Nimbus342 - Whitelist Report: One or more of the 7(!) preds in the round, Lodge location, Spirit of the WL

Nimbus342 - Whitelist Report: One or more of the 7(!) preds in the round, Lodge location, Spirit of the WL

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Ancient Praetorian JP

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

One or more of the 7(!) preds in the round

What rule(s) were broken?:

Lodge location, Spirit of the WL

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

Round was on Kutejvo, lodge was built in the middle of one of the most active areas of the map, directly adjoined medbay. As a consequence of this location the lodge became an area of the frontline, I was killed as a result of getting caught in a trap whilst in combat on the frontline near the lodge. Felt like it wasn’t in keeping with “Lodges must be away from the main areas of the map so as to keep it away from the front lines. It is the responsibility of the Yautja to ensure the lodge is created in a secluded area.” 1 pred was also using its mask to use the corpsmen voiceline when xenos were trying to cap marines near the frontline, I saw the same pred do this on 2 occasions so it wasn’t a one time thing. This behaviour seems rather to the contrary of the section of the HC “Humans and the like are beneath your notice, and if they get infected they are worth even less of your time.” Wouldn’t care if it was a 1 time joke but it happened more than once and was leading to marines actively pushing to disrupt xeno captures.




Yep, that was me. You were not killed because of the trap, you walked into a table and stared at it. I removed that trap almost immeadiately after it got you.


I saw that I was trapped and had to make a direct loop aroud the square to try an dodge assuming my movement was tethered which led to me being cornered, this would not have happened if the lodge was not in a location which became part of the frontline.


Hi, I was a witness to JP as he ran into a trap. Seconds before this, while attempting to lurker pounce a marine I hit and got stunned by an invisible predator adjacent to them. I did not see anything that followed, but I also died(technically not due to predators, but indirectly) while attempting to distract marines from JP.


Yellow is FOB, purple is hive core location, and the front is red.

I think the lodge location is fine, there was a very apparent readily available way to get around it, which was to literally walk around it. it blocked nothing. We didn’t believe it would get in the way of things at all. It was intentionally placed far from hive and far from FOB, after double checking where hive was. Both Okoup and i built this lodge.

I was away hunting when marines were trying to breach, i did not place any traps that round. When i finally returned to the lodge, after finding the state of the lodge being close to the picture you posted (though in a much worse state) I was assailed by three marines. I fought with honorable means and SD’d shortly after in the lodge as they flamed and cornered me.


You can see from the map that the lodge location isn’t far from the sensor tower at abandoned construction, not normally an issue on most maps but on kutejvo it becomes a key objective because it’s right in the middle of the map so this lodge location always had a decent chance of overlapping with the front. More specifically “It is the responsibility of the Yautja to ensure the lodge is created in a secluded area”. Placing lodge in line with the centre of the map within a few screens of a key objective for both sides is never going to stay secluded


So there was effecitvely area denial in the middle of the map to marines advantage?
Referring to my own experience I had no awareness of the lodge location as I was in combat with marines on the front line. The location then led to me getting caught on a pred trap during combat with marines which effected my movement to get me cornered and led to my dying. There were at least 3 or 4 xenos present in combat there at the time of my death and many more marines.


Bro it was literally in a dead end, you could just walk around it. Preds even give warning shots instead of outright HPCing you to death if you try to enter.

You can go to the East of bar, or even to the east of the lodge instead of right inside. Most of the fight was in Construction, Construction East, Construction Mid North, with very few fights in Bar itself, let alone full Northern Construction.

Your making this out to be a lot more than it is; I hate Predators too but this is not the hill you want to die on, man.


I don’t hate predators I’m just going by what i read off the HC about lodge locations being secluded and It’s my interpretation that this lodge location wasn’t and was always likely to have combat in/around it. Of course you don’t have to agree but for me I felt the lodge location impacted me adversely whilst i was in frontline combat with marines.


Added report:pred

The council agrees with your opinion, this lodge location could’ve impacted the round HEAVILY if they just happened to land on the north LZ.

Although, no punishment will be given aside from a verbal warning to predators due to the following:

  1. This was allowed for countless of years, and I’m not going to break the stick on their back
    1a. We’ll be writing and giving examples of proper lodge locations in the new honor code.

I understand why the preds built a lodge there since it’s semi secluded, but it could’ve caused issues if they landed north LZ. As such, this is a pre-emptive intervention.

Report accepted, new ruling will be made on lodges soon.


Added report:approved and removed report:pendinglogs