Norotoksin - Timed Ban Appeal

Norotoksin - Timed Ban Appeal

What’s your BYOND key?


Character Name?

Vedant “neurotoxin” Harding

Type of Ban?

Timed Ban

What is your Bancode?

Admin who banned you?


Total Ban Duration

3 days

Remaining Duration

2.1 days

What other servers do you play on?

No other.

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?

Colonial Marines | CM-SS13 | U.S.S Almayer

Do you play using a Virtual Machine?


is your copy of Windows legitimate?


Reason for Ban:

Player, as a Doctor decided to gun down the CMO for “bullying”.

Links to previous appeals:

No previous appeals.

Your appeal:

I was in the wrong for gunning down the CMO instead of reporting him for Malicious Compliance and I will never break the rules again no matter what happens, I will report if needed and i will read the rules again.


Hey there, I’m going to deny this.

Timed bans are not normally lifted. If you believe the staff member in question placed this ban in error/inappropriately you are free to report them via the Staff Report section. Though looking at the note and the ban timer, I advise not doing so as you clearly broke server rules.

You’ll need to sit this one out and use the time away from the server to acclimate yourself with the rules.

Appeal Resolved - Denied.

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