and the extended mags loot is pretty much just 2 teslas, 1 mk221, and thermals. There is the loot crates near the north LZ which are arguably the only fun part of Kutjevo surv, but they don’t really make up for the rest. Imo the most boring surv map. No challenge to loot, no real challenge in the holds. Survival depends mostly on how badly the xeno players want you dead. No nightmares or Inserts on this map.

Chance’s - Arguably the gold standard for what survivor gameplay ‘should’ look like (with some minor complaints). Every survivor has mini-‘objectives’ to accomplish. SG wants to grab their gun/armor/ammo. Scout (probably) wants to hive dive to grab their gear. SL(and co) needs to grab the loot from the western dropship, Eastern dropship is debatably important and is the most contention you’ll get on this map. Only downside is routing and map knowledge is the most extreme and required of any survivor map and without it you will die and that you aren’t really given much time to accomplish everything. Each surv death here hurts the most. Surv preferences don’t matter for this map. No Nightmare or Inserts present.

NV - decent loot table, extremely strong holds to the point of near invulnerability (Queen can still rock you). Getting molotovs to island will make you survive 99/100 times on this map. Cargo hold is soulful and with an engineer can be equally strong as island using r-walls. No nightmares or inserts on this map.

Hybrisa - strong loot table, strong holds, soulful best surv drip in the game. Map knowledge is key, but generally its not too hard to loot here. There are some challenge routes if the map feels too easy, but to me it feels like its in a good spot for surv gameplay. No nightmares or inserts (yet) on this map.


This made me laugh.


gonna disagree here, FORECON is cool and chances is generally well designed, but the extra spec and SG means xenos pretty much have to actually come kill you whereas on most maps most xenos will leave you alone. This + the very static and limited loot spawns on the map have led to chances becoming the most meta surv map, everything is on rails.

imo hybrisa is the best surv map right now, there’s a really good variety of viable hold spots, and a lot of fun loot spread out so you realistically wont get to stack that much of it and become OP. the really good stuff is placed deep in xeno territory so unlike kutjevo or soro getting nvgs is actually risky. The surv meta also hasn’t calcified so people are still willing to try new things. which is generally more fun for both sides. It’s also open and spread out enough that you can get some fun roaming done without immediately being mobbed which is cool. the only thing I think is maybe overtuned in hybrisa is the sentry spawns, hybrisa has a TON of sentry spawns and while they’re mostly all spread out if you managed to go around and collect a bunch of them it might be an issue. most of them afaik are % chance spawners that don’t always spawn one.


Fair point. Although I more meant the idea of Chance’s mini-objectives for survs (which with nightmare could even be randomized to an extent) being for a more satisfying and interesting surv experience than the standard “know the loot location, know the route” map run.

Chance’s is a step in the right direction, its just not fully realized.


soro is a good map its big you get nvgs and upp rifles


What to do:

  • While you are waiting for the round to start open up the wiki map PNG on a separate tab so you can alt+tab into the map you opened on the browser.
  • When the round begins turn on your radio mic and ask for the holding spot. Showing signs of life in the radio is ESSENTIAL because it shows that the surv team actually is conformed by people that have interest on playing the game. Experienced survs can measure the chances of survival just by listening how engaged and/or vocal their teamates are and they can respond to that information by joining into the team or by lockerhiding. I won’t make comment on that, other than emphasizing that it is a real thing.
  • Get a shotgun and buckshot. This isn’t a must but the buck shotty is the surv’s most loyal friend because it punishes poor xeno positioning the hardest. A point blank shot opportunity can come out of nowhere and for most xenos it places them one PB away from death.
  • Try to learn at least how to get 1 kind of loot on each map. Thankfully it tends to be quite straightforward. Marshalls tends to have ammo and guns, req and engi tends to have mats, tools and electronics and catering/canteen/bar/whatever tends to have the booze dispenser. There are some big and stupid exceptions so this, CClaim having a fuckton of metal in a wooden crate stashed near the SE LZ comes to mind. If you don’t know a route then stick with someone that is likely to need help (booze-o-mat hauling tends to be suicidal when done alone).
  • Get into the hold and don’t do anything stupid. Try your hardest to not FF when the hold falls. Altough read the air and have a convenient FF incident with a mollie when mass-survivor capping seems like the only possible outcome. Have in mind that 9 times out of 10 the survs objective is saving up as much defib timer as possible so marines won’t find you perma’d on some dark corner.

What to grab:

  • Shotty
  • Flashlights (turn them into a rail flashlights by clicking on them with a screwdriver and then use them in your guns)
  • Whatever your teammates haven’t verbally confirmed to be scavenging for. If nobody talked about mats, rally to engi/cargo, if nobody talked about paper (mollies need booze and 1 paper), rally to offices, if nobody talked about batteries (the booze vendor needs a powered APC to vend booze), rally to engi/tech storage, etc. Doctors and SecOffs tend to rush their own gear (meds+tools/weapons+armor respectively), but if you can find a defib then get it, it’s quite a rare find.
  • Flare packets.
  • High relevance items each map (LV= incinerator in secdome and booze vendor; Trijent = debatible, maybe deagle in marshalls office because of the AP, also batteries for the elevator APC or the sentries of each checkpoint; kutjevo = 200 metal/tesla minisentry/MAR ammo crates. kutjevo gifts us a ton of free shit and yet we suck ass at it; shivas = incinerator and Northwestern LZ basira-armstrong ammo; CClaim = it’s a fuckton, check Tristan’s guide on it; Solaris = booze vendor and incendiary slugs in marshalls armory; Sorokyne = commie ammo and guns north of the colony’s main building and maybe the grenades sprinkled around the colony; NV = just about whatever, the island hold is incredibly forgiving; Fiorina = tesla sentry on engi nexus and the ammo crate). These are all items that work as win condition for survs, having them greatly increases their chances for survival.

What to shoot (a.k.a. how to fight):
I could write a full-on thesis on surv combat but if you read the entire post up to this part then it’s only addequate for me to make it brief now.
Xenomains, despite their bullshittery, biased scheming, xenodev PRs and their server-backend crippling salt production are in fact, human beings. And hence they are very much able to shit their pants by being overwhelmed by brutal ammounts of aggresivity.
Survs don’t have armor or amazing guns. But they have speed, buckshot, endurance lvl 2 and knowledge that they might be doomed. This makes them only second to CLF in terms of suicidal tendencies triggered by an uncontrolled desire for blood. Survs will gladly hop in for a kill in front of 3 xenos just to PB their own skull with buckshot shell after securing the kill.
This either scares the shit out of xenos on 1v1 or it forces the same hyperaggresive behavior that you already have, which neatly places them on PB range. Because of this you should only fear nametags that you know are from terrifying benos (SO, OWL, WOE, etc.) gangs of xenos, T2s or drone+runner combos. Something that xenos might do to avoid fighting you head on is weeding the area surrounding you, including your escape route as they wait for other benos to aid them, never stop moving.