Pog Champs Enthuasist - Player Report: Todd ‘Ikea’ Winton, Survivors may NOT be hostile unless they have been spawned as hostile survivors
What’s your BYOND key?
Pog Champs Enthuasist
Round ID:
Your character name:
Jaelyn ‘Omoshiro’ Rohtin
Accused BYOND key:
Accused character name:
Todd ‘Ikea’ Winton
What rule(s) were broken?:
Survivors may NOT be hostile unless they have been spawned as hostile survivors
Description of the incident:
I spawn in roundstart as a WY pilot at car factory on hybrisa, I bumrush the surplus store and I’m the only survivor in the round to make it there. After grabbing PMC gear and a machete pouch, I start bumrushing to hospital to grab a thermal tarp, as I am approaching hospital Winton runs by me and starts following me, I continue running north to the hospital morgue to grab a thermal tarp before I stop a moment to hear winton, before he says anything he runs past me and grabs the thermal tarp first before running away from me and eventually tossing the thermal tarp somewhere specifically so I couldnt have it because “hiding is lame” he later said when we got to a hold.
After we grabbed gear and got a hold with cades going winton said several times he purposely tossed it away and did many actions that the other survivors including me didnt want, like keeping a sentry at the farthest forward cades so he could run out of them and kill xeno’s, even when we said several times we need to move it back to last longer.
Overall the entire survivor phase for me and other survivors was hampered by todd’s fraggers mentality and at times sabotaging survs to do so.
And you were attempting to hoard the PMC gamer gear and hide with it, which totally isn’t a sabotage
P.S. If I was ever lockerhiding - you couldn’t have tortured this info out of me. And bro just made a report on someone who interfered with his lockergaming. It’s survover
important to mention that during the round no other survivors went to the surplus store and none asked me for my armor. Plus there was zero mention of a hold by anyone until past 0:07, at which point I had already looted surplus and was running to grab a tarp.
Late night surv gameplay is so fuck shit with half the players dying because they don’t know the map and I assumed this was the case tonight and got ready to survive solo.
Hello there @boompro, this player report has been denied. After looking into the matter myself, at length, and crossed referenced with our own records. I have found the matter to be an in character issue. I have also taken the time to mark this thread as resolved.