OT rocket rebalance

what do you guys think?
what are your predictions? underpowered? overpowered?

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You can make maxcaps out of corn oil and sulfuric acid

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incendiary was always shit
explosive maxcaps were always the best

overall nerf

still sad OT is overtuned but baseline SADAR is pathetic, when the fuck will we bridge this ridiculous gap completely?

at least this nerfs OT by a bit, but really- baseline SADAR rockets need a buff.

The issue with OT explosives, of any kind, continues to remain its unpredictability. This applies for both factions but far more so for the Xenomorphs since they are the ones who are the target.

With most weapons systems you know what to expect when being shot at or when someone throws something. But OT explosives or rockets throw this out the window.

That grenade or rocket could be a 1 tile fart, or it could be a screenwide maxcap that’ll kill you or stun for long enough for you to die.

If we are talking about buffing the RPG, the only thing I can think of is.

  • Significantly increase the explosive damage of HE rockets and increase single target damage of AT rockets
  • Make ammo far more expensive
  • Add some kind of ‘steady’ mechanic where the user needs to steady themselves in place for a few seconds before they can fire an accurate shot, if they fire without steadying, they lose accuracy but they will also knock themselves to the floor

Basically, you make the RPG far more deadly, but you add a setup cost.

Rant over


erm, when you code it :nerd_face:


Bro, its an RPG launcher. There is no knockback.

But i think seeing OT rockets more favourd for fire migth be interesting. Lots of OTs mainly to explosives. Seeing some more encouragment to do fire would be nice.


Imagine firing the RPG with no attempt at bracing for the recoil versus actually bracing.

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Imagine being knocked down by the recoil of a recoilless weapon


doing a 360 before firing should allow u to fire rpg one handed


OT harassing chefs/med/researchers to make something beyond mediocre is the point of the role. while i dislike that some OTs hammer out some 6 overpowered custom rounds/12 OT maxcaps by roundstart then cryo, i admire the handful who play the round out. to screw their potential over a smidgeon of shots/throws is funny to me


The reason it’s dangerous to stand behind a firing RPG is because the recoil is negated through the backblast.


Lets be realistic.

“realism” went out the window a long time ago when an anti-tank warhead does not gib whatever it strikes

I don’t care about the nitty details of “muh realism” I only care about discussing the idea of buffing the RPG so it is not reliant on a competent OT for the the RPG to be an actually good Spec pick.


I believe the main reason they do this is after you produce a certain number of maxcaps producing more becomes a chore as you need to run around the ship begging medical/req for more supplies, also they want to see their maxcaps explode and kill shit too.


There is so muc wrong with that.
Like, realism just means you dont do random shit like “Making people in medbay get brain aneurysm whenever the sniper rifel is fired” or “Giving a recoiless weapon, that posses an ingame mechanic to show what happens with the reccoil of the explosive that has an ingame effect and danger, recoil”
Just breaks your own worlds established rules. Thats stuff poorly written magic usually does.

And the big problem mate, your suggesting a ligth-rework to buff the weapon. Yes It is a rework, your suggesting to make the playstile of the weapon slower, more powerfull but with a a higher risk.
Just a suggestion from me. If you belive the damage of Sadar is too low if they dont have aces to maxcap Ot rockets:

  1. Skill Issue

You dont need to give it some fancy mechanics if just its damage is too low. Just raise the damage a bit, TM it, see what happens, and then adjust it. Dont try and reinvent the wheel man.


If you are going to change a weapon, make a big change instead of a tiny one.

that is one of the dumbest statements that has been utterd on ideaguys as of yet.


Don’t tell maintainers

doesnt make the statement less dumb.

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A common issue brought up at times regarding the RPG is that people consider it to be a sub-par pick compared to other Spec kits unless you have a OT making max-cap rockets.

I am not a captain of balance, ergo my opinion is just that, a opinion, nontheless my idea was to consider buffing the RPG in some way whilst not making it overbearing.

My idea of making the weapons platform unstable unless you activate the weapon and stay stationary for a few moments could be re-themed as the user bringing the weapon to their shoulder and taking aim in an effective firing stance.

The details are secondary when I am talking about balance implications.