NovaCypher - Player Report: Simon Mcshain, Rule 3: Community Expectations

NovaCypher - Player Report: Simon Mcshain, Rule 3: Community Expectations

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Jake Blackburn

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Simon Mcshain

What rule(s) were broken?:

Rule 3: Community Expectations

Description of the incident:

During the round, the first XO went SSD and it fell to me as the ASO to handle the CiC and direct the operation. I sent an SO, Ruby Fairwright to handle an appeal for a marine who was arrested for smoking in the medbay. Ruby was then arrested for failure to properly follow procedure by not properly appealing. I left CiC to handle this appeal, and while in the process of this appeal, a new XO, Simon Mcshain woke up and came into the Brig and had me arrested on Major Insubordination for "Not telling him what I was doing” when in fact I had told him why I was in the brig when he asked the first time. I was then arrested until hijack. I had written a Provost’s appeal but it was never sent, and I neglected to ask the CMP for an appeal since it just didn’t occur to me. I believe this to be a case of Malicious Compliance which is actionable under rule 3.


Unable to scroll up far enough to see the chatlogs of my arrest.


Hey there, NovaCypher!

Are you sure about it happened during round 20018? Because I couldn’t find any logs related to your report.

Alright, I found the round, it happened during round 20017.

Related logs will be pulled and posted today!

Hey there! Please feel free to contact me on Discord if there is anything missing or wrong!

Simon Mcshain/AlexGuinea/Executive Officer
Jake Blackburn/NovaCypher/Auxiliary Support Officer
Staff Officer
Staff Officer (Arrested)
Military Police

XO wakes up.

SAY: Simon Mcshain [Command]: Who was aCO? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [Command]: Me. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [Command]: I’m dealing with some stupid shit right now. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [Command]: ASO you are shipside right? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [Command]: What is it? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
[2023-12-19 00:45:11.154] SAY: Simon Mcshain [Command]: Please tell me. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)

XO orders ASO to tell what is going on. ASO was dealing with the appeal.

[2023-12-19 00:46:11.215] (one minute after) SAY: Simon Mcshain [Command]: ASO what are you in? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [Command]: I order you to tell me. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [Command]: What is happening? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)

[2023-12-19 00:47:01.822] SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Alright, was there any chance she MISSED the resisting arrest charge? (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
[2023-12-19 00:47:24.813] SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Ah, thats not procedure. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)

[2023-12-19 00:47:44.819] SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Where is ASO? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
[2023-12-19 00:47:51.158] SAY: Staff Officer [1]: I have no idea. (CKEY:) (JOB: Staff Officer)
[2023-12-19 00:47:55.473] SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Brig. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)

[2023-12-19 00:47:49.880] SAY: Staff Officer (Arrested) [1]: And they explain that the corpsman was arrested for smoking in medical. (CKEY: ) (JOB: Staff Officer)
[2023-12-19 00:47:53.121] SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Ruby already knew the charges. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)

XO comes to Brig after approximately 3 minutes. After a conversation between XO and ASO, XO wants ASO arrested for Major Insubordination.

[2023-12-19 00:48:31.538] SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: ASO THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN DOING! (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: TELL ME NOW. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: NOW. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: SPEAK. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: COME ON. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Dealing with this appeal bullshit. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: AND? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: WHAT ELSE. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Dealing with this appeal bullshit. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Because the last Captain went SSD. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: And the SO got arrested. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Sure sure. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: And I’m the only one that can oversee the appeal. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: ASO you are hearby under arrest for major insubord as I ordered you directly to tell me what you were doing. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Let the SO finish their 2 minutes and send them to the CiC. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: I just fucking woke up. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: And you take your sweet ass time. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Doing nothing. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: You can delagate. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
EMOTE: Jake Blackburn/NovaCypher : sighs
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: You dumbass. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: I DID DELEGATE. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Then what are you doing here? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: THE PERSON I DELEGATED GOT ARRESTED. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Sure then have CMP do it or have him delagate. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: CMP wasnt here. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: JUST ME. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: You can then order MPs. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: To do it. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: There is a chain. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: And you decided to let a lone SO. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: There are three. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Minus this one. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: You let them do command. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: While you sat and did not comms. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: It was a simple Resisting arrest appeal against a Corpsman. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: Command. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: MPs carry on with the arrest. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: I figured an SO could handle it while I dealt with the op. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: I hold direct authority over you other than CMP. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Then t. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: MPS!!. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: DID YOU NOT HEAR ME? (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Military Police [1]: Alright! (CKEY: ) (JOB: Military Police)
SAY: Military Police [1]: Is it major or minor (CKEY: ) (JOB: Military Police)
SAY: Simon Mcshain [1]: MAJOR I SAID. (CKEY: AlexGuinea) (JOB: Executive Officer)
SAY: Military Police [1]: Alright you are under arrest for major insub (CKEY: ) (JOB: Military Police)
SAY: Military Police [1]: As per the captains orders (CKEY: ) (JOB: Military Police)
SAY: Jake Blackburn [1]: Fine. (CKEY: NovaCypher) (JOB: Auxiliary Support Officer)

Besides, it’s not my place to say but I don’t think that possible rule breach falls under Rule 3. Malicious Compliance falls under Rule 11: Marine Law.

Added report:needverdict and removed report:pendinglogs

My apologies, the paragraph under rule 11 stated matters involving appeals fell under Rule 3, so I wasn’t too sure which it should be.

The reported Player has received a 30-day ban for this and other rule breaks.

Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict