NuggetsOnToast - Discord Ban Appeal

Discord Ban Appeal - NuggetsOnToast

What is your Discord ID?


What is your BYOND key?


Total Ban Duration


Reason for Ban

Coordinated harassment and acting in a manner promoting atrocities and conflict.


As I did then almost a year and a half ago, I do now still partially disagree with what I was accused of doing. I accept a ban was valid for “coordinated harassment” purposefully making fun of another member of the community, however I strongly refute that I was promoting atrocities and conflict.

As stated in other ban appeals for the same reason, it was never meant to be a malicious witch hunt, but more of a laugh at how grossly @MobiusWon mistook our death of stalin film posting and mockery of various dictators for actual support of those people. No mention of war or atrocities were made before @MobiusWon took it upon themselves to link wiki pages to horrifying real life atrocities, complimenting an extremely hostile attitude to us and an anti-russian sentiment labelling them “fascist orcs” along with us. Despite multiple other players trying to calm him down and explaining to him that it was all a stupid joke.

I would extend an apology for making the situation worse by sending more stupid gifs. I never meant to cause serious offence, and understand it was wrong to press him like that when he was clearly upset. Once again sorry for any offence caused.

Closing off I would however like to echo my disappointment at the fact that he was allowed to spew an insane amount of hatred against all russians. I understand that there is a large russian population in the CM community and have russian friends in the community who find such commentary awful. It is clearly not the fault of every russian that there is conflict in the world today. Neither side should be able to spread such hatred like that.

Thanks for the consideration.


After a discussion with the Discord Manager we’ve decided to accept this appeal, based on the duration served and the fact others who faced a permaban from the same incident have been unbanned.

I would like to say that the next time you think someone is being disingenious and breaking the rules; ping a online discord staff member rather than taking matters into your own hands or escalating the incident.

And as always, a second permaban from the discord will be unappealable.

Appeal accepted.


Added appeal:approved and removed appeal:waiting