Perina - Whitelist Report: Unknown (Predator), Unknown Predator gaming Honor Code ROE
What’s your BYOND key?
Round ID:
Your character name:
Fledgling Facehugger (514)
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Unknown (Predator)
What rule(s) were broken?:
Unknown Predator gaming Honor Code ROE
Whitelist in question:
Description of the incident:
I was looking out for potential marine caps as hugger 514 and went to investigate sounds of xenos fighting in the backline. As soon as I identified the combatant as a predator, I broke back off towards the frontline. I was in view of the pred for maybe 1-2 seconds. However as soon as I left, the unknown predator began to ignore the combat caste xenos they were fighting in favor of chasing me down across 1.5-2 screens, outrunning and hitting me multiple times with their melee weapon until I died.
While I’m aware that loitering in the vicinity of a pred makes a hugger makes it fair game, this seems like an instance of gaming the system for a cheap kill. I stress that the hugger was in view for 1-2 seconds, only long enough to ID the combatant, and was already disengaged by the time this pred decided to chase it down and kill it, all while ignoring the combat xenos that were actually fighting. Doesn’t seem in the spirit of the Honor Code at all.
None available.