PR 6363 First Drop Protections: Gas and Static Turrets

I love adding stuff then never using it and having it just sit there and take up space.


Ok so i just had this idea:

Add gas masks to the maps, this way survivors get a chance to hold at the LZ BUT they need to find the gas masks first before the xenos melt them, additonally the gas masks are in randomized places each time so survs can’t just meta and go to the four places with gas masks.

But then it just becomes a “get gas mask and guarantee survive”, since the gas hurts xenoes a lot.


Issue with this is how do you communicate to a player if they walk into the LZ they will be detonated

Pretty sure the entire server knows what an OB sounds like, could just tone that down

the reversal from the old status quo of marines trying to rush the hive round start to now xenos rushing the lz has me dead this is like a toilet, downward spiral


“its a downward spiral it gets worse before it gets worse”

with the amount of marines and xenos that die every OB, I dont think so


“No armor one-shot neuro existed because survivors. Trucks nerfed because survivors. Shit groundside nerfed because survivors.”

All three of these are due to marines,
Marines were running around armourless so neth[?] PRed neuro instantly downing people without armour, it’s also the reason why endurance was added to survivors with then later on got giga buffed.

Truck was being used by marines to block T3 in choke points simple as well.

and maps were generally just fucked over by APC and tank.
So no frankly survivors generally get fucked over by changes made for marines more than the other way around. See Power APC change and wall slashing which I still have no fucking idea why they added it.

edited for Spelling.

The PR only removes holding the LZ and surrounding area, which is completely fine.

Now you can do what survivors were doing for many years before. Find a department, room, or outpost with doors, few windows, and grab yourselves insulated gloves.

You’ll probably find out you survive more this way than spamming molotovs on the corner of an LZ, and you’ll probably kill something too.

The amount of copium in this thread is completely unnescescary and blows everything out of proportion, acting like its the end of the world because you cannot scum a booze dispenser and play victim when the boring and repititive play-loop is removed is goofy as fuck.

I’ll re-iterate, LZ holding with booze dispensors and cadehugging like this literally never existed until like, last year when new survivors replaced old players who left CM forever.


I was sceptical at first about this PR but after it got test merged i actually like it, the river of salt of survivor mains must flow.

In addition i think it might be the end of “funny non-meta” hives done every other LV round by certain individual (he who must not be named).

that feel odd to launch gas and hostile sentries(for survivors) on LZ when you are suppose to be there because of a distress signal.
i can already imagine survivors getting shredded when they run toward LZ for safety.
on the other hand i love the fact that LZ protection and restriction won’t be handle via rules and code wise but with mechanics in-game.

i guess fuck survivors(they are currently broken and not really interesting anyway.
i would still love a change to justify this hostile take from uscm toward any possible survivors.
maybe another PR will refactor/change survivor to adapt or give them something to do(repair a ship or open a bunker/strong point to hold.

survivors where always meant to be the hardest role so i guess survivors need to adapt and find new meta to survive as long as they can.

chemically bombarding a colony who the marines know are full of people (that they are trying to RESCUE, with this chem bombing as STANDARD FUCKING POLICY) is not “making the colonists a bit restless”, it’s fucking insane, and you would be shanked to death by every marine with a colonist loved one if you suggested this as a CO.

Who in the lore team signed off on this decision? I could understand deploying some less than lethal weapon to disperse hot landing zones, but actively attacking company protected colony infrastructure on the chance of an attack would not pass the RoE of hell’s army itself.

If you’re worried about getting jumped, smoke out the landing zone and rappel down from 25 feet or so up. This would be an incredibly strange thing to sugggest for an army in the warhammer 40k setting to do as a matter of cause unless they were genocidal or mad, or some special circumstance required it.

It’s fine to do this by the server’s RP standards. An infiltration mini event was ended by marines totally not metagaming by placing a proximity bomb in maintenance.

“uh yes there have been reports of um, spies or something so I filled the narrow passageways around the ship with bombs as a precaution, but um don’t worry even if you die we can magically revive you with a defib no problem, don’t complain about this IC and be a party pooper”

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rp in my dms NOW!


My memory might be a bit rusty, had a strange feeling it was because survs, but I guess you are right, my bad.

And that is completly, unapologetically, 100% fine and how it should be. Even one change to survivors that fucks up marines/xenos is super bad. 100 changes to marines that make surv unplayable is perfectly fine.

Due to xeno/marine change of not being able to weed LZs and areas close to it, survs abused that and they got shit, now they cry. Literally, how they existed before adding that change? They existed the same.
Thank Kane that devs made a mechanical change that doesn’t fuck marines to both prevent survs and xenos camping LZ. I can imagine 1000 deeply flawed ways that could be used instead, and I am glad they were not.

Survivors should always be an afterthought, or labrats to test new things, not a legitemate balanced role that have to have fun.

Completely agree to be honest, and I personally like the PR changes as someone who hated LZ holds and loved building holds, however I do think they shouldn’t be forgotten in the dust.

If this means adding some better hold locations or changes that makes holds a bit easy I do think it should attempt to effect the main loop and minimally as possible.

If there’s a problem with surv hold locations and FOB falling too fast, ban LZ holds and buff marines, don’t gas the people you’re trying to rescue.

ok but if we dont gas them we’ll run out of CLF to fight so…


Just let Weyland keep doing evil shit, they’ll make an endless supply of CLF.