powerfulXtian - Player Report: Unknown - I apologize and could not get it. However, it was the CMP for that round, Mandatory Obedience - Mutinies and arresting the Commander

powerfulXtian - Player Report: Unknown - I apologize and could not get it. However, it was the CMP for that round, Mandatory Obedience - Mutinies and arresting the Commander

What’s your BYOND key?


Round ID:


Your character name:

Wayne Durstine

Accused BYOND key:


Accused character name:

Unknown - I apologize and could not get it. However, it was the CMP for that round

What rule(s) were broken?:

Mandatory Obedience - Mutinies and arresting the Commander

Description of the incident:

Fast forwarding a little, operation looks grim. After some unfortunate events shipside, evacuation is imminent. Out the corner of my eye I see CL on charlie OW on a call, and I get slightly pissed that they are making calls in my CIC, considering they have their own. I tell them to leave CIC, and they say I’m a terrible commander. I order their arrest to the CMP, but shortly belay it after a misreading on ML making me believe they are not beholden to ML, instead telling them to keep an eye on them on not entering CIC. Some time after, the CMP, CL and a Weyland Security Officer(?) make their way into CIC, the CMP alongside the CL exclaiming that I am under arrest for sedition. I refuse and evade the MP, because I believe the arrest to be an attempt to overthrow command staff. Then Hijack starts.

I believe this arrest to be seditious, considering after I ran, the ship was taken over by the Liason, something the CMP allowed and presumably modified the CL’s ID to do, instead of delegating to the next in line, in this case the ASO. Usurping the legitimate command structure. As well as the CMP’s reason for arresting me of Sedition to not fit the definition.


N/A, sorry.

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Heya Wayne. You are correct in that the CMP had no cause to arrest you. Unfortunately, the Liaison and the CMP had an event plot to arrest you, wherein the CL paid the CMP at least 250 thousand dollars to get it done. The CMP had permission from myself to go through with the arrest, thus the event. Hijack seemed to put an end to it pretty quickly, and it looked to me as though the CMP immediately stopped trying to arrest you, so I called it done.

This report is denied, as the CMP was acting under my orders to circumvent the law. If you believe I have overstepped the event guidelines, please feel free to staff report me.


Added report:denied and removed report:needverdict