poisonforwin - Whitelist Report: Dean , rule 6 Do not perform needlessly suicidal actions. Your self-preservation comes first.

poisonforwin - Whitelist Report: Dean , rule 6 Do not perform needlessly suicidal actions. Your self-preservation comes first.

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

mia ‘cassing’ poisonous

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:


What rule(s) were broken?:

rule 6 Do not perform needlessly suicidal actions. Your self-preservation comes first.

Whitelist in question:


Description of the incident:

NV round, fob siege, Synthetic Dean decided that it’d be a good idea to try and recover SG body 20 tiles south of fob while the whole hive was here. (SG was sparking orange at the moment). After the first attempt Dean almost got killed trying to recover the body, but even after the fail he went for a second lap and got gibbed in the process. What was that for? Recover a corpse that would perma anyways? That wasn’t a necessary risk. For me it clearly violates self preservation rule.



Added report:synth

Hi everyone,

In the report here, Dean was accused of traversing 20 tiles south to a contested SG body and dying when doing so.

However, after our thorough investigation of logs and available evidence we found a different set of conclusions from what was initially reported. Beforehand there was one successful rescue at the same location. The second rescue(which is reported here) was launched from a distance of 4-6 tiles(instead of 20) from the FOB, and during that moment there was only a sentinel(instead of the whole hive) contesting the location, and it had moved to the sidelines. As Dean moved closer to the body, he was entrapped and bodyblocked by 3 xenomorphs hiding behind a wall which resulted in his death and later his gib. Dean’s body was recovered by Marines but not the head.

Although Dean did take catastrophic damage from this rescue, it was not a self preservation failure. The xenomorphs(which were hidden) involved had launched an unforseen ambush, and bodyblocked him. Dean could have approached the situation better by trying to scout or weed out the ambush ahead of time, but he did not violate any programming willingly or unwillingly from being trapped and attacked. Dean’s methodology here could have been improved per our standards, and he will be spoken with so that he can be better prepared for similar situations in the future.

I implore you and all future reporters to give the most accurate evidence available and to do so with the best of your ability. Cropping screenshots and or editing evidence is taken negatively, especially when we have access to the actual evidence. In other words, report facts as they happened and do not try to be deceitful - if there is a rulebreak, then it will be dealt with accordingly. Misleading or false reports will contain reprecussions as stated within the rules.

Have a good day everyone :slight_smile:


Added report:denied and removed report:pendinglogs