OWLF guns.

Okay so if you don’t know, OWLF was supposed to be added to retrieve Predator corpses but it never got fully added because they needed unique weapons and gear, Mainly guns as far as i’m aware.

Therefore here are my suggestions on what to give them.

Just give them all this, it’s the standard rifle of OWLF, if you want to get any fancier you could add these.

OWLF Plasma rifle


OWLF freeze gun.

But the rifle would probably be enough, you can just give it the same stats as the Dutch’s dozen rifle as that is specifically meant to kill preds.


I don’t think that adding a fourth party to the already contentious third party of preds is a good idea.

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You know Dutch’s Dozen is already in the game right? they’re meant to respond to predator problems.

Also the main point of OWLF is to give marines a reward for killing a predator.

and some of the assets are already in.


Great idea man.

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pred players as i steal the freeze gun to take them to CL office in exchange for that bonus cheque


when have dutch’s dozen ever been legitimately deployed into a round? never in my lifetime, but do let me know if it happens

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The development roadmap does include a section on adding OWLF. They would be a in-lore anti-predator ERT that would arrive on the Almayer to collect any recovered Predator gear or bodies, rewarding the Marines with intel points for their efforts.

At minimum they need gun sprites and someone to code the ERT to arrive automatically. Either way this is very much a concept that’d be easily accepted to the codebase.

@thwomper I don’t think we have any freezer gun sprites, or at least if we do they are not on the code base or are well hidden. We only have the uniform sprites as noted in the roadmap.

Edit: Last year I was going to add OWLF as a admin-ERT. But the maintainers said that OWLF need unique weapons and equipment to be sprited, instead of just using USCM weapons, even if the USCM weapons had a unique camo.

I don’t know if this stance has changed but I am doubtful.

i think we have sprites for the freeze gun but as for standard weaponry i’d just stick with more common stuff like nsg instead of making some unique sci fi slop


See i’d be fine with m41s but apparently it’s got to be unique from what i’ve seen.

Personally i’m surprised no one tried making an XM99 for them because plasma.

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Been talked about already to make plasma guns. But most want to make plasma guns somewhat uniqe, and not just a bullet reskin.
'cause once we got plasma guns, they can fit very well on the almayer lore wise. So it be a new type of gun for regular gameplay.

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Adding another faction to combat preds (or maybe making Dutch’s Dozen more frequent/easily accessible? idk) might actually be a good thing with regards to the WL.
A Yellows queen round yesterday led to an amazing AvP all-out war between like half a dozen preds and the entire hive, and marines got dragged into it, but stuff like that is pretty rare.

For the most part lots of people have expressed how preds don’t really fit well into the game as it stands, giving them an opposing faction could maybe help smooth that transition over and give them a place. Or if nothing else that type of conflict could almost be its own thing, and have less impact/effect on the general roundflow.

It gives chance for RP between preds, the counter-pred faction, and marines/xenos, but it also gives preds something to do when marines/xenos don’t wanna interact with them.

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really? shame i missed it lol

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DD gear spawns on the pred ship in new varadero as well, but it’s mostly fucking unusable, except the fatigues. The DD Armor cannot be equipped with the fatigues that spawn there, though.


They deployed them yesterday?? The ERT admins put out was for a bunch of UPP or somethin wasn’t it?

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the first two waves yes, that was the assault on the pred ship itself

groundside was DD