Pog Champs Enthuasist - Whitelist Report: Zi’Stra Nhon, Undermining the spirit of the WL, antagonizing xenos in a marine assisting way
What’s your BYOND key?
Pog Champs Enthuasist
Round ID:
Your character name:
Jaelyn “omoshiro” rohtin, ULV-XXX-V1
Accused BYOND key:
Not provided by admins
Accused character name:
Zi’Stra Nhon
What rule(s) were broken?:
Undermining the spirit of the WL, antagonizing xenos in a marine assisting way
Whitelist in question:
Description of the incident:
at round start, I rolled queen and started as normal, after we got survivors xenos went out to hold A block as per my orders while other backliners went near cargo/connecting hall to A block, at first the pred was just doing pred things, minorly skirmishing and walking around, he wasnt my main concern as I was building stuff all around, but after marines landed he started much more against his code, such as fighting all my backliners that were not even offscreen from where marines where flaring and moving, eventually killing 2 warriors before leaving, a bit more time passes and eventually I hear pred is opening resin for hosts and firing his gun, I did not see this myself but it was told to me by another xeno, log pullers will have to confirm this. now that was about it besides the fact he was kinda just sitting around near us constantly on frontlines, until I died about midway through the round, then I started observing him and seeing alot more bullshit, since I started observing him it seemed that he was spending his time exclusively sitting on front, how close you might wonder? literaly running back side by side with xenos to avoid CAS, I have no doubt he was seen several times as well doing this by marines. In conclusion, from my POV I heard and saw the pred Only being an asshole to xenos and antagonizing us so much I cannot overlook it
Viewing Note* during any pauses I was writing this report.
I was spectating this round and observing that exact Pred. I can tell you that this report is overexaggerating code breaks by the pred player.
The pred was opening resin doors, but not for marines, only to move away from the frontline.
I don’t recall seeing the pred shooting their gun at all while I was spectating them. While I understand you’re getting this as second-hand information, it still should be noted that the xenos were upset that some of them had died to pred (after attacking it).
I think the pred player had great roleplay in their actions and lived up to the pride of their character. Maybe a bit too aggressive but xenos definitely played their part in attacking first and antagonizing the predator.
I believe I left an Ahelp about the situation after the Queen said she’d be reporting the predator to Queen Mother. My username is Ariphylor and I was ghosted as August Lowes, if you have access to/want to check the ahelp relay to see exactly what I said, it’d probably detail the events better since I’m making this post a few days after the incident, so take my word with a grain of salt.
How the pred handles the new runner at 8:46 is also excellent. Handles them nonlethally and basically just tells them “fuck off”, and when they continue attempts to cap he switches to lethal. Even then doesn’t pursue when they scamper off. Great way to handle it.
In any case, I do think they were a bit over the edge, but I’d just give them a slap on the wrist and call it a day. I sat through 20 minutes of that video and I didn’t see them attack a single xeno first.
Hiya, Senator here. I’d like to preface this with an apology for the delay, it has taken far too long and hopefully it won’t repeat itself.
Let’s take facts at hand:
Even if this wasn’t true, I’d like to inform all of you that Predators are antagonists. They are not waiting for you to shoot first for them to react, they can and will try to kill you whenever they wish so as long as it:
A. Doesn’t go against the Honor code.
B. Doesn’t impact the round severely.
Sitting at the front? That’s a shame, but you can kill them or ask them to leave and see what happens.
I had the displeasure of watching your video in bed, and I can safely say that nothing of note happens throughout the entire long video.
Report is denied, predators are free to hunt whoever they want within limits and without impacting the round.