Commanding Officer Application - NekoSam
What is your BYOND key?
What is your Discord ID?
What is your timezone in UTC?
Player Name You Use Most?
Rozu “Nasu” Ishina
Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:
Have you been banned in the last 3 months?
No, and never.
If so, why?
Command Knowledge:
How familiar are you with command positions?
I would say I am incredibly familiar with the various forms of command position this server allows us to choose, and the position of command in of itself. I fully understand the intricasies such a seat demands out of me.
From having to launch OBs, over to keeping in touch with subordinates in doing various tasks, all the way to delegating tasks. Even further than that though, I’d say I go beyond the point of “just knowing how my console works”. I know exactly how to interact with marines and the words to be used to not elicit bad reactions, I never ever do the mistakes most XO’s do which is insulting marines (literally easiest way to get mutinied on anyways). Im perfectly aware of what is needed at any point in the operations as my tendencies to constantly make announcements on cooldown speaks for itself. Again, that would need a vouch to cement my claim yet im sure some would vouch for me if they were asked on this matter. Anyone can go and use a console to say “um guys queen there…”. It takes one step more to take the lead and inform marines “Guys we have the queen in this area, right now our plan is to do X, Y, so lets start to-” blah blah blah. This is the difference between a normal XO and a GOOD XO.
I know this isn’t the same, but I also have a BIG chunk of experience as queen. I fully understand this isn’t nearly the same role, but it is still a leadership role and a commanding role worthy to be mentioned, having to make callouts to the hive and position key pieces around the map, making flanks and generally leading alongside the appointed leaders.
Hours in XO:
Hours in SL:
Character Information:
Why did your character decide to become the CO of a ship?
Major Rozu “Nasu” Ishina would be best described as a down to earth, strict yet kind person. Such personality reflected in her decision to become the CO of a ship, finding herself eager to offer guidance, leadership and the immense responsibility of being tasked to command such a company. It is not that she doesn’t trust other senior officers and above to handle such, however, perfectly trusting her fellow officers in such. Merely, the decision came out of an interest and conviction to give herself in the line of duties for the sake of her troops. Firmly believing that leadership should be a soft hand, yet firm at times when it is necessary. Far too many times, officers would abuse troops after mistakes… Calling names out for reasonably fair reasons, yet holding little purpose other than simply giving animosity.
Although, it’s safe to say her decision wasn’t entirely out of an interest to solely help marines. While it is true, she also sees this as her purpose in life by now. Devoted for more than a decade into the corps, becoming the CO of a ship just felt NATURAL. She didn’t need to think over it, or such- It was just right. Her position was to be alongside her comrades, leading them forward. Be it on a ship, base or anywhere- Her just place was again, alongside her people.
How did your character attain the position of CO?
Perhaps almost boring to some, but the rise of Rozu into the rank of 0-4 Major was nothing spectacular. Not a child prodigy by any means, her family didn’t come out of an extensive military background nor did she rise through the ranks “in a matter of years”.
Her rise came in a perfectly standard manner…For the most part at least. What really set her apart from her peers however was a brilliant mind, even amongst her colleagues as her tendencies to command strictly, yet kindly was something that brought the attention to her higher-ups. Not that such behavior would warrant a promotion by itself, but it helped bring herself into attention and acknowledgement. What pushed her above exactly was her dedication to her workline. Putting far too much hours, effort and elbow grease than what was expected out of her. Not that senior officers were lazy by any means, merely that Rozu pushed those steps even further.
Her promotion came shortly after she finished another course for her Infantry Officer grade, to which she agreed almost instantly. Once more, she firmly believes in her way to command and lead troops and the offer to handle more responsibility was nothing that would inconvenience her.
A pretty standard ceremony to go along with it as per standard. Most people forgot about it by now but the memory sticks with her… Not that she would admit it if asked- But it was the best day of her life.
Provide a short story of your CO.
Command Actions:
When do you believe it’s appropriate to pardon a prisoner?
This might come at a surprise for some, but not ALL crimes are born out of ill intents, or on purpose.
