OT rebalance idea

Here is my rebalance idea:

My idea

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image hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

Claymore M20: reduce Volume from 120 to 60, reduce Duration from 18 to 15, reduce Shrapnel from 40 to 18
M40 (small nades): reduce Volume from 180 to 80, increased falloff from 80 to 100
M15s (big nades): Increase falloff from 120 to 150, reduce radius from 6 to 5, reduce duration from 32 to 24
C4: Increase radius from 4 to 6, Increase druation from 20 to 24
Rocket: reduce Volume from 210 to 180, reduce power to 220 to 180, Increase intensity from 45 to 50, reduce shrapnels from 80 to 40
Mortar shell: increase falloff from 130 to 240, reduce shrapnel from 200 to 180
Cam Mortar shell: Reduce falloff from 130 to 90, recude intensity from 45 to 40, reduce shrapnel from 200 to 128.
Other container: reduce power from 175 to 120, reduce shrapnel from 128 to 64

Does my idea kills early maxcap? Yes. Increasing falloff for both Mortar and M15s makes it so full ANFO cant reach min Falloff (25) and needing for research to get EXP 1-4 to fully reduce it to 25
(in short, OT cant make maxcap nades early)

Shrapnel changes. We all know insta-kill claymore (mines) but changing the limit to 15 makes so it does not one shot most of the xeno (Except runners) and limiting the damage to 450 (need testing). Lowering Rocket’s Shrapnel also does not One shot T3s (currently it can).

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Here are my thoughts on this

  1. Was rockets ever at 210 volume? as far as I know the wiki and most cook books treats rocket at 180 volume same as m15. If it is a mistake I think it should be noted because it’s moving the starting line of how we view how strong an explosive is relative to everything else.
  2. Im opposed to making volumes in sets different than 60u because then you need to include vials to use the full 90u of M40 which means those vials would be completely dedicated toward only M40 explosives and can’t be used in other explosives unless you use two together or pour it into a different container. Overall I think it might slow down overall production speed of OT and you know the saying “A slow OT is an unhelpful OT” and all that
  3. Generally the raising of fall off does prevent max cap explosives but it also kills the idea of any mixed damage bombs since you would have to add more explosives in to make up for it which is tough since the space we do have would be more competitive by declining volume space.

Those are my first thoughts on reading, I could be entirely wrong and this could be balanced but I feel this just pushes everyone to make more fire, WP, and shrap bombs which might be the idea of this balance.

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1 Yes, rocket is currently at 210 volume. PR

2 I suppose before the change (before its 120) on M40 its quite hard to properly fill it up as suppose to 120. I haven’t seen M40 gets properly use other than incendiary based cause the power.

3 it makes OT more reliant to research and have “progression” rather than being a round-start thing then heading to cryo.

Fire and Shrapnel kills more marine than xenos. Xeno can push marines into the fire. Shrapnel not doing anything cause it missed most of its shrapnel. I guess Hornet Shrapnel can be use to m40s to debuff xenos or Neurotoxin shrapnel to slow them down (idk if it affects marines too).
WP is already fixed PR so its like fire now but blocks vision for marines.

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My idea: Remove OT. Pretty balanced and easy to code.


The 15th remove OT PR just got denied. Just fix it lmao.


The PR temporarily disabled the role until it gets fixed, but devs either refuse to acknowledge any balance issues with the role, or they know there’s blatant problems and decide to let the playerbase suffer anyways until someone deigns to fix it (if ever), instead of disabling objectively broken mechanics until someone deigns to fix it.

“Just fix it lmao” isn’t a justification to leave broken shit in the game…


I was being very sarcastic. I am the number 2 OT hater, right after Cabal.


my bad bro, I’m just frustrated cause that was pretty much the unironic response of devs to the last pr lol


i love excel spreadsheets with lots of numbers i think more games should require them theyre so awesome