odinschoosen - Whitelist Report: Vot'ork Cnaw and Bhu-ja Cnaw, not allowed to alter the environment in a way that would create a route directly to either the Hive

odinschoosen - Whitelist Report: Vot’ork Cnaw and Bhu-ja Cnaw, not allowed to alter the environment in a way that would create a route directly to either the Hive

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Elder Lurker LU-348-V

Accused BYOND key:

unknown at this time

Accused character name:

Vot’ork Cnaw and Bhu-ja Cnaw

What rule(s) were broken?:

not allowed to alter the environment in a way that would create a route directly to either the Hive

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

one of the two decided to turn on filtration at around 10minutes round time on Trijent Dam - asked admins to confirm if it was them - was told it was.

Since I can’t actually fit the several rules inside that 100 characters here they are

Yautja are not allowed to alter the environment in a way that would create a route directly to either the Hive or FOB. Yautja are also not to directly alter the environment in a way that would lead to a direct benefit to one side (i.e. blowing up Lambda, blowing up eta, blowing up hydro).

However, they should not disrupt the round flow majorly

They should not be detrimental to the round


Logs - Admin contacted (BlackDragon813)

Please don’t make reports on rounds that are in progress.

Added report:pred

Hello! I am Bhu-ja Cnaw! I do apologize for your experience that round. In regards to the filtration, I was safeguarding the Lodge, and RPing with the other Yautja for almost the entire time I was alive during the round. We were constantly getting poked and prodded. I was completely oblivious to filtration, as I was also distracted from giving my full attention to the game due to construction going on at my house, I had to step away for a few minutes several times.

EDIT: The Lodge however was in a very questionable place, I joined the round late and did not pick the spot for the Lodge. It was already being built when I arrived, I should have had the common sense to recognize that it was not in a secluded area. For some reason I did not. - That I genuinely do apologize for it created a lot of unnecessary tension in the round.

Hi first of all I don’t understand why Zskninoh is included in this report, he late joined as pred and not only is relatively new to all this, but he had no part in choosing the location of the lodge. I also do not appreciate the accusation that we turned on filtration around 10 minutes. To my knowledge none of us did that and I would like to know why it was said to be us. Now the lodge was questionable. I built it, and it was mostly ignored except by a couple of predator hunting parties. I did warn everyone to NOT use dishonorable weaponry on invaders it because of the spot and my decision in building it near the bridge. Did we call it a lodge, yes. Did we HPC people entering it or bombing it, not at all to my knowledge, and this is due largely in part to how the round played out and marines pushing the bridges nearby.

I am sorry if I caused any grievances.

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Hi, extremely sorry for the delay.
A log pull was conducted.

  1. There is no mentions of any predators turning on the APC whatsoever
  2. This is the lodge location (marked by red square, roughly):

Added report:needverdict and removed report:pendinglogs

Apologies for the delay!

While the initial Yautja player who made the lodge didn’t turn off the filtration to make the river passable, the lodge location is still too centered and in direct path of both marines and xenomorphs.

The player involved in constructing the lodge will have a verbal warning for their actions. While we appreciate the lodge acting as a poker room to initiate roleplay, the location is too centered and caused too many issues.

This report is accepted.


Added report:approved and removed report:needverdict