Pardons aren’t exclusively used for this though obviously, as there are too many scenarios in this game that could happen to name all possibilities. Sometimes, someone does something stupid yes BUT… By mistake. It’s entirely possible for a marine law to be broken while holding no bad intentions whatsoever (I’m not saying anyone who does something by mistake should be pardoned however). THESE are the main targets of pardoning, but not all of it obviously. The thing with pardons is that they should be USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR PEOPLE THAT WONT RE-OFFEND. If someone accidentally does something stupid, and they LOOK LIKE THEY WONT RE-OFFEND AND I’M SURE OF IT- And they did something minor? Based on the case it MIGHT be appropriated to pardon them. But again, case by case basis.
Pardons are to be used for people who didn’t have bad intentions. Fun fact: Pardon means sorry in french. In a way, it’s a manner to say “shit sorry” when you’re being pardoned. Someone who’s clearly showing signs of aggressiveness, alongside other things such as this- EVEN IF THEY HAD NO BAD INTENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE- Are clearly exempt from this.
The most important thing to note about pardons is that, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN THIS GAME. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when, or when not- But in short-
Pardons should be used to give trustworthy, guilty but apologetic and understanding marines that commited a something bad another chance that will NOT re-offend post-release.
While yes I understand some pardons are “for the good of the operation!!!”… I find that a bit fair- but not entirely right.
I don’t care if you’re a SADAR. If you decided to beat the MP and steal his shoes, you ARE staying in the brig. Even if you beg for a pardon. Nothing out of that behavior tells me you are trustworthy enough not to get me brigged as soon as you’re out by doing it again.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use pardon.
- Pardoning.
I wake up at the start of the drop, 00:23. I greet the command channel before I start to head over to my quarters before I hear MPs arguing on the MP channel. Something vague about a marine who broke into medbay and stole a vendor…? I tell the XO to keep handling CiC while marines arrive on the planet as I get dressed, then head over to the brig. I arrive to see two MPs together with a bravo comtech being processed and put inside of the cell. I ask what’s happening and the first MP responds: “CO, can you do something about this guy? He’s literally arresting comtech for taking the vendor without CMO’s permission. It’s so stupid.” The second MP starts complaining that “this marine broke inside medical without permission and stole the vendor, its theft.”. I look at the comtech and ask him if it’s true, to which he replies: “Uh… can’t we get a vendor? Usually we drop with the vendor no? I was just trying to do my job since PFC’s were telling me to get one since i was the only comtech apparently…” I ask the CMO, and he doesn’t seem to be responding in comms.
Pending the end of this investigation. Yes, the MP is right. This is theft without permission. The marines don’t get to call out the vendor being moved. Though, the thing is- This guy clearly had no ill intent or bad intentions. He really just wanted to help others and did something I’m 100% sure he won’t do again. I would pardon him, tell the second MP what he did is fine and that we’re releasing this guy. I would announce on the tablet, per SOP about the pardon, then let the comtech out.
Finishing that, I’d go see the CMO personally and warn them about this and to be more mindful next time of what happens. If they just stuck around the medical bay normally, they could’ve just settled this on the spot.
- Pardoning.
We are predrop into the round, I’m walking around the ship because the XO had a good plan for the day, and visibly knew what they were doing. They seemed good enough where I deemed it was okay for me to wander off and RP with marines. I walk over to the requisition line, watch marines do their general shenanigans before a private, fully decked out in the most basic default outfit with no attachments whatsoever starts staring at the briefing window with a shotgun out in his left hand, not even wielding it. The MP (looking at the line with me) pays it little mind before suddenly the private shoots the windows off- SOMEHOW breaking two windows at once. People collectively start pointing at him and emoting before the MP goes over to him and says “Im arresting you for DTGP”, starting to cuff him. The private doesn’t even move as he just replies “uh oops- what happened”.
Like, that’s just wrong. Obviously this guy has NO idea what he’s doing and he messed up. Yes, fair enough- He broke the law. Yes, he’s technically guilty but this guy’s not being a griefer. He doesn’t even realise he’s being cuffed…
I’d tell the MP to remove the cuffs,take the PVT’s shotgun away for the moment then invoke my pardoning authority to cancel the arrest. SoP demands I use my tablet to inform marines, before talking to the PVT. I’d ask for the SEA to come along and help this guy out. Like sure he broke a crime, he’s guilty. But no way should he eat a charge for something so small and not on purpose. Soon as the SEA arrives to handle the PVT I’d be on my way.
