Pen/Flashlight Eye Check Screen Flash Change

Unabashed copium here, just had a medic check me with the penlight twice last round and it triggered a migraine. Anyone object to changing the screen flash that happens to something darker? Maybe something similar to the fading in/out that happens when dying or a darker grey screen? Going to go take painkillers and curl up in a dark room because ow

Theres a preference i think
I don’t remember exactly where it is, but it turns flashes dark instead of light iirc

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In "preferences’ then “toggle preferences” then bottem list “set flash type”
then click on it and set it to dark

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This is a big issue.
I suffer from epilepsy and I have always struggled with people using flashes on me.
Preference or not it still causes migraines and could cause an epilepsy fit if used excessively.

I fully believe any flashes that happen should stun similar to how the briefing flash works, where it causes no visual but instead just stuns you for a while.

Im aware grandes etc cause flash issues but if Im stood ontop of a nade as a human I can preemptively look away. I can not with a flash or penlight

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