I don’t know when it happened but it was recent, for some ungodly reason the green fire color was changed, why? no idea, in what update? i also have no idea, the green fire color went from cool looking to a color near nuclear waste, it is so ugly , can anyone explain this change?
that’s research flames. standard green flame still looks as such.
If you mean the darker green fire, it is because the outline/shape was incoherent compared to the sprite. It was shapeless.
green fire was changed because it looked weird on local servers despite it. ot looking anything like that on live, it used to look way better
it looked exactly the same on the live server, but there tends to be other color lights around to wash out the green on live, whereas there’s usually less stuff going on on a private server
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Makes sense!
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oh well, since the new light update the green fire was one of the most good looking stuff, i guess we are only left with the pyro blue fire
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Could have been 3 loko or absinth as the ethanol
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