OT rockets need some tweaking

The past couple of days I’ve seen semi competent and even mediocre sadars being able to insta gib half the hives t2’s and t1’s without even landing a direct shot and you aren’t even being able to hide behind doors because the explosion is so big.

I don’t think they should be removed but maybe tweaked so you can’t make so many? I feel like SADAR with OT rockets is just too oppressive it feels like a single marine can win the game.


If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight! Tsun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal… BECAUSE HE INVENTED IT and then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on earth , and then he herded them onto a boat. Then He beat the crap out of every single one!

Heheh… and from that day forward anytime a bunch of animals are in one places it’s called a zoo!



The people who have spec on high and play every round of the day will hate you for saying this


I actually concur. I believe OT explosives are too powerful and are only balanced by whoever makes them.

You can’t predict the explosive range of a OT explosion

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OT rockets too stronk, base SADAR too weak, after how many months will we finally see an OT nerf and SADAR buff that fixes this?

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as a marine main who usually dies 10 minutes into drop, i’ve observed ravagers, t1’s and t2’s (in a pretty decent radius) get instagibbed/instakilled by an OT rocket. i’m not gonna lie, it’s a little broken at the moment and could definitely use a tweak, also OT’s have been almost solely focusing on OT rockets or OT CAS lately and i want my two maxcap suicides back the second i get warrior grabbed

with the increased volume capacities with the recent tweaks, it’s really, really easy to make A LOT of explosive maxcap rockets using shittier, more abundant reagents.

You can just assume it’s going to be a maxcap, because it usually is. Sometimes people will try fire stuff or weird things like white phosphorus or shrapnel but most stuff is just maxcaps. It’s not difficult to max out the explosive power so the only reason a HE explosive wouldn’t be maxed is if the OT is bald or they ran out of chems. You don’t even need octo to max out anything except m40 now I think.

OT rockets shouldn’t be a thing to begin with. OT m15s have a forced timer on them so that even if launched from a GL, it gives a chance for xenormophs to flee.

For some reason, rockets have no such mechanic so you can just one shot players round start.

Delete OT rockets, merge OT with research to force them to actually develop an explosive rather than making maxcaps roundstart.


Jean, Jean We get it, you want to make OT a part of the research department so that when you eventually declare independence from the UA you have weapons to fight back against CIC with.


just wait until you hear they used to gib praes

they do that now but instead of simply gibbing the prae, it takes a second for the gib to occur and also kills anything that was in a 4-5 tile radius around the prae

So I noticed falloff became negative for certain chemicals so I changed it here.

I was unsure why they were negative and the previous git for this didn’t really explain. I can understand falloff modifier being smaller but not negative, since thermite and ammonium nitrate were positive falloff modifiers. Maybe this can be tested to see the effects

i just spoke with the dev team, they are buffing them