Petition to bring back Xeno Conga

Reason, I find it funny. Discuss.

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Make it obligatory after you win hijack.

also @Yellows

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I just did a small conga as a greeno with 4 talls

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Man, thats cultural appropriation! :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

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I am an open xacist. Deal with it

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Can’t have shit.

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Also where is @sg2002.

My previous plan to legalize CONGA was to make it into a game mechanic:
Whenever xenos form into a CONGA they get different bonuses based on the CONGA composition - more armor, movement speed and so on. Then when the CONGA is big enough, projectiles start flying out of it. It starts shooting flamers and even RPG rockets at the marines. The final tier of CONGA power is that marine heads just explode in it’s vicinity.

I called this system CONGATECH. But was too lazy to code it before techwebs got removed.

It’s not even that unique of a game mechanic: that Chinese Rimworld game had a similar combat system, where you optimize formations of your cultivators based on the rules of Feng Shui.

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The CONGA line is psychological warfare. Think about it. You see Xenos doing a CONGA line. That is true Fear RP.