New research, potentially new side effects?

So I enjoy the new research “contracts” and I find it very engaging for my adhd brain, but I was thinking (after re-watching a few alien movies, and especially after romulos) of side effects especially from chems involving Xenomorph blood/plasma. Maybe have a whole special set of side effects that can randomly occur at a very low chance. Maybe shove a dead hugger into a tank to extract some of the special evolutionary fluid from romulos movie or something to provide a use for said normally unusable xeno’s (extracted embryos, dead Larva, dead face huggers, ect.). Although mind you I do enjoy getting my hands on some xeno meat from time to time as chef. Surgeries on eggs to pull the facehugger embryo out and place them into vats would be pretty metal.


Putting dead xenoes into bubling tanks would be soul af.


Well thats cool but what actual purpose for them do you have in mind. What should this fluid do exacly. An idea I have is that maybe these could just give you bio points like with hearts. Maybe you’r harvesting the xeno stem cells that only exist in the young ones. Much like stem cells are more common in babies.

The first thing that came to mind was using this to make culture of xenos cell. Not sure what you could do with a cell culture game play wise. Maybe you can say the growth hormones in the larva can effect humans. Something like it can let you grow back limbs or increase the speed of heal chems.

If we wanted to get really out their we could say that this could be a seprate way to make greenos. However that is highly unliekly to happen unless this new patch kills greenos. It kinda did with the whole chrisper notes thing so who knows. If IO’s stay as a critical thing to make greenos the old way maybe adding in a second method might be needed.

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the purpose of putting dead xenos in a tank of fluid is to impress WY bigwigs and make them think you know what you’re doing and so deserve a bigger budget to buy unhealthy microwave food


you know I had an intresting and evil idea for the xeno stem cells. After collecting a bunch you can start makeing xeno nurons. Then using some bio points you can use this to make a cybernetic brain machine. The idea being it can harness xeno psychic ablitltys for the marines. Some ideas I had was using it to send massages or even give minor buffs. Like how officers can give orders that give minor buffs well maybe this machine can do the same but it gives it to all marines at once.

To be fair some chems in the game alreayd give you psychic powers. Also fun fact small computer have been made using a similer method out of human nurons. A youtube channel called the thought emporium made some brains circits with monkey nurons.

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Personally I think these unintended side effects would give some leeway to see the other morphs than just xenomorphs. The ovi morph or that one from covenant I cant think of the name of right this moment.

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