I will clarify, this is NOT a “normal” pardon but an “Arrest cancelation”. I fully understand the difference between the two and what it entails. This is merely an example to illustrate. Acting in the way I did would prevent me from having to wait until they’re in the brig to perform an ACTUAL PARDON. Again, I understand the difference. This is an example I’m using to showcase my understanding of pardoning, and the pardoning authority I am given as a CO to cancel an arrest.
If I came to this scenario late into the brig after being told, and everything checked out when told about this, I would simply issue a normal standard pardon
- NOT pardoning.
Im mid-operation, handling CiC with my XO alongside a staffed SO steam before I hear the CMP asking for me on MP chat, telling “CO can you come to the brig? The sadar wants to talk to you… Something about a pardon… Do you have a second really quickly?”. Seeing as how CiC is fine, I’d advise the bubble i’m off for the brig before heading there… Arriving at the brig- I’d notice the sadar is in a cell doing some time before they suddenly start saying “CO FINALLY COME HERE”.
I’d raise an eyebrow as I’d move, standing north of the cell as they tell me “okay look im sorry bro- I pushed an MP down and took his shoes. I know it’s dumb, i’m really sorry. It was just a small gag can I do now? Im sadar operation NEEDS me down there man, can you pardon me?”
This is an instant no from me. Yes, he seems apologetic (or lying anyways). Yeah he’s right, he IS a sadar and he’s important. But nothing guarantees me he won’t just fucking do it again right after leaving the brig. What he did was just stupid, cringe and griefy. I wouldn’t pardon this guy and put myself at risk because he thought it would be funny to piss off an MP. Even if he’s being 100% honest on not doing it again, im not risking myself putting my trust in someone who decides to fuck with MPs as a sadar and thinks its a ticket out of that cell.
- NOT pardoning.
Mid operation again, handling CIC as I am called to the brig for “help” on a case. I leave the CiC in capable hands as I arrive to see a doctor laying in a cell bed. He gets up upon seeing me, starting to type as the CMP tells me “He’s arrested for unauthorised deployment, went against the CMO’s words to deploy”. In which the doctor instantly says: “bro this CMO is a fucking idiot, the doctor down there is just as dumb im just trying to help anyways.” He takes a short pause and types more: “I’m done trying to help anyways, I just wanna go back to the medbay. Can you just pardon me really quickly? I swear i won’t go back down”
I asked the CMO, and I confirmed he asked for his doctor to be arrested. But he doesn’t want to have him demoted or anything.
I would deny the pardon instantly. Literally nothing tells me he won’t do it again and it’s a BIG part of pardons. If he dropped against the will of the CMO and against direct orders, what’s stopping him from doing the same to me? He cannot be trusted and I’m not placing myself in trouble because of his own stupidity.
When do you believe it’s appropriate to use a Battlefield Execution?
BE is an IC administrative tool given to CO to enforce IC behavior alongside OOC one. It is a LAST RESORT to prevent someone from doing something extremely stupid that puts others, or the operation in jeopardy. It’s more of a statement to tell people to STOP being fucking stupid. It is to be used solely when the situation FORCES MY HAND, as more often than not there are 50 other ways to resolve a situation other than BE. More than not, a BE won’t be needed as marines understand the threat their actions might impose if they push their boundaries too far…
Again, if i’m NOT FORCED to use a BE, then I shouldn’t. Like I said, more often than not there will be situations where I can settle an issue 72 different ways.
But the sad truth is- Sometimes? It’s REQUIRED. BE’s are appropriate to use in situations that DEMANDS it. Marines can be REALLY “griefy” at times, and no matter how much warnings you give them some will always push it. THIS IS A VERY TOUCHY LINE, AND SOMEONE TESTING A CO’S PATIENCE SHOULDN’T JUST BE BE’D INSTANTLY.
Again, like pardon, THIS IS A CASE BY CASE BASIS for fine details. But in general, on a larger scope- BE’s are used in an OOC/IC manner to stop marines from griefing.
