Do you have any ideas for a map but never got around to making it? Drop em here. I kind of wanna see what people can cook up in the aliens universe.
Personally I’ve always thought about making a Cargo ship like map with heavy CLF influence. The freighter would have been contracted out by or under direct W-Y control and hauling xenomorph specimens, yada yada they break out and cause chaos.
If you dug a little deeper though you would see a sub plot of a CLF cell attempting to seize the ship via munity and turn it into a vessel for pirate activity. They would have smuggled guns aboard, got into a shootout with W-Y PMCs, ect.
Could never really workout how to make it a fun map without it just being another hijack like situation where everyone hates playing it.
like the more jungle maps ideas. Of course xenos need their protection from cas/mortars. Maybe just add an area where the canopy is so thick you cant reasonably call in cas due to risk of FF and mortars just detonate on the top layers of branches or sum shit idk.
Awesome ideas! I’ve been really interested in a ship map tbh, I’m surprised we haven’t done one yet. It would need to be bigger than the almayer, and I’m not sure if it would work having multiple decks, maybe if the ways up and down were set up in such a way that the access points served as the ‘middle of the map’ while actually being on one side of either deck.
I’m really into the cargo ship idea, I’d love to see a draw up for it.
Also really like the underwater map idea. I imagine it’d be similar to a station map but just with water instead of space outside lol
So you know how most colonies are supposed to be soem sort of industrial center usualy mineing. Yet they never look like it. Plus their company towns october sky style but with now WY has no restrictions. So here the mask comes off and the true horror of such place is explored. Imagine helghan from killzone or victorion england in space. The place is dirty and black. A common theme should be mass produce suffering and the coldness of a company like WY.
To the east side is the slums and both LZ’s. It is a extremly dense mess of corridors and doors. The tight spaces will be more marine sided cause xenos work best when they have open areas to build or attack from. Looks wise its a dark slum packed with people so just make some small houses with thin streets. Have a police station loaded with many guns used to keep the workers in line. Have propaganda poster over homeless shelters and stuff. One of the comms towers is here as well.
In the middle of the map is the refinery that proccess the pure cobalt from the mines. In here is the second comms tower and the idea is to force both side to hold and capture. Looks wise its a cramped factory full of dead workers. If you wanted to get super edgy say the bones in the factory and surrdoing streets where from before the xeno attack. Go full oragon trail with the roads just flanked by dead travalers.
So the maps not too on rails have mutiple other buildings that kinda flank the factory. Big buildings like prisons or a hospital.
So to the far west is the mines. This is jsut the caves that every map has and functions the same.
I think a map like this would fit the lore and could lead to unique RP with survs and CL. Imagine the CL trying to cover up the monstrous treatment of the colonist. I can only imagine what the survs might be like, no I dont play surv so I can only imagine. The alien setting often talsk about stuff like this but never shows it. A lot of map ideas thing of cool places but rarely invole the wider setting of CM. Set a map in a UPP prison or city you know explore the setting instead of it being a backdrop to shoot aliens on.
I’ve been saying it forever. We need a jungle map inspired by Isla Nublar from the first Jurassic Park. Make it a sort of resort with unexplained concrete fortress walls because of course there’s a WY research facility hidden on the island. Make it so the jungle foliage is so thick in some areas that marines have to hack through it or burn it down whiskey outpost style.
Fire-Colony, map I’m already working on, Lava map Laselle Bionational themed map with working Joes, former Seegson colony.
Here’s the contributor page, very early WIP:
Skyscraper map aka - Hybrisa Tower map, inspired by Aliens: Dark descents Pharos Spire:
Station orbiting a Gas Giant planet, with extreme weather events on the outside, basically I’m thinking of that one map from Halo 2, the Forerunner Gas mine map. " The Threshold gas mine" . Multiple levels ect.
Oil rig type map over the ocean, massive facility with multiple levels, lowest being underwater ect.
Acid type map, I was actually working on this one but gave up, would’ve been a map with harsh conditions and acidic type water and theming, possibly giant bones of long dead creatures ect.
Xeno homeworld type map, with a massive crashed ship on the surface, basically a lot of Xeno type skeletal structures and weird things, with the landscape consuming the wreckage of a big ship.
Was working on Isaac’s Lament, which was a urban/jungle map with heavy CLF influences, it’s fairly far along but I gave up on it also, the repo is here, and I’ll include the repo for other maps which I gave up on too.
Oil is still, according to the lore, a valuable resource in the Aliens universe.
According to the RPG, there was a brief conflict not long ago due to Oil reserves on Earth being depleted, which was resolved when new sources of Oil were secured for all the major factions of the setting. Oil Wars | Xenopedia | Fandom