Playable colony critters (monkeys, farwas, yirens, etc.)

A role, maybe a ghost role, where you take control of a random critter on the colony and have to survive with your fellow critters, unlikely to be aided by the marines, with xenos creeping around your little jungle, because it just sounds fun, so why not?


It should also be in the rules that hiding in the lockers would lead to a note if this idea does get accepted.

Honestly, just make it so they can’t close stuff, and only open stuff.

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Make monkeys and farwas able to pick up basic stuff, no handguns, and i think only opening things is a decent idea

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I could see some complain from xeno mains that it might hamper their round start


No monkey army again?

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I can only see low roleplay arising from this.

Then add basic recipes for primitive stuff like spears and clubs, add a nest where the wild monkey tribals spawn as ghost roles, add basic wooden barricades. Instead of just happening to be a random monkey annoying marines, you’re a part of a small, very primitive tribe of monkeys with a goal of protecting your nest, similar to ash walkers from regular ss13 servers. That should facilitate higher RP than just being a monkey tider with no real goal but to survive.


This tbh


You could do it as a spectator minigame, ala the kobal survival arcade game from Warcraft 3/ Starcraft 2. Monkeys vs Farwas

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If a xeno can’t catch a farwa, we have bigger issues tbh. Just make it highly limited - if anything lol

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Me and my bros dancing around the campfire till a xeno snatches us


Don’t underestimate the power of Monkey.


actually lets do it why the fuck not

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Most marines contribute nothing but LRP so I see no difference between a bunch of shitposting lower lifeforms and playable colony critters.


Imagine if the CLF could train monkeys and make a CLF planet of the apes situation

Imagine the screenshots and videos that would arise from an event like that :skull:

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ah shit they made xloons tower defense a real thing


why does this literally sound like predator jr

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this actually sounds pretty cool! i’d like to be a lil guy and run around! it’ll cut down on the time spent in ghost mode watching the larva queue tick up