Give some examples of when you would or would not use Battlefield Execution.
- I would BE
Hijack, lifeboat. All of the marines are standing around prepping for DS to crash as I order people to cade north and south boat, generally getting ready to push back for pump controls before the dropship pilot comes to me saying “CO WE GOTTA GO TO THE ALAMO WE CAN EVACUATE”. I hear them out for a moment before declining the request, telling them we aren’t evacuating to a planet filled with xenos and that our best bet to survive this is to guard the pumps for people to evacuate.
They tell me im a “fucking moron and im awful”. In which I start to warn them about such words, but they give me no chance to warn them before running off east of me into the mass of marines. They instantly start screaming “GUYS FOLLOW ME, FUCK THE LIFEBOATS WERE GONNA DIE COME TO THE ALAMO I CAN PILOT GUYS”. Some marines start to be unsure as they’re getting conflicting orders. I get to the DP and I tell them: “DP, stop giving orders against mine. Now. First and last warning, we’re about to get hijacked I dont want you to split our forces because you’re trying to play hero.”
He ignores me as he continues pulling marines, amassing a handful of marines around him while completely overlooking me, asking him once more to stop.
This is where I would BE him, execute and announce it on the tablet. He’s being seditious, going against my clear orders while trying to coax a part of the main forces out of the main holding area just because he wants to be the “main hero”.
- I would BE
I’m on LV map, and i’m sitting NE of robotics with 5 marines. Im preparing myself to move towards the front in east caves entrance as the SL seems very angry with me, coming up in the middle of the formation before telling me “dude your call in hydro was so fucking stupid, you got like 6 people killed for literally no reason you dumbass”
First of all, whether they are right or not doesn’t excuse such blatant disrespect to a senior officer, under no circumstances. They’re allowed to express their feelings but not in such a manner. Still, they’re not to be BE’d instantly as I reply: ‘Watch your words right now SL. If you want to complain, do it in a civil way, otherwise you’ll eat a DASO charge if not worse.”
They immediately answer “Dude its me and 5 of my marines against you, you couldn’t do shit if i pulled my gun out and we gunned you down.” Before wielding their shotgun in their right hand.
This is where I would instantly pull my mateba and BE them. As they are directly threatening me with insinuation and i’m not risking them to mutiny under their leader. Telling me i’m “bad and stupid” is one thing, directly threatening me is another as I’d follow SOP and announce the BE shortly afterwards. After that I’d get the marines to move on and head to the front shortly after.
- No BE
Solaris red. Fully staffed ship with MPs, doctors and such. We’ve been holding LZ for the past 43 minutes in an intense fight, both sides equally meeting the other’s match while marines do their things. Eventually, someone calls for CAS and the pilot accidentally wipes the entire south line, killing 4+ marines and ruining cadelines. The xenos start pushing into the FoB as I call for evac.
Everyone on the ship starts chanting for the CAS pilot to be BE’d, and killed. I have two SO pissed off screaming at me “this guy ruined the operation please just fucking BE them now before they come back and hide.”
This is NOT a BE case, as the MPs can just arrest them for manslaughter. There is little reason to go ahead and BE this guy. While yes he messed up, and “oocly ruined the round”… I have an MP on stand-by to handle it. I would simply warn the marines we are brigging the CAS pilot before he gets lynched though.
- No BE
I’m on the frontline leading a charge with my cavalier. I’m positioned in the middle of a push, not putting myself in danger nor being the tip of the spear as I get suddenly full bursted by someone in the back. I examine the guy and go into crit shortly after.
Turns out, it’s a PVT. His gun doesn’t even have an attachment, and he didn’t even seem to notice he fully bursted the CO. And soon after someone mentions it he just stares for 6 seconds and goes “oh shit”.
Sure, he “almost killed me.”. Yeah, he literally gunned the CO down. But that guy’s clearly a new player. There’s no reason he should get removed from the round for what seems like an honest mistake. We all went there. YEAH, he bursted me down and probably broke a few bones+lungs. But that’s just the nature of the game.
I wouldn’t use my BE powers to sanction this poor guy into a round removal.