OriginalNaym - Player Report: Gokcen Demir, 11, Marine Law Mandatory Compliance
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Duncan Wood
Accused character name:
What rule(s) were broken?:
Gokcen Demir
Description of the incident:
11, Marine Law Mandatory Compliance
Was the CMP, Demir was one of my MPs. It was code green throughout the entire incident.
They were patrolling, I assume near the CL’s office, and put out a call saying there was a survivor in there who hadn’t surrendered their weapons yet. According to their testimony later in the round, Demir saw the survivor holding the weapon, told them to hand it over, and the CL closed the shutters. They had no further contact from that point up until the rule break, about 30 seconds.
While I’m walking over, Demir asks over the radio for riot charges, which I decline and explain that I believe the situation can be resolved without such force. When I arrived, four or so MPs were present, so I led one to the back door in order to watch it and began walking back to the front to begin trying to establish communication with the people inside. At that moment, I get hit by a flashbang.
Unbeknownst to me, the front door had opened while I was away, and Demir immediately threw a flashbang into the open door. They did not testify that the weapon had been aimed at them, or was even in the room anymore. By the time I got back up, the weapon was no longer in the room.
Furthermore, after entering the office, Demir repeatedly ignored orders to de-escalate the situation and leave. I got on the radio and said “everybody get out of the office”. They ignored me. Once it was revealed that the survivor didn’t have the weapon anymore, she continued attempting to arrest them. I told her to stop, she said “I already told him he’s under arrest” and chased him down with a taser. Additionally, Demir attempted to avoid taking accountability for deploying the flashbang. I asked repeatedly who threw it and received no response. Another officer had to tell me after the fact.
Demir claimed there was an immediate threat to life present, which is absurd in my opinion. Every interaction with the people in the CL’s office took place behind the glass prior to the flashbang being thrown. And judging by the lack of any actual weapon in the room the flashbang was deployed in, no credible threat was present at the time it was used.
Ordinarily I would have assumed staff would have dealt with this. However, based on the fact that the character is played by a staff member and that follow-up conversations in LRC showed they believe their actions were acceptable (both factors indicate nobody with the power to sanction them has done so at time of writing), I think it’s necessary to have it reported at least for public record if nothing else.
Demir’s conduct was completely unbecoming of an MP, and of a staff member who ought to know better. Their actions on 12th January 2025 would have, if committed by any non-staff player, have led to a note at least. If the staff team holds people who play MP to a high standard with the justification that they are expected to serve as an IC replacement for having staff deal with minor disruptions (paraphrased quote from management), I would expect that those actual staff members themselves be held to a standard as well.