originalnaym - Fax Responder Application

Fax Responder Application - originalnaym

What is your BYOND key?


What is your Discord ID?


What is your timezone in UTC?

UTC -6

Player Name You Use Most?

Duncan Wood

Ban Appeals, Whitelist and Staff Applications:


Have you been banned in the last 3 months?


If so, why?

Have you read the role guidelines and expectations?


Why do you wish to become a Fax Responder?

I am I certified HRPmaxxer. I have 400 hours of MP because I prefer to spend large portions of rounds yapping over the radio with the fellas instead of actually shooting xenos. To play Fax Responder, one must simply understand that it is the final form of yapper-pilled HRPmaxxing. The man who chooses to spend his free time encased in a box answering faxes and filing paperwork must either have lost that which makes him sane or gained that which makes him HRP. I believe that is a burden most staff members, at least partially, wish they could allow to rest on the shoulders of another. Please take the short story below as an example.

Whenever I have to play MP, I must often engage with Marine Law (derogatory). Furthermore, on many an occasion I must ask that the presiding member of our noble Staff Corps also engage with Marine Law (derogatory) when Lieutenant Gorman, bronze medal Staff Officer, once again makes a hair-pullingly asinine arrest order ending in Marine Law (complimentary) descending upon him like a looming specter. Lieutenant Gorman will complain, as they always do. He will attempt to appeal to a shipside member of command, presuming incorrectly that the Commander is unaware of his sub-par knowledge of Marine Law (mixed opinion) and the disruption it has wrought. His appeal will be denied, of course, as it always is. And then the fatal words will slip out of the Staff Officer’s mouth.

“I’m faxing Provost”

The MPs will sigh, roll their eyes, try to convince him his efforts are futile, but the Lieutenant is relentless. He types, he types, Cheeto dust embedding itself on the keys with every button pressed. After 10 minutes, Lieutenant Gorman unveils his masterpiece. A ten page document of incomprehensible dribble with the occasional legal term thrown in, as if you tried to teach a baby English with nothing but a room of law textbooks. The online staff members begin to weep, for there is no question of and no escape from what is coming. An MP takes the fax, daring not to read it or let his eyes graze the pages for more than a few milliseconds at a time. He marches, dutifully, to the fax machine, as a Western Union Telegram reader would have marched to a new widow in the 1940s to inform her that her loved one has been killed on Okinawa.

The fax is placed in its resting place, and with a sickening series of beeps, it is instantly beamed into the eyes of the innocent staff members. Their eyes are melted instantly by the sheer asininity contained in the message they have just received, like in Raiders of the Lost Ark. As everything fades to blackness, the last ocular input the staff members are granted is a single, pink line of text across the bottom right of the screen

LOOC: Scott Gorman: lmao provost is gonna show up and dome all u stupid fucks

This is how I think staff members feel when people make them answer faxes and I’d lowkey rather do it instead. I dunno I guess I think I’d enjoy the more mundane work, sort of like MP but an even more stacked roleplay to mechanics ratio. With a little practice I bet I could work the paperwork system like an artist with a paintbrush or something. I’m out of metaphors now, but I wanna add that, in my experience, getting a response back for a fax appeal is pretty rare unless an admin online just feels like messing around.

What do you consider the purpose of this role?

Traditionally faxes get answered by staff members, but sometimes they aren’t around or don’t really wanna, so faxes go unanswered. Bad, right? No good. Fax responders are basically people who staff has determined are big brained enough to make the decisions behind those faxes instead or, if staff is making the decision, type it up all nice and pretty so the recipient shows it off in LRC chat after the round ends. It’s busy work but, like, it’s fun busy work. Makes the round funner, more HRP, all the stuff people talk about wanting in salt posts on the forums. And it frees up staff to do more staffy stuff while leaving John “Fax” Responder to handle the fax stuff.

What is your playtime in Command Roles?

50 (SO. Gonna have to hit a 25 hour training montage while waiting on this)

What is your playtime in Military Police Roles?

446 (393 MP, 43 CMP)

What is your playtime in Corporate Liaison?


What is your playtime in Civil Roles?


What, if any, is your playtime in Special Roles?

None yet, too busy MP-maxxing


Same question I asked the others. Per the rules of the WL, you may only call the Almayer under EXCEPTIONAL circumstances

What would you define that as?

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one of the few guys with more Normal MP hours than I have total MP hours
*salute and instant +1

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Probably the most common use I’m gonna see out of it is people not noticing faxes that are super time sensitive. I.E Marine about to be executed sends an appeal but nobody notices the Provost response, better call them at the last second like the governor granting clemency in a movie.

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I love this. +1

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If playing WY Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CL?

If playing Press Responder, what objectives do you consider within your power to give the CC?

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I can basically give the CL any objective that doesn’t make them an antagonist for the Marines, so pretty much as long as they aren’t disrupting the operation or doing some illegal tomfoolery I’m ok. I want to give whoever’s playing CL something more involved than just signing NDAs and similar activities they would end up doing on their own anyways.


CL informs me an engineer survivor has come up from the colony. Cool, since they already know about the shady xeno shit we’ve been up to, show them your containment cell and ask them to examine it for flaws. The bioweapons guys could always use someone to help work on keeping our “projects” where they belong. Let the survivor know they’ll be sworn to secrecy, but they’re also in for a big promotion if they land the job. Feel free to offer them an advanced bonus from your briefcase.

Alternatively for a Company that doesn’t care as much about its liaisons:

That building groundside the Marines just dropped an OB on was a multi million dollar investment. Once they push through it, we need you to go down there and photograph the damage so we can make an insurance claim. Oh, it’s dangerous? Life’s dangerous, pal, either you ride the dropship down there to take photos or you’re gonna be riding the bus to your job at Pizza Galaxy.


I don’t see a lot of press faxes, but when they do come in I think it’ll be important to sort of “yes, and” whatever they send me. So, for example, if a Marine CC sends in an article about the dropships, it could enhance their round to send back a reply like “Good stuff, we’re all liking this at the office. If you have time, could you get an interview from a Marine whose seen a CAS strike in action? The folks at home would love that.”

I might send a civilian CC on a mission to dig deeper if they uncover some sort of scheme or corruption afoot on the Almayer, but obviously the same restrictions apply about not making them an antag or a shitter.

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