PLEASE let me put med optic and buckshot into the boonie hat

PLEASE post must be at least 20 characters I WILL DO ANYTHING for it the drip will be so fine


i miss the eyeslot medhud

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Wear a helmet.


Counter point, no


its drip or drown and bitch im floatin


Can’t you just get a normal medhud? And are you sure you cannot put buckshot? There is a slot.

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i made this post after trying to put buckshot in it so it doesnt work

Look man, all I’m saying is:

All the Helldivers wear Helmets. All the Mobile Infantry in Starship Troopers wear Helmets.

And they kill a lot of bugs. Maybe they’re onto something :slight_smile:


Except Rico in Starship Troopers, name another protag wears a helmet.

Tristan Quilt wears a helmet

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the government is oppressing those who refuse to wear their brainwashing apparatus (helmets) because apparently ‘they need them so CIC knows where you are’ i call bullshit…

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Master Chief.

*stares at you with visors filled with judgment

Yeah pretty sure buckshot is a Small item. Boonies only fit cosmetic items fit for it, or tiny items. I’m not even sure if they fit tiny items either… I don’t think you can put lighters in a boonie for example.
Same as patrol cap

the reason helmets can fit it is because its a helmet compatible item afaik…

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Medhud on eyeslot and cosmetic is for rp.
We need to wear helmet only so everyone is the same for TDM sake.
Sure they wear helmet in starship troopers and other tdm games and movies.
In alien movies there was few who where helmet because it was about soul and characters.
Cm is not that

im the protagonist soooo like im not gonna get decapped cause i have plot armour

What do you mean RP, running around with anything but a helmet while fighting benos able to slash your head off if you don’t wear one isn’t what realistic RP is about. To test out, you can join the military of some country constantly being at war, wait until you’re in combat and then count how many people are not wearing helmets.

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No way you said the same thing as me you idiot

even modern helmets don’t stop most bullets getting spat out - haven’t for a long time. they exist to protect from minor crashes, falls, shrapnel, things falling on you, etc. people wearing helmets in Aliens, Starship Troopers, etc., die despite helmets - almost like it’s irrelevant to xenos with literal scythes for arms, blades for tails, face-punching secondary mouths.

I second this idea of making non-armoured head gear more viable. It makes it so i can aim head more and get that sweet decap/IB.