odinschoosen - Whitelist Report: Lindsay, Do not perform needlessly suicidal actions. Your self-preservation comes first.

odinschoosen - Whitelist Report: Lindsay, Do not perform needlessly suicidal actions. Your self-preservation comes first.

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Veteran Facehugger (801)

Accused BYOND key:

NotProvided - SmellyHippy stated it would be found later

Accused character name:


What rule(s) were broken?:

Do not perform needlessly suicidal actions. Your self-preservation comes first.

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

Synth decided to wander from east LZ to nearly west LZ on chances to destroy pylon in the dark by themselves - then proceeded to chase down the hugger (me) that observed them doing this after I ran away behind some resin doors.

It seems like an action that would be against several stages of the guidelines laid out.

guidelines in question:

“If engaged in combat, you must ensure the threat disengages or is disabled. If it runs away, you are not to chase it to the ends of the Earth.” - chasing down what is a non threat to you given your lack of fleshy companions

“However, synths are unable to perform active combat duties and will not perform combat specific orders, meaning they must not actively engage in combat unless in self preservation or in the defense of a USCMC Personnel. This would include telling a Synthetic unit to go capture something from the middle of an enemy base,” - AH an exact example of this being what your not supposed to do even when ordered to do so.


Above description and logs to be recovered later.


Added report:needverdict and removed report:pendinglogs

Added report:synth

This report can essentially be sub-divided into 3 segments as follows:

1 - It has been labeled as a self preservation report under 'What rules were broken"
2 - There is a complaint regarding destroying resin structures to include a hive pylon
3 - There was a pre-emptive attack against a facehugger to prevent it from calling reinforcements

Section 1, self preservation, has not been violated in any way, with a strong argument that could be made for section 3 being the reason for there being no cause for concern about safety.

Section 2 has been verified on multiple occasions as contextual. Destroying resin structures, no matter how elaborate or critical to hive infrastructure, is permitted so long as they are not actively defended. A majority of council has voted that a facehugger does not count as an active defense.

Section 3 has been voted as a combat violation, and remediation will be applied.

Because 2/3 points, including the main subject of the report, have been overturned and I can’t mark the report result as ‘mixed’, overall it will be tagged as denied however keep in mind that section 3 is sustained.

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Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict

So I need to understand here - walking from East LZ on Chances to essentially West LZ - for the sole objective of destroying a pylon - by yourself - is not

“This would include telling a Synthetic unit to go capture something from the middle of an enemy base” - Because to me - it seems pretty clear cut that the intent of destroying a pylon is to recapture comms - and that if its a xenomorph pylon it could have a stream of lesser’s popping out at any time - or could potentially be actively defended.

Not to mention that if its pyloned up - it is a base for xenomorphs in the pretty much every sense of the word - eggs can be planted, lessers spawn - it even blocks mortars and cas - its literally all but a two functions of hive core (larba spawn/dropoff and OB protection)

Just making sure I’m clear on understanding this verdict in regards to that exact given example.

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Yes, under current rules this is permitted so long as there are no defenders present that can cause active harm to the synthetic. Once direct visual contact is made with a threat, it becomes an offensive action to press further and one should retreat, using force to facilitate that retreat if necessary. It becomes significantly more complicated if you add a human into the mix, but we won’t get into that here. Please use DMs if anything is still unclear, either via forum or discord, as we do need to lock the thread since I forgot to earlier.

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