Nomoresolvalou - Yautja Application

Yautja Application - Nomoresolvalou

What’s your BYOND key?


What’s your Discord ID?


Do you have a regular character? If so - what’s their name?

Synthetic: Willard | Marine: Adam ‘coil’ Burns | Xeno: COIL

Yautja Info:

What’s the name of your Yautja?


What clan are you joining?


If minor: Give your clan lore.


Yautja Character Story:

A group of Marines suddenly rush up and start shooting you. How do you respond?

My response depends on a couple factors. Firstly, does it seem like the group was on the way to the front and happened to come upon me? If so, then I would attempt to escape, playing a couple voicelines to spook them. If they continue to chase me around the map, then I would engage them to kill.
If it seemed like the marines were deliberately grouping up in order to fight me (A large group suddenly showing up to a remote part of the map to attack me) Then I would immediately engage them.

Another Yautja hunted and killed a target you had marked. What do you do?

Ul’uan commonly hunt in groups, so there is nothing that would inherently cause Ezta’ntxal to grow angry if another Yautja kills his marked prey. However, if the Yautja does not follow the traditional hunting practices of the Ul’uan and the Ul’azaar, by wasting the body of the prey, or not correctly offering the skull to Cetanu, then Ezta’ntxal will have an issue. He may chastise the Yautja for risking the anger of the Gods, or escalate to a duel if the Yautja dismisses or disrespects his ways.


Seen and interacted with Adam ‘Coil’ Burns and Willard multiple times and can say they have great roleplay. Nomoresolvalou has held the Synthetic whitelist for sometime now and is an overall great player to interact with. I’m sure they will be a fantastic Predator. +1


I thought you were already a pred, honestly. Very cool story. I already know both of your main characters well, and you are great at roleplaying. +1.


+1, I’ve known Adam ‘Coil’ Burns for a while now and they’re a great character. I’ve not interacted with Willard as much but I’ve only heard good things.

I don’t quite know bout the whole group-hunting thing, though expect to be mocked in character for it.
As for specifically the ‘hunted and killed a target you had marked’ - note that marking it as your prey indicates you are the sole claimant to hunting them, or in this case those you associate with, I suppose. It’s a rather direct insult to take the claim of another and can be interpreted as a rather grave matter. It doesn’t mean an immediate honor duel, but it tends to mean a very harsh conversation that almost certainly will escalate to one.


+1, OOC and IC interaction with willard has been nothing but top notch, already having read their story, i can say with confidence that im sure they can RP Ezta’ntxal well.


Yeah this guy has been super awesome and helpful in regards to developing Ul’uan lore and shaping the belief system. Has a fantastic grasp of the intricacies of the clan, and has been instrumental in helping me add nuance to the idea. Highly motivated, very good at adding depth to roleplay environments.

Aside from the development of lore, Mr. Burns has been workshopping some actual development things with me in regards to the whitelist, and has some great ideas for feature rich, immersive content that would greatly facilitate roleplay on both sides of the table. Regardless of where he goes, I wholeheartedly believe he would be nothing but a benefit to the whitelist and the server as a whole.

+1 :speaking_head: :speaking_head: :speaking_head:


Interacted and RP’d multiple times with Willard when I’ve been a Yautja and have had nothing but good and fun interactions. Alongside Adam Burns when I find him shipside. They’d make an excellent addition to the WL, so a +1 from me. But I am going to ask some questions but by no means do you have to answer them.

  1. A runner keeps doing drive-bys on you as you’re hunting. What’s your course of action?
  2. A marine yells out, “It’s a Yautja!” how would you handle it?
  3. What type of players would you hunt?

Thank you for the kind words! Here are my responses to your questions:

  1. I think it mainly depends on how many times the runner does it, and how threatening the attacks are. if the runner does it like once or twice, with like one or two slashes, before running across the map, then I don’t see the point in chasing them all over to try and catch them. If they are attacking over and over while I’m out and about, I think about the third time they try and drive by me, or if they interrupt a duel, then I’m gonna mark them for the hunt and be more proactive in trying to kill them. If I’m actively having an RP moment with someone else, I think I’d give a bit more leeway just cause I don’t want to interrupt it over a single tailstab or something like that.

  2. Well, I consider it to be very LRP for a marine to know what the Yautja call themselves. I don’t think it’s the same level as trying to meta the honor code or something like that, but I do think it would warrant an attack from my part, though I would at least question them about where they learned it, as a judge of ‘did this dude just fuck up, or are they being LRP on purpose’. If they give a lazy or LRP answer, then yeah I’m gonna attack them. If this marine in question is obviously some dude with like 10 hours in the game, then I’m gonna give them leeway here, and I’m not gonna perma them.

  3. An Ul’azaar mainly only has one target prey species to hunt, so most rounds I’ll only be hunting whichever faction I want to RP being on a hunt for. I want to focus mainly on the people who want to engage with me. I don’t wanna go around and goad people into fighting me. If they want to duel me or fight me, they’ll let me know with their actions. I very much don’t want to round end new players, so I’ll mainly avoid them, unless they actively want to fight me, in which case I’ll give them a good fight, then throw them back to the marines/xenos to continue their round. Aside from them, I think a good way to look at it is: the type of people I want to hunt, are those that know what they’re getting into. They know the risks of insulting/challenging/attacking a hunter, and they have decided that they want to do so despite the risks.

I hope this answers your questions to satisfaction. If you want any clarifications just let me know.


Also here are my hours


Solid player. Has the Synth WL. +1. Can be trusted to RP well.


+11 Adam/Willard are great. Very knowledgeable and helpful and I trust them to do well as a Pred.

-10 Kills me too much, am afraid for my life even more once they become a pred.

Over all +1, Can be trusted in all rolls. I’d happily be mocked from stealth by Adam.


+1 all the way from me. Chill dude who can RP well and has skill and knowledge.


Good player, active in the community, understands what’s expected of almost all of the roles available in the game, helps out other players, and is very good at RP.

What’s not to like? +1


i gotta +1 cuz I gibbed Willard with a sadar once

jokes aside very solid Synth player and RP who knows what he is doing, great candidate for pred WL


I’ve seen 'em a couple times as Synth and seen 'em RP well. Not sure if they can fight good but they chill. +1


Longterm Player since even when I first got a whitelist. Not a Shitter, Decent-Exceptional levels of roleplay. Already holds whitelists.

Yeah +1


He’s okay… I guess… ( he farms acid off of preds with tailstab ) +1… i guess… oooh wait he’s joining that noob clan looooooooool


the story was awesome and the guy is awesome +1


A good roleplayer. More than decent story. He’s shown himself trustworthy for the role. I don’t think he’ll grief. +1


Hello, the council has voted to approve this application.

A strong story, a lot of community feedback, correct answers helped us to this decision.

Although a slop clan (:-1: :-1: :-1:), you’re still welcome to our whitelist.
Your permissions will be updated now.

Good luck on the hunting grounds.