On Hiatus - Beardedwall

I have been debating posting this but I know of a couple people who have asked where I went so this is for the rest.

Long story short. I said something stupid and it was interpreted to be advocation of harassment and lead to my instant discord ban and removal from council. It wasnt a slur or anything just poor phrasing.

It’s my own fault for saying something in such a dumbass way. I can see how staff got to where they did and this isnt like a rally cry against them… however it IS a misunderstanding and disappointing as I do not advocate for harassment and have played this for like 8 years.

Ive been graciously allowed to appeal after the New Year and will do so. In the meantime I can be directly messaged on discord if you need to.

However, I am finding it… challenging…to play without being able to interact or keep up with news and the like so my playtime will be reduced.

See yah later.


Bro, i think i remember when that happened, thats sad. Hope to see ya again. Good luck with the appeal and life.


Sounds like BS man. Sorry to see you go and hopefully both of us will back in the New Year. I hope your family and you have a great Christmas and New Years.


Thanks you too


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I have no idea what happened with discord and I’m not gonna try to find out, all I can say is that River has a cool hippie/zen personality and I enjoyed it whenever I came across ya. Best of luck with the appeal and/or just playing without the discord server, there’s many rounds where I don’t even look at discord and just go onto the next round.




Gonna DM you to play games and hang out.


Sounds good.


A further clarification. It seems that the rule if you get discord banned you lose all whitelists is being enforced once again. So I have been stripped of council AND synthetic and couldn’t play River if I wanted to.

I will have it back upon successful appeal. But River is cold storage for the time being.


That absolutely sucks man. That appeal can’t come soon enough.

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Yeah getting discordbanned is basically a death sentence for any WL holders, it’s a damn shame. I’d rather discord and in-game stayed relatively seperate, but I guess there’s not really much alternative given all the WL chats and such are in the main cord.

RIP hipster synth, hope you get it back someday


Like bruh, touch grass.

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Hippy not Hipster. That synth was sent to the abyss.

Appeal denied. Will reapply in a month.
See you boys then.

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God Speed.